Meet RussoRights at the Frankfurt Book Fair, October 19 - 23, 2016 to review the best published titles for teachers and educators. Contact us now.
The Teacher 50
Critical Questions for Inspiring Classroom Excellence

Baruti K. Kafele

In this thoughtful guide for novice and veteran educators alike, best-selling author Kafele takes readers on a reflective journey designed to reignite their passion for teaching. Discover numerous ideas for strengthening teaching practices and investing in student success. This book is an indispensable companion for teachers who want to give their absolute best in the classroom at all times and under all circumstances. 
Published by ASCD.

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Leadership [for] Teacher Learning
Creating a Culture Where All Teachers Improve so
That All Students Succeed

Dylan Wiliam

In this new title education authority Dylan Wiliam explains how formative assessment can create a structured and rigorous learning environment that increases student achievement. This book presents compelling research that highlights what teachers need to learn and what changes in classroom practice are likely to increase learning, improve differentiated instruction (DI) and response to intervention (RTI), as well as strategies to integrate formative assessment into teacher evaluation. 
Published by Learning Sciences International.

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Science Learning in the Early Years
Activities for PreK - 2

Peggy Ashbrook

This new science title shows teachers how to go beyond classroom demonstrations to experiences that actually get children engaged. Science Learning in the Early Years provides readers with 40-plus classroom activities as well as an understanding of how to use the activities with young students. the activities focus on science concepts that are important, clearly presented, and developmentally appropriate; connect to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS); and highlight safety concerns. The title also helps teachers group individual activities into an ongoing science unit so students can develop science inquiry skills over time. 
Published by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)

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Making Teachers Better, Not Bitter Balancing Evaluation, Supervision, and Reflection for Professional Growth

Tony Frontier and Paul Mielke

In this thought-provoking and groundbreaking book,  Frontier and Mielke address conceptual and the practical, offering a compelling vision of teacher growth, along with more than 30 step-by-step protocols for working with teachers. The authors present a powerful rationale for teacher evaluation by creating a balanced system of three important components: reliable and valid evaluation, empowering and focused supervision, and last, meaningful and purposeful reflection. The book presents examples based on the authors' experiences in classrooms and shows what evaluation, supervision, and reflection can look like if done more effectively. 
Published by ASCD.

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