October 23, 2015


Your Trusted Source for Federal and State Policy Updates and News Concerning Our Sportsmen's Heritage

On October 22, Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation (CSF) Fisheries Program Director Chris Horton joined eight panelists to testify before the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans on the Gulf States Red Snapper Management Authority Act (H.R. 3094)...


Minnesota DNR Proposes Lead Shot Ban on 600,000 Acres of Public Land
On October 13, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) released a proposed rule to ban lead shot on all wildlife management areas (WMAs) in the far western and southern half of Minnesota. The affected area is referred to as the "Farmland Zone," and contains almost 1,300 of the state's 1,524 WMAs, approximating 600,000 acres of public land. The 70,000 pheasant hunters currently residing in Minnesota frequent this region to pursue birds on public land, and the proposed rule would disproportionally affect these upland game bird hunters, as well as those hunting wild turkey, dove, and other small game species. The proposed rule does not apply to hunters using single-projectile ammunition, such as rifles or shotguns with slugs...

New Hampshire: Suppressor Bill Clears Committee
On October 15, HB 500, sponsored by New Hampshire Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus member Representative John Burt, passed out of the New Hampshire House of Representative's Fish and Game and Marine Resources Committee with a vote of 7 - 5. During the executive session, numerous Caucus members spoke in favor of the bill, which, if enacted, would legalize hunting with suppressors in the Granite State. Thirty-seven other states across the nation currently allow hunters to take advantage of this innovative technology while afield - offering sportsmen and women a practical method of hearing protection while maintaining situational awareness...

On October 7, members of the North Dakota Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus gathered at Capital City Sporting Clays outside Bismarck, ND to enjoy an afternoon of shooting sporting clays with members of the North Dakota sportsmen's community. The event provided a forum for sportsmen-legislators to share in an evening of camaraderie and recreational shooting with a wide range of sportsmen's groups and Department of Game and Fish staff...

On October 16, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) formally announced the parameters for the state's popular Northwest Permit Zone goose hunt. This announcement follows an August 7 decision by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission to follow the Department's recommendation and continue the hunt while eliminating certain barriers to participation...

Following an initial meeting, the bipartisan and bicameral West Virginia Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus continues to build off the positive work within the Mountain State.  On October 18, the Caucus hosted a Clay Shoot with legislators, stakeholders, and Department of Natural Resources (DNR) representatives outside the capital city of Charleston.  The event provided an excellent opportunity for an evening of camaraderie, and the forum to discuss potential areas of interest for the Caucus in the next legislative session... 


On October 14, the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation (CSF) and CSF Honorary Board Member, Richard Childress of Richard Childress Racing (RCR), hosted the 11th Annual "Wine, Wheels & Wildlife" regional event at Childress Vineyards in Lexington, North Carolina...

NASC Sportsman-Legislator Summit - Registration Now Open
Registration is now open for the 12th Annual National Assembly of Sportsmen's Caucuses (NASC) Sportsman-Legislator Summit. The Summit provides an opportunity for caucus members and partners to collaborate and devise year-long strategies to advance sportsmen's interests in state legislatures. This year, discussion topics include: lead ammunition bans, strategies for promoting the value of hunting and angling to the public, and key fisheries issues, among others. In addition, attendees will discuss the wide range of challenges currently facing America's sportsmen and women, along with the strategies necessary to overcome those challenges to protect and advance America's outdoor heritage, traditions, and sportsmen-generated conservation dollars in the years to come.

This year's Summit will take place on October 27 - 30 in Manchester, VT. For more information, or if you would like to register, please contact Jennifer Mecchella at jennifer@sportsmenslink.org or (321) 759-7523.

During this year's hunting seasons, what percentage of time afield do you estimate you will hunt on public lands? VOTE HERE


Working with Congress, Governors and State Legislatures to protect and advance hunting, angling, recreational shooting and trapping.


For more information on the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation go to www.SportsmensLink.org or contact Sara Leonard at 202.543.6850 x 11 or email sara@sportsmenslink.org.


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