We recently mailed YOU the new PMI book catalog

featuring the PMBOK® Guide-Fifth Edition in ten languages.

 We hope you received it! If not, click here to download.


Recently, RussoRights and PMI®  formed a new arrangement for rights representation. In the last week, you also were mailed the new books catalog published by PMI. Please take a few moments to review the catalog and learn more about PMI and its excellent books and publications that support project managers around the globe.


PMI serves project managers and organizations with standards that describe good practices, globally recognized credentials that certify project management expertise, and resources for professional development, networking and community. Publications include the best-selling PMBOK® Guide - Fifth Edition, now available in more than 10 languages for reprint licensing, as well as many other highly-valued titles supporting project managers and business interests.


Join RussoRights and PMI at the London Book Fair in April. Contact us for more information about PMI books available for translation or reprint licensing.

Schedule an appointment to review PMI's new Spring titles at the London Book Fair, click here now or email us at info@russorights.com.


Project Management Institute





To see all of the best-selling and new PMI titles, download the 2014 PMI Book Catalog from the RussoRights Website at www.russorights.com


PMI, PMI logo and PMBOK are marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved



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A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK® GUIDE), Fifth Edition
by Project Management Institute
Publication Date:  January 2013


A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), Fifth Edition is the enduring global standard for project management. This title represents generally recognized good practices in the profession while reflecting project management's continually evolving knowledge. Available in English and with 10 official translations offered for reprint licensing, this internationally recognized standard provides the fundamentals of project management as they apply to a wide range of projects, and gives project managers the essential tools they need to practice project management and deliver organizational results.



Foreign language rights and reprint licensing now available. Request a PDF review copy!

Managing Change in Organizations:

A Practice Guide


by Project Management Institute

Publication Date:  September 2013


Managing Change in Organizations: A Practice Guide is a unique title in that it integrates two traditionally disparate world views on managing change: organizational development/human resources and portfolio/program/ project management. By bringing these together professionals from both worlds can use project management approaches to effectively create and manage change.



Request a preview copy today for possible inclusion in your new title list.

Project Intelligence 
by Project Management Institute and David Rechenthin, DBA, MSPM, MBA
Publication date: March 2013
PMI-Project Intelligence

Project Intelligence enables ordinary people to create extraordinary results. In this invaluable work, practitioner and professor David Rechenthin, DBA, MSPM, MBA provides the building blocks for establishing a project intelligence system for your organization.

Request a PDF review copy today!


Contact RussoRights for

interest in these or other PMI books for translation or reprint licensing of translated editions of the PMBOK®

Guide- Fifth Edition.