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Central UCC
Central Congregational
United Church of Christ
Sunday Worship: May 25
Rev. Michael's Sabbatical
Plymouth Harbor Celebration: June 8
Montclair Elem. School
Mission Trip Meeting
Toco Hills
Youth Mission Trip - S. GA
Youth Mission Trip - W. VA
Youth Peace Camp July 7 to 13
Practical Theology
Sacred Journeys
Women's Daytime Book Group: June 5
Earth Topics May 13
FOG: June 7
Vocal Recital: June 8
DOC Women's Gathering
New Member Reception: June 15

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United Church of Christ 

Sunday, May 25, 2014 
Sixth Sunday of Easter

LECTIONARY READINGS (Click to read them)
FOCUS TEXT:  Acts 17:22-31
Rev. Michael, preaching


This Sunday, as it turns out, is a day of leave-taking.  This will be the last Sunday for Dr. James Kohler to be "on the bench" for Central.  We will bless him in worship and celebrate his ministry in a reception in the Commons following the services of the day.


This will also be the last Sunday for Rev. Michael to preach before leaving on sabbatical (he will return to Central's pulpit on Homecoming Sunday, September 7).  At the end of both services the Deacons will lead the congregation in offering him a blessing (by the laying on of hands) and at the 11:00 service he will offer his stole (the symbol of his pastoral office) to the Moderator for safekeeping.  Below is an article that highlights the summer line-up of preachers--an impressive rota.


Times of leave-taking can be tender; it can be helpful to remember that our grief is often a vulnerable expression of our gratitude.  We only grief those persons, places and relationships for which we are grateful.  By leaning into our gratitude, our times of leave-taking can provide a nourishing hummus for new growth.


Later today, liturgy for Sunday will be posted on Rev. Michael's blog; click here to read

Rev. Michael will be on sabbatical this June, July, and August; he departs for India on June 1 where he will be studying and practicing meditation and yoga in Dharamsala, the residence of the Dalai Lama.  If possible, he will update his blog with a journal and pictures during his time away: (technology limitations may not make this consistently possible).


This summer there is an exciting rota of preachers: Lacey Brown, Warren Culpepper, Rev. Ginnie Ferrell, Dr. Jon Gunnemann, Michelle Holtmann, Dr. Ron Joyner, Gail McGill, Rev. Truman Moore, Rev. Joyce Myers-Brown, Rev. Kim Sorrells, Rev. Dave Spence and Rev. Ruben Swint. 


Be sure to watch the E-News every week for information about Sunday worship.


Rev. Michael will return to the pulpit at Central on Homecoming Sunday, September 7. 




On Pentecost Sunday, at the 11:00 o'clock service, we will recognize and honor the many Plymouth Harbor volunteers and introduce Ms. Kay Coppage, LMSW, Director of Plymouth Harbor since June 2013. Come celebrate our church's Day Program for Older Adults since 1991! After the service a luncheon in honor of our volunteers will be served in the Fellowship Hall.




Between Central and Buford Highway there is an elementary school of about 1200 students with 90% of those students receiving a free or reduced price lunch as well as breakfast at school. Over the last several months, we have collected monies for holiday "Food Baskets" and winter clothing. Volunteer tutors have begun to work with the students. We are looking into ways of providing books to read and weekend food. If you would like to help with this ministry, please contact Jean Haller or Bill O'Steen.  


(Sept 21-27, 2014, Biloxi, MS)


There will be a meeting of prospective mission participants  at 9:30 AM on June 1st in the Fellowship Hall. We need to discuss the financial aspects, transportation and the required paper work. Our trip from September 21-27th is fast approaching.
On our mission trip to the UCC Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, Mississippi, we will be participating in the Housing Recovery/Work Camping. There is also work inside at the food pantry or cooking all the meals. If you have questions or would like to sign up, please contact Jean Haller or Bill O'Steen. 
 For more information about food donation requests, volunteer opportunities and updates from our local ecumenical outreach agency, please read more. 
Children & Youth


June 9-13, 2014, 8:45 AM to Noon 

Rising K to Rising 5th Graders Wanted

Volunteers Needed

Peace Camp will focus on theme of water in our environment and in the Bible. Read more

 Youth Mission Trip 
to South GA 
June 9 to 13
The youth will be headed to Valdosta, GA to work with the South GA Farmworkers Health ProjectRead more.
Youth Mission Trip  
to West Virginia 
June 22-28, 2014 
The high school youth will have a service week hosted by the Appalachian South Folklife Center. Read more.


July 7 to 13, 2014, 8am-5pm

6th to 12th grade youth from around Atlanta are welcome. Our limit is 24 participants. For more information or to sign up, please contact Lacey Brown, Youth Director. Read more.

Adult Spiritual Formation

The Practical Theology class (Room 206) 9:30-10:45AM

The Practical Theology class studies, explores and takes action on current issues.  On June 1, the class will be choosing their next topic. They have ten books from which to choose. Read more.

Questions? Contact George and Jackie 


Sundays, 9:30 to 10:50 AM

Fellowship Hall, Steinhaus Library

Each week this group explores how spirit guides our personal journeys, read more.

Adult Gatherings
Women's Daytime Book Group
Thursday, June 5, 1:30pm, Fireplace Room

The next gathering is Thursday, June 5 at 1:30 in the Fireplace Room.  The book is The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson.  Read and attend as you can; no commitment.  Send an e-mail to Geneva Benoit if you would like to be on the group's email list: Geneva Benoit.


Second Tuesday - June 10

6:30 to 8:00 PM, The Commons

Once a month, a group of us gather to talk about our connections between the Holy and the Earth, ecological concerns and projects we are doing, and time to enjoy our love of nature. We have been reading essays from Spiritual Ecology, a collection of essays edited by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee. In June, the essay will be "Care of the Soul of the World" by Bill Plotkin.  Folks bring with them other topics of interest, too. No preparation is needed. Join us for great conversation and fellowship. Questions? Contact Rev. Ginnie 

FELLOWSHIP OF THE GRAPE, Saturday, June 7, 7:00pm, Winebarger's home

Laura and Bob Winebarger will host June FOG Saturday, June 7th at 7pm.  Laura and Bob have chosen sparkling wines as their selection for the month.  Any and all appetizers or dishes, desserts or snacks to share that will pair with white wines will be appreciated.  For those not familiar with FOG, attending is of the best ways to meet Central's members and visitors of all ages and stages of life in a casual setting.  The tastings are not formal, just informative.  You don't have to be a church member to attend and all are welcome!  Event Details:  June 7th, 2014 at 7:00pm.  RSVP to hosts Bob and Laura Winebarger or If you would like to be added to the mailing list for FOG, contact coordinator Robin Lee Fitch at Robin Lee Fitch.  We look forward to seeing you at FOG.


June 8, 4:00 PM, Sanctuary


Ian Greenlaw will be singing in the 11 AM service on Sunday morning, June 8.  He will also be presenting a recital that is free and open to the public at Central that afternoon, at 4:00 PM.  Repertoire will include French chansons, German lieder, and 20th century American music.  Ian's career includes performances at La Scala, the Metropolitan Opera, and the Atlanta Opera.  He is currently pursuing a doctorate at the University of Michigan. Ian is Leona Greenlaw's son.
Disciples of Christ
Women's Gathering
June 25-29, Marriott Marquis, Atlanta

If you would like to participate or volunteer, please read more.

Sunday, June 15, following the 11:00 worship service, there will be a reception for all new members who have joined Central in the past two years.  
All members are encouraged to attend.  Come and meet and make welcome the newer members! PLEASE WEAR YOUR NAME TAGS!! We want to get to know one another and name tags help!!  Wear your best smile and be your friendliest self!  See you on June 15!!