United Way of
Washington County

"Thank you for helping me succeed!"
 West Bend 4th grader learns that reading is key 

When Layla was in third grade, she didn't like to read. When she absolutely had to read for school, she usually opted for comic books.
Just like many other kids, it's not that Layla really didn't like reading, it's just that she was struggling with it. Her teacher said she needed to keep practicing and work on her reading comprehension.
Poor reading skills can lead to low grades, disengagement, and dropping out. In fact, children who aren't reading proficiently by the end of third grade are four times as likely to drop out of high school.
Layla's parents took action and enrolled her in Casa Guadalupe's Read to Succeed program, which is supported by United Way of Washington County.
"The Read to Succeed Program is a difference maker for our [students]," said Katie Weyer, principal at Green Tree Elementary.

Save Money, File Your Taxes for Free!
United Way Partnership Provides Service for Working Families 
Tax refunds are a lifesaver for many families struggling with financial stability. It's critical that these individuals get all the tax credits they qualify for, and save as much money as possible. United Way is helping families keep more of their hard-earned money by using MyFreeTaxes.com.

Through MyFreeTaxes, families earning $62,000 or less can use H&R Block's online software and tax support service to file their state and federal returns for free. IRS-certified specialists are available to assist in both English and Spanish, and people who earned more than $62,000 last year can still use the MyFreeTaxes site to file at a discounted rate.

According to a national survey, 23% of people spend their tax refunds on food, 22% spend the money on housing costs, 31% use their refunds for utilities, and 25% put the money into savings or investments.

Short-term Volunteers Needed
Join the Education Impact Panel 
Do you want to help decide how United Way funds are invested? Join the Education Impact Panel!

This year, panel volunteers will review applications from nonprofits seeking funding for local education programs. After conducting site visits and interviews, volunteers will make funding recommendations that are forwarded to the United Way Board of Directors for final approval.

You can make a real impact in our community through this short-term volunteer opportunity! No prior experience necessary. For more information, or to sign up, contact Sarah Malchow, Community Impact Director.  
   In Memory of Doug Ziegler   

It is with deep sadness that we say goodbye to our friend, Doug Ziegler. Doug was a remarkable person who served our community for more than 60 years. He spent countless hours volunteering on corporate and nonprofit boards, he gave generously to numerous charitable causes, and he used his leadership skills to guide local fundraising campaigns to success.

Doug was an incredible champion for United Way of Washington County. He started volunteering for United Way in 1957 and he chaired his first United Way campaign in 1965. In 1997, he went on to co-chair another United Way campaign with his wife Sharon. Under their leadership, the campaign hit the $1 million mark for the very first time. But Doug wasn't finished yet.

In 2014, at the age of 87, Doug volunteered to help lead the United Way campaign for an unprecedented third time. Throughout the campaign, Doug's tenacity and passion inspired everyone who worked with him. Doug truly embodied what it means to Live United.

Our community has lost an incredible leader, but Doug's example of service and compassion will inspire generations to come. We extend our condolences to the Ziegler family, we celebrate a life well and honorably lived, and we send one final thank you to our friend Doug.