February 11, 2016


Your Trusted Source for Federal and State Policy Updates and News Concerning Our Sportsmen's Heritage

On February 9, the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation (CSF) hosted its annual "Welcome Back to Congress" reception on Capitol Hill, gathering new and returning Members of the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus (CSC)...


On February 5, the Maryland Hunting Coalition hosted its annual "Blaze and Camo Day" rally at the Maryland State Capitol in Annapolis. The annual rally provided an opportunity to celebrate Maryland's rich outdoor sporting heritage while discussing policies, with state lawmakers, on opportunities to advance hunting and fishing...

Caucus Showcase: Wisconsin Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Wisconsin was one of the most recent states to form a legislative sportsmen's caucus, joining the National Assembly of Sportsmen's Caucuses (NASC) as the 45th member state in January 2015. Working in close coordination with the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation (CSF), the Wisconsin Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus has quickly gained a membership base of 50 legislators (nearly 38 percent of the entire Wisconsin legislature) and hosts regular meetings to discuss policy priorities for the hunting and angling community...


The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation (CSF) is pleased to announce a new partnership with Plano Synergy. Joining CSF as a Diamond level Mission Partner, Plano Synergy's support will be directed towards CSF's mission of protecting and advancing the hunting, angling, recreational shooting, and trapping traditions in the halls of government...

On February 20, the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation (CSF) will host the annual "Governors Sportsmen's Caucus (GSC) Winter Reception" in Washington, DC. The event brings together governors from across the country and members of the sportsmen's community for a night of comradery and to discuss the policy priorities for America's hunters and anglers in 2016.  

The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation (CSF) is seeking a Midwestern States Coordinator to co-manage the state sportsmen's caucus effort organized under the National Assembly of Sportsmen's Caucuses (NASC) and the Governors Sportsmen's Caucus (GSC) programs for the Great Lakes states (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI) within CSF's Midwestern Region...

The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation is currently accepting applications for the Brad Rowse Fellowship Program. The Fellowship Program includes tracking state and federal legislation that impacts hunting, fishing, and wildlife conservation; writing and assisting with the preparation of the NASC email newsletter; providing timely information to state legislative caucuses; and assisting with the various CSF events...

The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation is currently accepting applications for the Event and Development Internship Program. The Event and Development intern will have opportunity to learn the importance of event planning and development in the hunting, fishing and conservation nonprofit arena... 

Your Opinions Counts: Take the CSF Poll
Recent polling suggests 70% of western hunters, and 28% of hunters nationally, rely predominantly on public lands for their hunting trips. Regarding hunting on federal public lands (FPLs)... 


Working with Congress, governors and state legislatures to protect and advance hunting, angling, recreational shooting and trapping.


For more information on the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation go to www.SportsmensLink.org or contact Sara Leonard at 202.543.6850 x 11 or email sara@sportsmenslink.org.


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