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Homeschool Plus Announcements                                                        Feb. 24-26 , 2015

Ingleside Church just helped us upgrade the internet service throughout the building.
We hope you will enjoy this service!  (Stop by the office if you need the access code.)

Did you know that in 25 years HSP has never gone into debt?   If each family simply raises or gives an extra $100. during the year we will meet our budget!  I know a lot of you really love the program but the reality is....
 only about 20 of our 130 families have participated in fundraisers 
 and only about 5  of 35 teachers. Ouch!  

We can totally do this as long as everybody doesn't wait for somebody and then nobody ends up doing what anybody could have done!  :)

This time of year is HSP budget crunch.  Registration money has largely carried us this far and we are not quite ready to open fall registration.  We really depend on gifts and fund raisers Feb.- May!  Please consider a tax- deductible gift to the program and participating in one or more of our fundraisers THIS WEEK!  Every little bit helps us and encourages your staff.

Personally I've enjoyed ordering the Scrips gift cards each month because I get the
full face value of every card for things I would spend money on anyway. Taking a moment to purchase the cards actually helps me budget (a card for gas, a card for groceries, a card or two for eating out on the run) and it benefits HSP EVERY TIME!!!

Thank you for praying for HSP and doing whatever you can to participate and be supportive!   Blessings, Margaret McLewin, Director

THIS WEEK please Order Your Gift Cards!  

Order only what you use anyway for gas, groceries, gifts, dining out, whatever!  Enjoy the full face value of every card you order and the satisfaction of helping HSP without it costing you an extra dime!!!!  WIN- WIN!!!

Our SCRIPS GIfT CARD ORDER is this week Tuesday FEB 24th and Thursday, FEB. 26. Cards arrive in just 5 days, the following Tuesday, March 3rd OR PICK THEM UP ANY TIME HSP IS OPEN!  Pay by credit card, cash or check in the HSP office.  

Order only what you normally spend  BUT PLEASE ORDER SOMETHING!!!!  It matters to HSP more than you know!

Panera, Wendy's, Starbucks, Walmart, Sam's Club, Wawa
Regal Theaters- so much to pick from!   

See the order form in the HSP office or read more at shopwithscrip.com
Collect Donations for the Silent Auction
Save The Date Concept text on background
Sunday, March 22 
HSP Open House 
and Silent Auction

Time to get ready for the March Madness Silent Auction!!!  Please help us gather prizes for the auction! Do you have a home business you'd like HSP families to know about? Nutrition, skin care, essential oils, office/ school supplies or make some yummy baked goods we can auction off?  How about a fancy cake?  Use your imagination! Put together a gift basket or create a gift certificate that we can auction off!  This is a WIN- WIN benefiting HSP and giving you publicity for your products or services. 

Our theme is March Madness to go with basketball season, so help us make "baskets" and get this fundraising on the "scoreboard"!  Anyone know a sporting goods store that might like to donate?  Its a nice tax deduction for retailers and we'll be sure to thank them. 

We have letters prepared that politely solicit donations from retailers for this special non- profit fund-raising event.  Would you hand- carry a few of these to your favorite retailers?  Your personal request can make a difference.   Please stop by the office and pick up a few letters and let Patti or Laura know what you'd like to do to contribute to this fun event.  Thank you so much!
It's pizza week in the lunch room! We will have some extra pizza for those that did not get a chance to order due to the snow days. $5 a meal includes 2 slices of pizza, a drink and a snack.
Box Tops THIS WEEK!!!
Box Tops contest for February is still on!!!
Get them in THIS WEEK by February 26! Winner gets a $15 gift card of choice!
While we love getting your Box Tops year round, this is the final month to make it help this school year's budget! Let's get in as many as we can! 
(Please cut around the lines and label with your name.)  Thank you!!!

Everybody, Somebody, Nobody, Anybody

This is a little story about four people named 

Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and

Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.

Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.

Somebody got angry about that because

it was Everybody's job.

Everybody thought that Anybody could do it,

but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody

when Nobody did what Anybody could have done


Labels for Education Update
Labels for Education
We have 3500 points in Labels for Education! We are well on our way to buying supplies for HSP, but keep the labels coming!
With Labels for Education we are able to get supplies we need for classrooms and the office to support our great teachers and students.  

An easy way to give to HSP...

We are now saving the Tyson Project A+ labels!  We get $.24 per label!  That can add up quickly if we all participate! Tyson Project A+

Chryslar Museum and Sloan Library- Beautiful and FREE!
Downtown Norfolk Highlights

When you are at HSP you are so close to lots of wonderful resources!  10 minutes from the new state- of- the art Slover Library, MacArthur Memorial and amazing collections at the Chryslar Museum.  All FREE!
Explore the community!

Summer and Fall Programs
We are currently staffing the summer and fall HSP programs.  All the favorite classes will be back plus some new and interesting options!  We expect registration to open in late April and current families will be the first to know!  
Healthier Me
Healthier Me
One of our teachers, Julie Jones is hosting virtual "Healthier Me" contests.   The virtual "Healthier Me" contest will run from Wednesday February 18th-Sunday March 15th and/or Monday March 16th thru Friday April 17th.  This is a support group Julie will start with a private FB page. The cost will be $15 for either contest or $25 for both. All of the money will be divided up into prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd based on points earned NOT JUST FOR WEIGHT LOSS with $5 being donated to HSP. Julie has done this many times and it is both fun and effective. Message Julie Jones on her facebook page or call Julie at 757-361-5158.  She will send you a sample of the rules. This has been a fun way to build healthier habits, relationships and to lose weight!


In This Issue
Tuition Reminders
Tuition payments are due to the teachers at the first class of the month for the month and a late fee of $5. is added after the 10th.  We are asking our teachers to rigorously enforce the late fee.
Please be prompt with tuition payments.  Checks should be made to the teacher's name and placed in their file folder at the information desk.  Cash payments should be brought to the office.  Thank you!
Parents with 
Service and Purpose
Since 1990

Stay in Touch
HSP office hours: 
Tuesdays and Thursdays
 8:30-3:00, closed 1:00-1:30 for Admin. meetings
HSP Office number:
 757-466-3477 (HOME-HSP)  
Write to us with your questions: 
Web site: homeschoolplus.org
Facebook: Homeschool Plus- community


Thanks for staying in touch!

We are here to serve you!

Your HSP Admin. Team 
Director- Margaret McLewin
Secretary/ Registrar- Patti Hardy
Treasurer/Fund Raising- 
Laura Reagan 

Alternative ways to get HSP announcements...
You can find our announcements posted on our facebook page or on our web site. homeschoolplus.org

REGISTRATION is ongoing!
Invite your friends!             
 $175 per family for the year.
 Start here... Homeschool Plus

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