Tracking The Capitols
Tracking the Capitols is a weekly source of legislation currently being tracked by the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation state policy team to keep you informed of the most pertinent and timely state legislation affecting hunting, recreational fishing and shooting and trapping and other conservation issues. Inclusion in Tracking the Capitols does not necessarily constitute support or opposition to legislation by CSF and/or the CSF States Program. The bills noted in this email represent only a fraction of the legislation that CSF's States Program is monitoring on a day-to-day basis.

Please visit our website for day-to-day updates by CSF's State Program Team on important sportsmen's legislation. To view past bills, please visit the Tracking the Capitols Archive under the Media Room tab on the CSF website.

Note: In bold are sponsors who are members of their respective Sportsmen's Legislative Caucus.

Working with  
State Legislators
Updates For The Week of  

April 29, 2013    

California S 53
Intro Date: 12/20/2012
Sponsor: Senator Kevin de Leon
Issue Brief: Guns 
Summary: Requires the Attorney General to maintain copies of ammunition purchase permits, information about ammunition transactions and ammunition vendor licenses. Requires vendors to submit information about transactions and to be licensed. Requires purchaser verification of identity. Requires a report on the feasibility of an instantaneous background check system. Expands the Prohibited Armed Persons File to address persons prohibited from acquiring ammunition and to cross-reference with ammunition transactions.
Status: From Senate Committee on Public Safety: Do pass to Committee on Appropriations. (5-2). Committee hearing scheduled for 05/06/2013 10:00 am, Room 112, Senate Appropriations Committee.  


California S 583
Intro Date: 02/22/2013
Sponsor: Senator Tom Berryhill, Member, California Outdoor Sporting Caucus
Issue Brief: Licenses
Summary: Requires a resident or nonresident, 16 years of age or older, upon payment of a specified fee, to be issued a sport fishing license for the period of 12 consecutive months beginning on the date specified on the license.
Status: In Senate. Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Committee on Appropriations. Committee hearing on May 6, 10:00 am, Room 112, Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing Room.    


California A 1097

Intro Date: 02/22/2013

Sponsor: Assemblymember Brian Nestande, Assemblyman Jerry Hill, Assemblyman Brian Maienschein 

Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to the Department of Fish and Wildlife in the Natural Resources Agency. States that the primary function of the department is to provide services to persons who fish and hunt in the state. Specifies that the yearly period that the Mirage Trail within the Magnesia Spring Ecological Reserve is open would be between specified months, inclusive, and that the months that the trail would be closed. 

Status: In Assembly. Read second time and amended. To second reading on May 1. 


California A 187
Intro Date: 01/28/2013
Sponsor: Assemblymember Bob Bonta
Issue Brief: Guns
Summary: Imposes a tax on retailers for the privilege of selling ammunition in the state and on ammunition purchased from the retailer in the state. Requires the revenues from those taxes to be deposited in the Public Safety Emergency Prevention Fund which will be create by this legislation with the moneys from the fund to be used to fund public safety programs in high crime municipalities.
Status: Re-referred to Assembly Committee on Revenue and Taxation on April 1.Committee hearing schedule for May 6, 1:30 pm, Room 126  

Colorado S 221
Intro Date: 03/15/2013
Sponsor: Senator Steve King
Issue Brief: Conservation Tax Incentive
Summary: Concerns an application and review process for issuing tax credit certificates for a state income tax credit allowed for the donation of a perpetual conservation easement.
Status: To House Committee on Appropriations on May 1. 

Connecticut S 1020

Intro Date: 02/28/2013

Sponsor: Joint Committee on Environment  

Issue Brief: Wildlife Violators Compact

Summary: Concerns the interstate wildlife violator compact; enacts the Wildlife Violator Compact and repeals the Northeast Conservation Law Enforcement Compact that is no longer required.

Status: Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis on April 25. Senate Calendar No. 483 on May 1.

Connecticut H 6654  

Intro Date: 03/14/2013

Sponsor: Joint Committee on Environment 

Issue Brief: General 

Summary: Concerns sportsmen related revisions to the general statutes; authorizes the establishment of a bear hunting season by lottery, require the licensure of hunting and fishing guides, authorize the award of food vending services in state parks and forests to the highest responsible bidder and reduce hunting, trapping and fishing fees for youths and persons under the age of twenty-one.  

Status: Filed with Legislative Commissioner's Office on May 1.

Florida H 333
Intro Date: 03/05/2013
Sponsor: Representative Gregory Steube
Issue Brief: General
Summary: Relates to Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; revises definition of terms navigation rules, resident or resident of Florida, and resident alien; exempts individuals participating in certain outdoor recreational events from requirements for hunting or fishing license or permit; revises number of days that commission may designate as free fishing days each year; revises requirements for restricted species endorsement on saltwater products license.

Status: In House. Placed on Special Order Calendar on April 15. Referred to Senate Committee on Appropriations on April 18. To enrollment on April 29. 

Florida H 423

Intro Date: 01/22/13

Sponsor: Representative Janet Adkins 

Issue Brief: Conservation Sales Tax

Summary: Relates to tax on sales, use, and other transactions; provides exemption from sales tax for dyed diesel fuel used in certain vessels in specified manner and for specified purpose.

Status: Passed House on April 12. Referred to Senate Committee on Appropriations on April 18.
To enrollment on April 30.

Intro Date: 02/13/2013 

Sponsor: Senator David Koehler, Member, Illinois Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus

Issue Brief: General  

Summary:Amends the Wildlife Code by making it illegal to wantonly waste or destroy usable meat from game animals; defines usable meat and details locations where individuals may not dispose of harvested wildlife carcasses or parts; provides that it shall not be unlawful to discard game meat that is determined to be unfit for human consumption.

Status: In House. Placed on Short Debate Calendar Second Reading on May 1. 

Indiana H 1563
Intro Date: 01/22/2013
Sponsor: Representative Sean Eberhart, Member, Indiana Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Guns
Summary: Relates to fish and wildlife matters; repeals certain prohibitions against the possession or use of a silencer while in the act of hunting.
Status: Eligible for Governor's desk on April 26. 

Intro Date: 01/22/13

Sponsor: House Veterans Affairs Committee

Issue Brief: Seniors, Veterans, and Active Duty Military Hunting and Angling Privileges 

Summary: Requires the director of the Department of Natural Resources to issue special deer hunting licenses and wild turkey hunting licenses to certain nonresident disabled veterans and disabled persons currently on active federal military service for use on hunts conducted by organizations that conduct hunting experiences in the state for such persons; provides that the director is required to make available 25 of the 75 special nonresident deer hunting licenses that are currently allocated by a committee to/.

Status: Signed by Governor on April 24.

Intro Date: 03/12/2013

Sponsor: House Natural Resources Committee

Issue Brief: Invasive Species  

Summary: Relates to the prevention and control of aquatic invasive species in the waters of the state; provides penalties; provides a new definition for what constitutes an aquatic invasive species; provides new definitions of aquatic plant, bait, and water-related equipment. 

Status: Signed by Governor on April 24. 

Intro Date: 02/13/2013

Sponsor: Senator Troy Jackson, Co-Chair, Maine Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus 

Issue Brief: Conservation Funding    

Summary: Expands the types of vehicles on which a special sportsman registration plate may be displayed to include motorcycles and trailers.

Status: In House. Engrossed as amended by Committee Amendment A on April 25. Eligible for Governor's desk on May 1. 

Maine H 994

Intro Date: 04/09/2013

Sponsor: Representative Kenneth Fredette   

Issue Brief: Sunday Hunting 

Summary: Allows a person with a resident junior hunting license or a resident hunting license to hunt wild animals or wild birds on the last Sunday during the open hunting season; provides that the provision is repealed in 2 years; provides that the bill is contingent on approval by the voters in a referendum at the general election in November.

Status: Senate refers to Joint Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife in concurrence on April 10. Will be heard in Committee on Tuesday, April 30 at 1:00pm in the Cross Building, Room 206.


Intro Date: 04/02/2013 

Sponsor: Representative Kenneth Fredette 

Issue Brief: Right to Hunt/Fish  

Summary: (Resolution)Proposes to amend the Constitution of Maine to provide that the citizens of Maine have the personal right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife, subject to laws and rules that promote wildlife conservation and preserve the future of hunting and fishing, and to provide that public hunting and fishing are a preferred means of managing and controlling wildlife.

Status: Senate refers to Joint Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife in concurrence on April 2.


Maine H 37

Intro Date: 01/16/2013
Representative Paul Davis
Issue Brief:
Prohibits the use of artificial lures made of rubber when angling or fishing.
Status:  Eligible for the Governor's desk on May 1.

Intro Date: 02/13/2013
Representative Craig Hickman
Issue Brief:
Establishes an open season for hunting wild turkeys for the month of October, during which there is no bag limit.
Status: Eligible for the Governor's desk on April 25.

Maine H 1055
Intro Date: 04/26/2013
Representative Denise Harlow
Issue Brief:
Hunting with Dogs
Prohibits, with certain exceptions, hunting bear with dogs and trapping bear. The bill also sets a permanent closed season on bear hunting from January 1st through July 31st and decreases the bear bag limit from 2 to one. In addition, the bill prohibits the trade in bear gall bladders and imposes increased penalties for bear poaching for repeat offenders.
Status: Senate refers to Joint Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife in concurrence on April 30.


Intro Date: 01/21/2013
Sponsor: Representative Scott Bounds, Co-Chair, Mississippi Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus
Issue Brief: Trapping
Summary: Exempts the licensure requirement for certain individuals who trap on certain private lands; prohibits the use of certain trapping devices on public lands, unless exceptions are granted therefor; authorizes the use of certain trapping devices by designated legal authority of public lands or its agent for nuisance control; requires trapping devices to have a department issued identification number on a metal tag.
Status: Signed by Governor on April 23.  

New York S 3563

Intro Date: 02/05/2013  

Sponsor: Senator James Seward, Member, New York Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus 

Issue Brief: Animal Traps  

Summary: Amends the Environmental Conservation Law; exempts traps set in water from the requirement that they be visited once every 24 hours; such traps shall be visited once every 48 hours or a Shorter interval as determined by the department of environmental conservation.

Status: From Senate Committee on Environmental Conservation on April 30.
Intro Date: 03/14/2013

Sponsor: Senator Kenneth LaValle

Issue Brief: Youth Hunting  

Summary: Relates to youth pheasant hunting days on Long Island. 

Status: Passed Senate and onto Assembly on April 23.To Assembly Committee on Environmental Conservation on April 24.

Intro Date: 01/23/2013

Sponsor: Senator Greg Ball, Co-Chair, New York Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus

Issue Brief: Licenses  

Summary: Allows any qualified person to apply for voter registration and enrollment by application made with an application for any hunting or fishing license.

Status: From Senate Committee on Elections on April 22.

New York A 6908

Intro Date: 04/24/2013  

Sponsor: Assemblyman Robert Sweeney, Member, New York Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus 

Issue Brief: Recruitment  

Summary: Relates to youth pheasant hunting days on Long Island.

Status: From Assembly Committee on Environmental Conservation on April 30.  

New York A 3767

Intro Date: 01/29/2013 

Sponsor: Assemblywoman Deborah Glick 

Issue Brief: Invasive Species

Summary: Prohibits the sale, possession or transportation of feral Pigs. 

Status: To Assembly Committee on Codes on April 30.

North Carolina S 25

Intro Date: 02/04/2013

Sponsor: Senator Harry Brown, Co-Chair, North Carolina Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus 

Issue Brief: Seniors, Veterans, and Active Duty Military Hunting and Angling Privileges

Summary: Provides that members of the Armed Forces who are serving on active military duty in the Armed Forces of the United States outside the State of North Carolina shall be considered residents for purposes of obtaining certain hunting, fishing, trapping, and special activity licenses.

Status: Re-referred to Senate Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate on May 1.

North Carolina S 58

Intro Date: 02/06/2013 

Sponsor: Senator Harry Brown, Co-Chair, North Carolina Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus

Issue Brief: General

Summary: Provides additional funding for dredging of the state's shallow draft navigation channels.

Status: In Senate. Finance committee substitute adopted on Senate floor on May 1. 


North Carolina S 201

Intro Date: 03/06/2013 

Sponsor: Senator Shirley Randleman

Issue Brief: Guns

Summary: Allows hunting with a suppressor or other device designed to muffle or minimize the report of a firearm. 

Status: To House Committee on Agriculture on April 30.

Oregon H 2783
Intro Date:

Sponsor: House Rules Committee 

Issue Brief: Hunting with Dogs 

Summary: Creates offense of unlawful tethering; punishes by maximum of $1,000 fine; specifies that person commits crime of animal neglect in first degree if person tethers domestic animal and tethering results in serious injury or death to animal; specifies that person commits crime of animal neglect in second degree if person tethers domestic animal and tethering results in physical injury to animal. 

Status: To the Senate Committee on the Judiciary on April 23. Committee hearing on 05/02/2013 8:30 am, HR 343

Pennsylvania S 623

Intro Date: 04/17/2013 

Sponsor: Senator Jake Corman

Issue Brief: Apprentice Hunting License 

Summary: Amends Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking licenses; further provides for license requirements and for unlawful acts concerning licenses; relates to a mentored youth hunting program.

Status: Passed House on April 24, to Senate for concurrence.

Pennsylvania S 648

Intro Date: 03/13/2013

Sponsor: Senator Richard Alloway, Co-Chair, Pennsylvania Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus

Issue Brief: Access to Private Lands  

Summary: Amends Title 34 (game) of the Consolidated Statutes, in enforcement; further provides for hunting liability for actions of others; provides that a landowner who allows or grants permission to another person to take game or wildlife on the landowner's property shall not be liable under this section for any unlawful acts committed by that person so long as no fee, payment or gratuity is paid.

Status: In the Senate. Read the second time on April 30.

Intro Date: 01/29/2013 

Sponsor: Representative Matt Baker 

Issue Brief: Right to Hunt and Fish  

Summary: Proposes an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, providing for the right to hunt, fish and harvest game.

Status: In House. Removed from table on April 24.

Intro Date: 04/09/2013  

Sponsor: Senator Chip Campsen 

Issue Brief: Apprentice Hunting License 

Summary: Relates to hunting and fishing licenses; defines license sales vendor and license year; relates to the duration of hunting and fishing licenses; provides for the duration of licenses for recreational and commercial use, and permits the department to issue a license that expires on the day before the anniversary of its issuance; relates to residency requirements for licenses; revises the requirements; relates to apprentice hunting licenses.

Status: To House Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs on April 30.

Vermont H 101

Intro Date: 01/25/2013

Sponsor: Representative David Deen, Member, Vermont Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus

Issue Brief: Crossbows and Handgun Carry while Archery Hunting 

Summary: Relates to the clarification of provisions regarding the posting of land and access to land and water for hunting, fishing, and trapping. 

Status: From Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy: Recommended with amendment on April 25. 
SCISCI is a proud partner of CSF and
sponsors in part TRACKING THE CAPITOLS

Working with Congress, Governors and State Legislatures to protect and advance hunting, recreational shooting, fishing and trapping.



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For additional information on legislation included in this report please contact the appropriate representative


Southeastern States Director Jennifer Lundy, at 321.253.0016, or email


Midwestern States Director Chris Horton, at 501.865.1475, or email


Northeastern States Manager Brent Miller, at 202.543.6850 x 13, or email


Western States Manager Andy Treharne, at 202.543.6850 x 19, or email