Another 14 Updated SearchMaster Glossaries Are Ready for You! 
To download your updates,  click the "News & Updates" tab in Your SearchMaster!  
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To purchase a 1-year SearchMaster subscription for friends or coworkers for only $99, click the link below to log on to the brand-new Use the Coupon Code
BARKER99 to reduce the price from $249 to $99 per unit (as many units as you like)!

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Coupon Code BARKER99 on the ordering page

to reduce the price (per unit) from $249 to just $99!


To receive a FREE 1-year SearchMaster subscription for a friend or coworker, click the link below and renew your subscription for 3
years! The 3 years will be added to your current subscription, and your friend or coworker receives SearchMaster
for a full year for FREE!

Renew for 3 years and get a FREE 1-year SearchMaster to a friend or coworker HERE.
(Change the "Subscription Type" field from a 1 to a 3.)

If you click on the link above and are renewing an expired subscription for 3 years,
you may ignore the "Current Subscriber" text at the top of the screen. 

This offer expires on December 31, 2013
Come Visit the New SearchMaster.TV!
 The new SearchMaster.TV, developed by Scott Friend
from eVerbatim, is now open!  

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A non-Facebook Reporters Forum for Everyone!
(SearchMaster, Transcript Punctuation, and other reporting-related topics) 

The "SearchMaster Web Site" text link at the bottom right corner
of your SearchMaster screen will take you straight to our new website.


Remember, friends: When you don't find something in your SearchMaster that you think should 
be in SearchMaster, send me that reference so I can verify it and add it to the next glossary update. The easiest way to do that is to click the little white envelope at the bottom right corner of SearchMaster's main screen, or you can just type or paste the reference into an email addressed to

Toll-free support: 888.461.7475