Education Technology Books





Thank you for meeting us at the Frankfurt Book Fair this past October. The  ISTE  Books Publishing  program is excited to announce a new editorial calendar for Spring 2015. Please click here for a list of new titles and let us know if you are interested in receiving pdf review copies when the new books are available. Below are a few of the newly published ISTE books last year.

RussoRights invites you to learn more about ISTE and their excellent books and publications that support leaning technology and educators.


Please join us at the London Book Fair in April. Feel free to contact us for more information about ISTE books.

Schedule an appointment to review ISTE's new Spring titles at the London Book Fair,click here now or email us at




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Personalized Learning
A Guide for Engaging Students with Technology
Authors: Peggy Grant and Dale Basye
Published:  June 2014 

With personalized learning teachers and students are empowered to take charge of their own education experience. Distinguished authors, Peggy Grant and Dale Basye, show how personalized learning with technology can be used to meet the needs of all learners-from gifted students to students with learning disabilities-and how it can help achieve school goals. Included are examples of what personalized learning looks like, comparisons of tools and technologies, as well as evaluation tools such as surveys and checklists. A special bonus is a step-by-step guide for planning a school-wide personalized learning initiative. The hands-on planning and evaluation tools make this an excellent resource for teachers and administrators.


Translation Rights Available.  Contact us for a pdf review copy.

Reinventing Project-Based Learning

Your Field Guide to Real-World Projects in the Digital Age, Second Edition


Authors: Suzie Boss and Jane Krauss 

Published: October 2014



This new edition of ISTE's 2008 top selling book explores proven strategies for overcoming the limitations of the traditional classroom, including a wealth of technology tools for inquiry, collaboration, and a new vision of instructional design. The title follows the arc of a project, providing guided opportunities to direct and reflect educators' own learning and professional development. In this expanded second edition, educators will find new examples of the latest tools, assessment strategies and promising practices that are poised to shape education in the future. With rich illustrations and teacher interviews from around the world, Reinventing Project-Based Learning shows how to design authentic projects that make the most of available and emerging technologies.

Translation Rights Available. Contact us today for a pdf review copy. 
Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day

and the following title,
Flipped Learning: Gateway to Student Engagement
Authors:  Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams

In the bestselling  2012 book, Flip Your Classroom, authors Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams provide a window into a flipped classroom. The flipped classroom approach was initially targeted to help those students struggling because of missed classes for school activities or slower learning styles, but it has resulted in assisting a larger, more diverse group of students. This book chronicles the authors' journey from their first shaky steps at trying to "flip" their classrooms to their current "best practice so far" flipped-mastery classroom model. This title has been translated in more than 10 languages.


In the successor to the original book,  Flipped Learning (June 2014), the authors take their revolutionary educational philosophy to the next level. This book is all about what happens next -- when a classroom is truly student-centered and teachers are free to engage with students on an individual level. Loaded with powerful stories from teachers across curriculum and grade levels, Flipped Learning turns expectations upside-down and fuels excitement for teaching and learning. This title  has already been contracted for 8 language translations

To find out if translation rights are available for your territory, contact us now.
A ISTE Books' catalog will be available at the end of January. Please let us know if you would like to receive a copy via poste, by clicking here. Please provide us with your mailing address.