RussoRights and                                                                                                                  March 11, 2014



New and Important Titles from ASCD to Help Struggling Students


On behalf of ASCD, RussoRights invites you to learn more about ASCD and its excellent books and publications that support educators and education leaders around the globe. Click here for the ASCD 2014 Editorial Calendar. 



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ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)



Hanging In: Strategies for Teaching the Students Who Challenge Us Most


by Jeffrey Benson

ISBN: 978-1-4166-1755-6


Many students come to school with unique mixtures of family histories, traumatic experiences, and special needs that test educators' skills and patience.

In this title, long-time teacher Jeffrey Benson shows the value of persistence and building relationships when teaching the students who most need support and help. This essential guide includes:

  • Detailed portraits based on real-life students,
  • Strategies for analyzing students' challenges,
  • Recommendations for teachers, and
  • Advice for school administrators.




Help Students Who Struggle to Understand and Remember

Memory at Work in the Classroom:
Strategies to Help Underachieving Students
by Francis Bailey and Ken Pransky


ISBN: 978-1-4166-1757-0     

Pages: 221

Publication Date:  March 2014


In Memory at Work in the Classroom, authors Francis Bailey and Ken Pransky expertly guide readers through the facets of the human memory system that is most relevant for teachers. Real classroom examples help teachers deepen their understanding of how memory systems play a central role in the learning process, as well as how culture plays a sometimes surprising role in memory formation and use. Whether a new or experienced teacher, this book offers fresh insights into students' learning difficulties and help discover practices that align with the functioning of memory and how students learn.

The techniques described in this book apply to all students, but the authors concentrate on explaining the source of struggling students' academic challenges and provide effective strategies for helping students become better learners. Featured in this title are the following memory systems:

Working Memory: the gateway to learning

Executive Function: the cognitive skills children need to independently orchestrate their memory systems in service to learning

Semantic Memory: the storehouse of a person's knowledge of the world, including academic concepts, and the part of the memory system most affected by culture

Episodic Memory: rich, multisensory personal memories of specific events

Autobiographical Memory: one's sense of self, tied directly to student motivation


Foreign language rights now available, request a PDF review copy!


How to Support Struggling Students

(Mastering the Principles of Great Teaching)


by Robyn R. Jackson and Claire Lambert

ISBN: 978-1-4166-1084-7

Publication Date:  2010


In this guide, authors Jackson and Lambert provide step by step instruction through the process of providing proactive and progressive learning support. This is what great teachers do to ensure that all students receive the right kind of assistance and to get those who are struggling, back on track before they get frustrated and give up.



Request a preview copy today for possible inclusion in your new publications list. 


ASCD Rights Recently Sold!


  • Teaching 21st Century Skills: An ASCD Action Tool 
  •  Handbook for the Art and Science of Teaching, A 
  • Effective Supervision: Supporting the Art and Science of Teaching 
  • Formative Assessment Strategies for Every Classroom: An ASCD Action Tool, 2nd Edition    


  • Neurodiversity in the Classroom: Strength-Based Strategies to Help Students with Special Needs Succeed in School and Life


  • Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day


*ASCD is a registered trademark of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development