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United Church of Christ

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United Church of Christ 

Sunday, August 23, 2015
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost 
Service of the Word and Table at 8:30  
 Celebration of Communion (every week)

 Service of the Word at 11:00 

Preaching: Rev. Michael
Pericope: Psalm 84

Lectionary Readings: Click here to read them

Special "Sing Service": Sunday, August 23
Both services on Sunday, August 23, will be a special "music and meditation" service that features new music pieces from the UCC "Sing Prayer and Praise" hymnal.  Members of the worship staff will do a diversity of meditations before introducing a new selection of music.  Our very own Maureen and Jill have two pieces published in the collection. 

As Fred Child on Performance Today often reminds listeners:  all music was once new.

Click the title of each class to read more

Conversations Sunday School (Room 204)

Sundays, 9:30-10:45am (Room 206)
Practical Theology: A Just Peace Covenant Community Class studies, explores and takes action on current issues. The class shares leadership and begins each class with "How was your week?" and a short devotional.  All are welcome.  Contacts:  Jackie & George Dominick

Lesson:  This past Sunday Bill Tomlinson brought several articles related to security and privacy.  The 15 of us in attendance decided that we would discuss these issues next Sunday.  So, our topic for discussion is "Security vs. Privacy."  Please bring any articles, ideas, thoughts and opinions for our discussion.
Leader:  Class
Devotional: Pat

Sundays, 9:30-10:45am (Library, Fellowship Hall)



August 20 ~ 1:30pm

"Classics Revisited." Read a book of your choice:  EITHER a title you read as a young adult and want to revisit OR a title typically assigned in high school or college that you are ready to take on now.  This informal group meets in the Fireplace Room, every six weeks. Read and attend as you can; no commitment.  Send an e-mail to Geneva Benoit if you would like to be on the group's email list:



"Children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play approach helps them to explore their faith through story, to gain religious language and to enhance their spiritual experience though wonder and play. [It is] based on Montessori principles..." ( The focus of this training will be for the Kindergarten to 1st or 2nd grade children. Susan Bundschu, a seasoned Godly Play teacher, will lead the training. If interested, please contact Rev. Ginnie (

Youth worship will start back on Sunday, Sept 6 from 9:30am-10:45am in rooms 102 and 103. All 6th-12th grade students are welcome to join. Our time together includes various things such as: sharing about our joys and concerns, praying for one another, theological discussion and of course, hanging out. All are welcome! Want to provide a breakfast snack or help out? Please contact

Young Adult Gathering
Thursday, August 20 from 7-9pm
Our 20-30 somethings meet on a monthly basis as a way to connect with one another and meet new people. This month Rev. Lacey will be hosting a pot-luck at her house. Please email her for event details or join the Central Young Adults group on Facebook for more info.

Lena's Place Coffeehouse 
upcoming schedule:


September 12 

8:00pm Twin Courage, 

9:00pm Sonny Houston Band

Supported Charity of the month: Men Stopping Violence


October 10 

8:00pm Chris Emerson and Ty Bennett, 

9:00pm Sweetwater Creek Bluegrass Band

Supported Charity of the month: Open Door
Homecoming & Annual Meeting
Sunday, September 13
Homecoming Sunday is set for Sunday, September 13.  Special worship events, including the return of the Sanctuary Choir (at the 11:00 service) are being planned.
Following worship, the business of the Annual Meeting shall include the receipt of reports of the officers, boards and committees, the financial reports for the previous fiscal year, and any motions that are "in order" brought forward by a member.
The Annual Meeting will happen in the Fellowship Hall over lunch. We will have fresh roasted turkey breast available as the main course. Please bring your favorite salad, bread, or dessert to share. 

FOG will not meet in the month of September due to the first Saturday falling on Labor Day weekend.  Enjoy your holiday and official end of summer.  FOG will gather again on October 3rd at RobinLee Fitch and Dan Jone's home, November 7 at Barbara and Joe Alfano's home and December 5 at Paula and Erik Emde's home.  For those not familiar with FOG, attending is one of the best ways to meet Central's members and visitors of all ages and stages of life in a casual setting.  The tastings are not formal, just informative.  You don't have to be a church member to attend and all are welcome!



Supporting Montclair Elementary School 

Our MES leadership team is currently collecting elementary school uniforms for the students at MES. The pants can be navy or khaki. The shirts must be white, navy blue, or light blue. These items can be purchased at most major retail stores including Walmart, Target, and TJMaxx. Please consider donating one pair of pants or one shirt as you are able. Also, the school is in desperate need of printing/copying paper for each classroom. If you have some extra lying around, please drop it in the bins outside the church sanctuary. Your donations are greatly appreciated and make a difference in the lives of the teachers and students at MES. Have questions? Please contact


Saturday, September 12 (9:00am-1:00pm)
As part of our Homecoming Weekend celebrations all are welcome to join us for a Day of Service at MES! We will be cleaning, mulching, painting, and weeding at the neighborhood school. The administration has invited the PTA and surrounding community to join us. Please plan on bringing a water bottle and any personal tools you think might be helpful. Contact if you have questions.

EARTH TOPICS: Tuesday, September 1, 6:30-8:00pm (Central UCC Commons)
We will again gather to share our ways of connecting theologically and practically with "The Care of our Common Home" as Pope Francis calls our planet. In September, we will watch a short video from the curriculum, "Painting the Stars: Science, Religion and an Evolving Faith. We will have conversation about where to go from here in future months. Possibilities are:
      Hot, Flat & Crowded by Thomas Friedman
      The Dream of the Earth by Thomas Berry
      On Care for Our Common Home (Laudato Si') by Pope Francis
Questions? Interest? Please contact Rev. Ginnie  


September 11

Church Women United of Atlanta will hold its annual Human Rights Luncheon on Friday, September 11, 11:30-2:00 at St. Paul A.M E. Church, 1540 Pryor St SW, Atlanta.  Bettieann Hart is this year's honoree.  For tickets, at $35, or more information, contact Joyce Myers-Brown,  All are welcome.

UCC Justice Alert: Support Diplomacy - 
Defend the Deal with Iran

After months spent at the negotiating table, an important deal has been struck between the U.S., our allies, and Iran. This is an historic, comprehensive agreement which would verifiably cut off Iran's pathways to a nuclear weapon. It represents not only an important moment for U.S. foreign policy, but a victory for all those who supported a more peaceful way forward with Iran- including many like you who wrote letters or called in support of a diplomatic solution rather than war with Iran.

As a Just Peace Church that issued a resolution calling for "friendship and solidarity" rather than war with Iran, it is incumbent upon us to lift our voice at this time to support this agreement. Congress could vote on the Iran deal later this month and unless members hear strong, pro-deal, pro-peace message from constituents, they could vote to kill it.We cannot risk another war in the Middle East.

We've come too far to let a comprehensive deal and secure peace slip away. There's too much at stake.

Urge Congress to defend the Iran Deal.