GC Masthead
May 2013
Finding a New Meaning of SUCCESS

We all spend a great deal of time thinking about success. What does it mean? How do we achieve it? Is it really measurable?

In today's society we are often asked to define success in material terms--the house, car, career, the vacations.  


Seeing success that way makes achieving success a competitive sport where you cannot win no matter how well you do in those areas. Someone will always have more than you. Ralph Waldo Emerson suggests we define success in a different way in the poem below:


"To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty,
To find the best in others,
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded."

As we live in a fast paced, competitive, materialistic world may we find peace in Mr. Emerson's words.


G. Richard Jackson, M.P.A. C.S.A.   
Executive Director, Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging & Lifelong Health
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Enjoy exclusive offers and information to keep you active and healthy as you age.
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Children and Illness

FREE Chronic Disease Self Management Program
 CDSMP Leaders

The Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health and the Peninsula Agency on Aging are now partnering to offer you a free workshop on Chronic Disease Self Management. This Stanford-based program covers topics such as pain and stress management, communication techniques and problem-solving for adults with a chronic health condition and/or their caregivers. The workshop is once a week for two and a half hours and lasts six weeks.  


The Details
When: Workshop begins June 25, 2013 & meets weekly for six weeks. Classes are at 9:30 a.m.

Where: Riverside Wellness & Fitness Center-Middle Peninsula
7516 Hospital Drive
Gloucester, VA

To Register or Learn More: Call  1 (877) 287-6061  

or click here. 


Golden Getaways
"Les Mis�rables" 
August 14, 2013

Riverside Theater
 Be captivated by spectacular talent and a heart-wrenching story at the Riverside Dinner Theater in Fredericksburg. This internationally
 beloved musical is based on Victor Hugo's novel about the French Revolution.
 Day trip includes a delicious lunch. Don't miss your chance to see the tale everyone is talking about. For more details, please call Jeannine's Tours at
(757) 877-8799.

GoldenClub Price:

 $92/person double

Drumheller Apple Orchard Fall Festival
October 19, 2013

Located in the foothills of the Majestic Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, this festival features music, food, craft vendors, apples & apple products. Enjoy lunch on your own followed by a ride through the mountains to the famous Cheese Shop in Stuart's Draft. A surprise on it's own. Motor coach transportation included. For details and reservations, call Jeannine's Tours at
Golden Club Price:

Christmas Time in the Smokies
December 3-6, 2013
This unforgettable holiday trip includes four days and three nights of attractions, featuring:
  • Four shows
  • Three full course dinners with one in Dollywood Theme Park
  • Three full buffet breakfasts  
  • Three additional attractions including "Christ in the Smokies." 
Three nights accomoda-
tions and motor coach transportation included. For details and to register, call Jeannine's Tours at
Golden Club Price:
 $521/per person (double)
Save the Date
doctor is in The Doctor is In Lecture series continues this month with a free,  informative discussion about health and wellness topics. Wednesday, May 29, 2013
9:00 a.m.
Patrick Henry Mall Food Court
Newport News
Missed a lecture? Now you can view past discussions here!