SearchMaster Valentine's Day Newsletter
February 14, 2014
There are 22 updated glossaries for you today!
Click the "News & Updates" tab in SearchMaster to update! 
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Right-click the Avast globe and turn off the Shield
before downloading and installing. Avast very often identifies files as viruses that are not viruses. Duh.
hand mouse 
Are you right-clicking?


Every reference in SM can be right-clicked and sent either to Google for more information or to One-Look Dictionaries for definitions. Every reference in SM! 


You've looked up a drug name, and now you want to know what that drug is for? Right-click that drug name in SearchMaster, send it Google, and you'll know what that drug is used for!


You've looked up an attorney or a doctor's name, and you want more information than just the spelling -- like an address, a firm affiliation, or a phone number? Right-click the name and send it straight to Google for that info!


You've looked up a word like "anthropomorphize," and now you want to know what that word means? Right-click it, send it to the One-Look Dicrtionaries. One-Look will search over a thousand dictionaries at the same time for the definition. It's like having an entire library of dictionaries built right into SearchMaster!


kitty sad eyes 

Too Shy to Ask? 


You've been trying to do something in your SM. You've watched the tutor movies, but for whatever reason, you're just flat-out, big-time stumped. Don't be too shy to call me for the assistance you need. I'm here, I'm ready to help, the call is free, and my phone number is displayed at the top of SM's main screen.


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Valentine's Day Savings for You and/or 
Your Friends and Associates!
    Offers below are valid through Monday, February 17th. 
1) Renew your expired subscription or extend your current subscription for years ($59 X 2) and receive a FREE
1-year subscription to SearchMaster for a friend or coworker by clicking 
HERE and changing the quantity field on the ordering page from 1 to 2. (Ignore the red-letter 3-year text at the top of the renewal page.)
2) Don't have a friend or coworker in mind who would benefit from a SearchMaster subscription? Renew your expired subscription or extend your current subscription for 2 years ($59 X 2) and we will add 3 years to your subscription! That's a full year for FREE! Click HERE.
3) To purchase SearchMaster as a gift for friends or coworkers for only $99 (a $150 discount), click HERE and use the Coupon Code VALENTINE99
4) To allow your friends and/or associates to acquire SearchMaster on their own for only $99, tell them to log on to, fill out the order form, and use the Coupon Code VALENTINE99
Offers above are valid through February 17th!
"Jim Barker's Court Reporters Forum"
Facebook Group Page


Why are nearly a thousand reporters, scopists, and proofreaders visiting my Facebook group page on a regular basis? Because they're tired of getting bad advice on how to punctuate the English language; because they want valid answers, not off-the-wall, ill-informed, subjective, "good enough" opinions; and because they like being able to post a sentence or a paragraph from a transcript and receive punctuation guidance from top-notch reporting wordsmiths (including yours truly and Margie Wakeman Wells, author of Court Reporting: Bad Grammar/Good Punctuation). Between us, Margie and I have been teaching punctuation for approximately 80 years. Got a semicolon conundrum? Not sure whether to cap or not to cap? Should an apostrophe be appended to the word "years" in "years' experience"? We've got the answers you're seeking; so isn't it time for you to click HERE and join us?
 Keep 'em Coming!


Your contributions to SM's glossaries are very much appreciated, friends; so if you had to go to some other source to find what you didn't find in SearchMaster, please send me that reference so I can add it to the next update! The easiest way to do that is to click the little white tech support envelope in the extreme lower right corner of SearchMaster's main screen.  
Jim Barker / 888.461.7475


Until next time, I leave you with this thought from Mark Twain:
"In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards." 

Want to tell your friends about SearchMaster, but you just don't have the time? Send 'em to and have 'em click "About" and then click "Video Previews"! After all, seeing is believing!