ASCD Translation Rights

 New 2014 Books for Teachers



We're recently back from the Frankfurt Book Fair. ASCD thanks the many of you with whom we met and discussed possible book translation projects. If you did not get an opportunity to meet with ASCD at the book fair, I invite you to download the Frankfurt Book Fair ASCD Rights catalog. Below are a few of the new ASCD titles making an impact this year.


For more information or to request PDF review copies of ASCD titles, please email me at [email protected].



Cat Russo

Representing ASCD Translation Rights 

ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) publications department produces more than 30 new titles each year. To find out more about these valuable books that support professional development of teachers and education leaders around the globe, download the new ASCD Publishing Calendar or download the 2014 ASCD Rights Catalog. 



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RussoRights, LLC--Managing ASCD Translations

Recent Translations Sold!





The Understanding by Design Guide to Advanced Concepts in Creating and Reviewing Units


The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-Quality Units

West Meets East: Best Practices from Expert Teachers in the US and China



CHINESE (Simple Characters)


Essential Questions: Opening Doors to Student Understanding



School Leadership That Works: From Research to Results

How to Create and Use Rubrics for Formative Assessment




Totally Positive Teaching: A Five-Stage Approach to Energizing Student and Teachers


Memory at Work in the Classroom: Strategies to Help Underachieving Students

Essential Questions: Opening Doors to Student Understanding

Memory at Work in the Classroom: Strategies to Help Underachieving Students

Teaching with the Brain in Mind (2nd Edition)


Authentic Learning in the Digital Age: Engaging Students Through Inquiry

by Larissa Pahomov
Publication date:  November 2014

This new book by an English teacher at the prestigious Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, is a roadmap for teachers who want to facilitate personalized, authentic, student-driven learning in a technology-rich classroom. It provides a clear framework and how to implement it.



Translation rights now available, request a PDF review copy!

Checking for Understanding:

Formative Assessment Techniques for Your Classroom, 2nd Edition


by Douglas B. Fisher and Nancy A. Frey

Publication date:  December 2014


In t his new 2nd edition, authors Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey show how to increase students' understanding with the help of creative formative assessments.  They explore a variety of engaging activities that check for and increase understanding, including interactive writing, portfolios, multimedia presentations, audience response systems, and much more.


This 2nd edition has been updated to reflect the latest thinking in formative assessment and to show how the concepts apply in the context of Fisher and Frey's work on gradual release of responsibility, guided instruction, formative assessment systems, data analysis, and quality instruction.


 Translation rights now available. Request a PDF review copy!


Sparking Student Creativity:
Practical Ways to Promote Innovative Thinking and Problem Solving 
by Patti Drapeau
Publication date: September 2014

New author Patti Drapeau addresses the areas of imagination, innovation, and problem solving as she walks teachers and educators through the process of promoting problem solving in the classroom. Included within are rubrics, grab-and-go activities, and lesson plans that will help teachers develop the skills of fluency, flexibility, and originality to support creative thinking. 


Translation Rights Available. Request a PDF review copy. 


Memory at Work in the Classroom:

Strategies to Help Underachieving Students


by Francis Bailey and Ken Pransky

Publication date:  March 2014


Authors Francis Bailey and Ken Pransky expertly guide teachers through the aspects of human memory most relevant to teaching in the classroom. Real classroom examples help teachers gain a deeper understanding of how memory systems play a central role in the learning process. This book offers fresh insights into students' learning difficulties and encourages teachers to explore classroom practices that align with the functioning of memory and the ways students learn.


Translation Rights Available. Request a PDF Copy.   

      The London Book Fair is approaching. Will you be there?