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Central UCC
Central Congregational
United Church of Christ
Sunday Worship: June 9
Strengthen the Church
Inquirers' Series
Sunday Childcare
Sunday Ed: Chidren & Youth
Sunday Ed: Adults
Plymouth Harbor Update
Pilgrim Circle June 8
Lena's Place June 8
Eagle Scout Ceremony June 10
Children's Peace Camp: June 10-14
Recycled Art Project
Retirement of Tim Downs June 15
Gwinnett Braves Game July 4
Tuesday Evening Spiritual Practices
Spiritual Direction
Stock the Shelves for Toco Hills May & June
Bridge Players Wanted
Slate Stepping Stones Needed
Volunteer / Donate
Substitute Dish Washers Needed

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United Church of Christ 

Sunday, June 9, 2013
LECTIONARY READINGS (Click to read them)
Teen Mission Trip Service


 The services this weekend will focus on receiving our teens and adults back from their mission and work trip in Appalachia.   As usual, the 8:30 service will have Communion.  The 11:00 service will include a choral-congrgegation anthem, "We Are the World," and a celebration of Andrew Detherow's Eagle Scout achievement (he did his project at Central).  Please come hear and support our teens.


Looking ahead:

  • Sunday, 16 June: Peace Camp Service
  • Sunday, 23 June: Rev. Michael, preaching
  • Sunday, 30 June: Rev. Michael, preaching
Strengthen the Church,
a UCC Special Offering
A little love can go a long way.  When our lives become unpredictable or chaotic, when we're facing into a storm, when we're weary and discouraged, fearful or confused... a little love can give the boost we need. 


Many of us find that love in our church.  But there are many people still seeking and yearning for a little love, a little hope, and a reassuring word.  They have not found a church that's reaching out with an extravagant welcome, where they can hear the message of the unconditional love of our still speaking God.  That's where the Strengthen the Church special mission offering steps in.


Each year, we receive a special offering that helps the church's love to grow and thrive. Called Strengthen the Church, this offering funds new congregations and renews existing ones. It supports programs for youth and young adults and nurtures current and future leaders. And it sends the God is Still Speaking Ministry's message of extravagant welcome and inclusivity into our world.


We will be receiving the Strengthen the Church offering during June. There are envelopes in the pews. You may also write a check to Central Congregational UCC and in the memo write: "Strengthen the Church". Thank you for your support.

Inquirers' Series (Visitor Information) in June

Have you recently started attending Central and want more information about the church?  Have you been visiting and have a question about "why or what" we do?  Just interested in getting to know Rev. Michael and a few other folk a little better?  The Inquirers' Series is for you!  On
Sundays, June 2, 9, and 16 (9:45 to 10:30), Rev. Michael will host an information/Q&A session in his conference room (at the end of the office suite).  Folk who wish to join Central may do so on
Sunday, June 23.  For more information: email Rev. Michael.

Childcare on Sunday mornings

Childcare for infants to 1st Graders continues year round. During the summer, all the children needing childcare will be in Room 202.

  • The nursery (Room 201) is open for a quiet space for babies and parents. 
  • Childcare is available (Room 202) for infants to 1st Graders from 8:30 AM to 12:15 PM.
Children & Youth Sunday School Resumes in August
Adult Ongoing Sunday Education 

Practical Theology: A Just Peace Covenant Community (Room 204) 

Practical Theology:  A Just Peace Covenant Community Class studies and explores current issues and related actions.  Books written by biblical scholars, the Bible, and materials from the National UCC Office are utilized.  The class is currently studying "On God's Side:  What Religion Forgets and Politics Hasn't Learned About Serving the Common Good,"  by Jim Wallis -Chapter 8:Conservatives, Liberals, and a Call to Civility on Sunday, June 9th

Lesson: Part 2 - Practices for the Common Good

Leader: Bill O'Steen

Devotional: Jackie Dominick  

Questions? Contact George and Jackie.



Plymouth Harbor Update
As was announced at the Congregational Meeting in May, Dick Baxter is stepping down from Plymouth Harbor to spend the month of June with his wife Mary at their home in the mountains.  We are so very grateful to him for his work and ministry as Interim Director.  The Plymouth Harbor Board is hosting a small picnic for him; please watch for details regarding a congregation-wide celebration. Plans will be published in the E-News following the June Council meeting.

The Board of Plymouth Harbor has been hard at work in the interim period and is nearly finished identifying their goals for moving forward.  Eric Lucas, the incoming board chair, has been working very closely with the PH Board and the Personnel Committee during this transition.

As was indicated in an email earlier this week, Kay Coppage has been named "Acting Director" for the next 120 days while the board finishes its transition work and planning.  The hope is that Kay will remain as "the" Director.

Plymouth Harbor is one of Central's most significant and impactful ministries.  Volunteers, short-term and long-term, are always needed and appreciated to support our efforts.
Pilgrim Circle
Saturday, June 8
Pilgrim Circle will have its June meeting on Saturday, June 8 at Mary Ellen Myers' home in Banks County, where she will provide lunch and a relaxing few hours.  Meet at Central at 10am to carpool.  Interested Central members as well as current Pilgrim sisters are welcome to attend.  Wear comfortable shoes for a walk to the lake.
Lena's Place Coffeehouse 
Saturday, June 8, 8:00-10:00PM


Our next show is Saturday, June 8th, with the Phil Griffin Band and Lauren Lapointe. Join us for another great show!   As always, our shows showcase incredible musicians in an intimate, listening room environment, and also fund charitable outreach to the local community, this month is Refugee Resettlement & Immigration Services of Atlanta. We appreciate your support of the music and the mission, and encourage you to tell your friends and family!


Eagle Scout Ceremony 
Monday, June 10th, 7:00pm
One of our youth, Andrew Detherow, will receive his Eagle Scout Award in a Court of Honor.  It would be wonderful if some of his Central family could be there!  It will be at Lilburn Christian Church, 314 Arcado Rd. NW, Lilburn, GA 30047.
Children and Youth 
Peace Camp 

June 10 to 14, in the morning

Peace Camp is a progressive Christian day camp with the mission to provide a fun, educational environment in which children can learn the messages and practice of nonviolence and peacemaking through growing awareness of hunger and poverty needs around the world. The children's camp will be held June 10 to 14, 2013 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Rising K to rising 3rd graders will have Camp at Central.The youth peace camp begins at 8 AM. It is full. They will have a week of morning service projects and fun. To register, please contact Rev. Ginnie.

Materials Needed for Recycled Art Project
During Peace Camp, we will be creating a 'recycled art' project.  If you have some bling you would like to toss or any other interesting recyclables, we could use them at the camp.  Please bring to the church by Wednesday, June 12.  Thank you very much.
Saturday, June 15: Retirement of Tim Downs

On June 15 the 47th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Conference UCC will be hosted by First Congregational UCC Atlanta.  At this time Rev. Dr. Tim Downs, our current Conference Minister of 16 years, will be honored for his upcoming retirement spanning 39 years  in ministry.  Tim and his wife Carol are also members here at Central.   The Rev. Geoffrey A. Black, General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ will serve as the Keynote Preacher.  If you would like to attend, information and registration can be found at Southeast Conference UCC.   


Gwinnett Braves Game

Thursday, July 4: 7:05PM 


On Thursday, July 4, the Gwinnett / Stone Mountain neighborhood group will be attending the Gwinnett Braves game at 7:05PM.  Tickets will be approximately $12 per person.  All are invited to attend, regardless of your geographic loyalty.  Come join us for fellowship and fireworks.  Email RSVP to Martene Stansbery to reserve tickets.   

Tuesday Eve Spiritual Practices


COMPASSION MEDITATION: An On-Going Practice from 6:30 to 7:00 PM 

Do you already have a practice of meditation? Or are you a beginner? Whatever your experience may be, you're welcome to join the compassion meditation sitting and discussion from 6:30 to 7:30. Rev. Lou will answer questions about different approaches to meditation and provide practical suggestions to help you further incorporate this practice in your life.


YOGA For All Levels: 7:00 to 8:00 PM 

Hatha yoga is a specific type of yoga that creates balance between the feminine and masculine aspects within all of us. The instructor is Molly Grubb. $10 per class.  


For more information, contact Rev. Lou Kavar,

Spiritual Direction  
with Rev. Lou Kavar, Minister-in-Covenant

Are you looking to explore the role spirituality plays in your life? Do you find that beliefs you once held no longer work for you?  In the midst of transitions, do you wonder how your values and beliefs come 
into play? Working with a spiritual director may be helpful for you. 


Spiritual direction is a process through which an individual explores, develops, and deepens the spiritual dimension of life with the aid and guidance of a director or coach. It is a process whose focus is to better integrate the spiritual dimension of life with other life dimensions, including relationships, work, and leisure interests.


The Rev. Lou Kavar is available to you as a spiritual director.  For more information, contact Rev. Lou (Click here).

Stock the Shelves for the Summer at Toco Hills Food Pantry


The Mission & Action Board is sponsoring a food drive in May and June to benefit the Toco Hills Food Pantry.  Please join us in providing healthy food for our neighbors.  The website includes a list of the best food to donate, some of the foods include:


Powdered Milk





Canned Fish

Canned Vegetables


Canned Chicken

Canned fruits


Canned Stews

Peanut Butter


Baby Food

Instant Oatmeal

Hot Cereal

Dry Formula


Bridge Players Wanted! 

The women's bridge would like to invite bridge players to join them on the last Wednesday of the month from 10:30 - 3 pm.  We also play on the second Wednesday of each month following Priscilla Circle from 12:30-3pm.  We encourage players of all levels to join us.  For more information contact Martene Stansbery  
Slate Stepping Stones Needed
The Gardening Team is continuing to make gardens in the parking lot islands. They need some slate for stepping stones through their gardens. If you happen to have some slate stepping stones at home that you no longer need, the church would gladly receive them. Please contact Ron Smith if you have questions. Thank you.

Volunteer / Donate


Women's Fellowship members recently had as their speaker Lisa Wise, Executive Director of Initiative for Affordable Housing, which has been active in Dekalb County for about 20 years. Recently IAH started a job training program teaching people to weave on large looms, and it has been very successful! The weavers use donated cloth and old clothes that have stains or tears (because these don't show when the strips of cloth are tightly woven together!). They accept donations of clean but worn/used clothes, linens, curtains, etc., at the weave shop at 3032 N. Decatur Rd., Scottdale, GA 30079. Customers looking for handwoven products can visit the re:loom store at 1434 Scott Blvd., Suite 200, Decatur, GA 30030, (by appointment) or visit the website.   Volunteers are needed, donations are needed, and talent is needed for not only the weave shop but helping to support homeless or low-income people become independent. Visit the organization's website and see where your time, talents, or money could be put to very good use!

Substitute Dish Washers Needed

Plymouth Harbor, the adult day care program held here on Central's campus, is looking for substitute dish washers on an 'as needed' basis.  If you are interested in being put on the call list please email Kay Coppage.