
                  Pet Pals, Inc  Newsletter

The Pals and Paws Post
Better than the New York Post or the Denver Post!! 

Putting Smiles on faces is our specialty!

55th Edition 

January 2016     

In This Issue (Click a heading to go directly to the article)

Pet Hints....

NEW Furkids!

For Sale!


FREE Help!



Contact Information

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Happy New Year! 
We cannot thank you enough for your generosity this holiday season.  Our pets received gifts of toys, biscuits, hooves, new leashes, harnesses and collars to name a few. We so badly needed your help to fill our supply of paper towels and blankets which we  also received.

Because of your kindness and generous donations over the holiday season, we will be able to pay our veterinarians which they appreciate! We will also be able to save even more animals in 2016.

YOU make this important work possible. It has been raining dogs here in the last month. We have also had some wonderful adoptions.....HURRAH!

Thank you on behalf of all of us at Pet Pals, Inc. I'm sure our new pets say "thank you," too!  We were their ONLY hope to live.

Have a VERY Happy New Year!
Linda, Larry and Board of Directors

PS. We received many updates. Pictures of updates are sprinkled throughout this newsletter which we are thrilled to share with you.

Gino & Pumpkin live in Canada!

Pet Hints
Sadie adopted in
June 2007.

 Crate Cleaning
      Doesn't everyone just hate that job? A neat way to make it easier to clean crates is to use Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner. Spray the foam on, let it set for a few minutes and wipe off. For hardened food and goo a putty knife also helps. 

Dogs With Joint Problems
    Most people know how dangerous Rimadyl (***see below) can be. Pet Pals and several adopters have had wonderful results with Duralactin. It is for long term management of chronic inflammatory conditions in dogs. It is all natural and will not cause problems if you give too much.     
     One of our adopters reports that her dog has not had to have hip surgery because of the wonderful results of Duralactin. It can be purchased on e-bay.

    A gal in Washington, who operates a pig rescue, reports that Duralactin is helping her old pig!! 

***The market for dog arthritis pain medications tops $130 million a year and is growing about 13% a year, consulting firm Wood Mackenzie says.
But 3,200 dogs have died or been put down after taking the drugs, Food and Drug Administration records show. Almost 19,000 dogs have had bad reactions to them.

Firm UP!
   Diggin Firm up is a pumpkin super supplement for digestive tract support in dogs and cats. It works WONDERFUL. It is Pumpkin and Apple Fiber that is mixed with wet pet food. Our kitties and Rosie (two-legged dog, spoiled with wet food) LOVE it.  Pet Pals purchases it on AmazonSmile and get a donation to boot! 

Dogs that Dig out!
After receiving another call to take a dog because it digs out, we had a suggestion. Put stock panels on the ground and wire them to the sides... problem solved! The family is keeping their dog....HURRAH!

Dogs that Jump Fences!
After receiving another call to take a dog because they can't keep it from jumping the fence, we had a suggestion. Run an electric fence along the top of the existing fence to teach the dog that fences BITE....problem solved! The family is keeping their dog.....HURRAH!

Need Antibiotics?
  You can purchase antibiotics on-line from a number of places. It is sold as FishMox!

Melatonin can be purchased at Wal-mart or a number of other stores. It works GREAT to help dogs sleep. 

Ear Issues
     Just wanted to share this new product (to me anyway) with everyone that my vet used in the ears of my foster dog with very deep seated infections.  They were driving him nuts.  And because the ears were so bad, the only way we could even scope him was to knock him out completely.  My vet  found both ears very infected and after a very thorough cleaning of both canals, he used an antibiotic gel called Poloxamer, that fills the canal space and does not liquefy and run out. It sits there and is very slowly absorbed.  If you have a dog with ear issues, you might ask your vet to use this?
     My vet knew I would not be able to doctor the ears due to his severe sensitivity.  I just got the dog home tonight so we'll see, but my vet feels that this AB gel will work very well for him and reduce his stress at the same time.  He will be also on oral antibiotics as well and should not have a need to doctor the ears. Yay!!!  
     From a friend using this resource.
If someone can�t pay for their medications some places will send them free pending on their income. At the present I am getting some and did not have to pay for anything. The program is called Patient Assistance they have a long list of medicines Astra Zeneca-AZ/Me 800-292-6363 Merck 800-727-5400 Pfeizer 866-706-2400 also you can try needymeds pending on the income might have to pay a small fee or they might also be free. from: Beth White, President
Dalmatian Rescue of Colorado / Melody Kennels
(thanks Beth!) 

(Vaccination warnings~By Request)

Before You Vaccinate Your Dog

Vaccinosis: Health Hazard of Routine Vaccination
Four Warnings from Vaccine Manufacturers: Who is Ignoring Them?

Stomach Issues: 

Pet Pals gives acidophilus when we give antibiotics. 
Acidophilus helps maintain an acidic environment in the body, which can prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Acidophilus has been used to treat or prevent vaginal yeast infections, yeast infections of the mouth, diarrhea caused by taking antibiotics, and urinary tract...

Traveling with pets, children or just handy:
Use empty Kleenex box to store plastic bags:


7 Home Remedies for Your Dog
When you're feeling under the weather, you might find that the perfect thing for treating what ails you is something you already have in the kitchen. Did you know that you can treat your ailing dog with some simple home remedies too? Below you will find seven great natural remedies for making your dog happy and healthy again.
TIP #1
Vitamin E is good for preventing those pesky age lines on your face, and it's also great for your dog's dry skin. (read more on the web site) 
TIP #2
Flavorless electrolyte-replacing liquids, such as sports waters or pediatric drinks, not only help athletes to replenish fluids, and babies to rehydrate after an illness, they can also supply your sick pooch's body with much needed fluids after a bout of diarrhea or vomiting. (read more on the web site) 
TIP #3
Deliciously plain yogurt is a healthy treat for your dog. Just as with humans, the live acidophilus in the yogurt keeps the good bacteria in your dog's intestines in balance, so that bad bacteria is swiftly knocked out. If your dog is on antibiotics, a little yogurt will also help keep yeast infections at bay (a common side-effect of antibiotic treatment). You can also give your dog acidophilus pills. (read more on the web site)  
TIP #4
Chamomile tea uses the natural disinfecting effects of the chamomile plant to settle upset doggy tummies. It is recommended for colic, gas, and anxiety. It can also alleviate minor skin irritations. (read more on the web site)  

TIP #5
An itchy dog can be quite an annoyance, especially as it goes around scratching itself on any piece of furniture it can reach. Forget the backscratcher. Finely ground oatmeal is a time-honored remedy for irritated skin.. (read more on the web site)  

TIP #6
Dogs can be like kids at times, and as such they are bound to suffer from wounds and the occasional unexplained swelling. Try treating these ailments with Epsom salt soaks and heat packs next time...(read more on the web site) 
TIP #7
Does your dog have fleas? Never fear. Before turning to the big guns, try some borax powder. The standard stuff at the store will work wonders on fleas by poking holes in their crunchy insect exoskeletons...(read more on the web site)   
Home (or holistic) remedies aren't just for tree huggers anymore. It's important to take care of your dog from day to day, not just when it's feeling a little under the weather, and the best way to maintain the best health is often the most natural way. But most of all, it'll help keeping your "baby" from crying like a hound dog. 

We are working on some new holistic items that we will post in the next newsletter!
Adopted April 2008, Kole is now a certified therapy dog!



New Furkids! 

Meet senior sweeties Rocky and Nessa. Their only issue is they can't walk through snow drifts because of their little short legs! Both are very housebroken and get along GREAT with other animals and children.

Rocky, 11 years old, LOVES to play with a tennis ball. Nessa, 13 years old, likes to watch the world go by. Both cry when they are apart from each other so they must go together. Both are in terrible need of dental care. An appointment is already scheduled. Your donations are put to GOOD use!!

Rocky's teeth are SO bad he stinks (see below). We take dentals VERY seriously and you should also. Bacteria can invade the body through the blood stream by gaining entrance into the oral lesions. This is called bacteremia.

If the bacteria gets a chance to settle and reproduce in the lining of the heart or heart valves, a serious condition may result called bacterial endocarditis. Kidney damage and joint problems are a common sequel to bacterial invasion via the unhealthy oral cavity. Read more by visiting:


Meet Roxy! Roxy is a Great Pyrenees who is about 7 years old. Roxy's owner is in the hospital and unable to take care of her and the female in her home has passed away. Roxy has not been socialized with other large dogs and she is terrified. We are working on her social skills.She was with a small dog.

Roxy is also not fond of cats but loves women. She would make an AWESOME guard dog for a women.



Hi Partner! 

Patches Pete here hoping you will take me home with you! I am just a little rat terrier who can't do no wrong. I promise not to pee in your sleeping quarters because I want to sleep with you! 

When I was hatched ten years ago, my family was good to me. They took me places and taught me humans are nice. They also taught me to clean human's ears! A few days before Christmas they took me for a ride to be murdered.....YIKES! 

THANK GOD for Pet Pals because I'm now with them and waiting for my new home!


Pictures Pending....

ANOTHER dog is coming in. Your donations at work! 

He is slated for euthanasia on Monday but I can make something (anything!) work if you think that you'll have a spot for him. Sadly, everyone else I have contacted has said they are full too and his chances are severely dwindling. from Kerri 



Sarah was adopted and is doing GREAT in her new home. THANK YOU Misti & Matt!

ANOTHER application is pending...........HURRAH!!!

Bella is now 7 years old and has severe medical issues. Bella only has a few more months to live. Pet Pals feels your pain.


For Sale!

"Yorkie Doodle Dandy" books for sale. 
Yorkie Doodle Dandy pub . 1996 is still very popular. The book has inspired six U.S. memorials for the four pound dog, Smoky.
   On Dec. 12, 2012 The Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital in Australia dedicated a Smoky memorial that was unveiled by the Governor of Queensland. This is on the site of a former U.S. military hospital where Smoky served as a Therapy dog in Aug. 1944. Smoky is claimed as "Australia's First War Dog." The Australian Dogs of War combat medal was awarded to Smoky in a spectacular military ceremony on 7/20/12. Smoky is the "First Therapy Dog of Record", by Animal Planet Research.   

   Pet Pals has teamed up with an awesome gal to bring you fingernail decals. They are made in the USA so shipping is fast. They are usually made the evening of your order.
   You can send your own pictures! The possibilities are endless. Current or past pets, grandchildren, logos or anything else! These are not just for your fingernails. You can put them on eye glasses, mirrors or anywhere you want a decal. Just touch with clear fingernail polish and Walla!  They make AWESOME gifts and you'll be shocked at how inexpensive they are!!
Visit: www.luckystarstyle.com

  Don't forget to mention Pet Pals and we receive a donation. EVERY penny helps save a life.


Ran across this poem on FaceBook and thought of you.  It has been awhile since we have talked.  
Hope all is well with you and your family and, of course, the furkids.  Yours and those you are helping...

'Twas the night before Christmas, at Rainbow Bridge too.
We Bridgekids were thinking as always of you.
We'd seen how the holidays weren't bright this year,
Heard you whisper so often, "I wish you were here!"
We know how you wish you could just stay in bed
And sleep through the holiday lying ahead,
When all celebrate with their loved ones so near...
Unless they have loved ones on this side this year.
But we're no less alive here, on the other side.
If you could just see us, you'd laughed and not cried.
The dogs all in harness, pulling the sleigh.
The cats all in Santa hats pointing the way.
The pet birds all flying back over the rainbow,
Bound homeward in spite of Earth's darkness and snow.
All the pets that you've lost, pets for whom you've cried,
Flying home on this Christmas to be by your side.
If you feel warm fur brush you when no pet's around,
Hear a soft bark or purr, just a ghost of a sound,
We're trying to tell you we're visiting this way,
And our visits, even rainbows, can be on any day.
But for Christmas we have something special to do,
A sleigh full of happy dream visits for you.
On doggy, on kitty, on winged friend and ferret!
The love that you lavished, we mean now to share it!
We're fetching that love home, the way we once played,
With the closeness we shared and the memories we made.
Our Earth lives with you were too short for us, too,
And on this Christmas Eve we have so much to do.
So all through this night as you sleep in your beds,
Sweet visions of furbabies dance in your heads.
This one special night we can bring you Home for a while,
Your true home in Heaven, where again you will smile.
Over the rainbow you'll fly, for a short while this night,
Hours that you'll be happy, hours that will feel right,
Hours to cuddle and hug us, to run and to play,
Before the return to Earth in our magic way.
And when you awaken and face Christmas Day,
We pray you'll remember your trip on our sleigh,
But in case you forget, just remember our love.
Remember us watching you, your angels above.
Sending love wrapped in rainbows, shining and bright,
Love that will guide you through the darkest night,
Love found in each memory unwrapped through the year,
Replacing dark sorrows with Christmas cheer.
Leave the toys to St. Nick, we Bridgekids bring dreams,
Sweet visits to remind you all is not as it seems
When you look all around you with tired Earthly eyes.
If you saw as we do, there'd be joy and surprise.
There are furangels waiting by those Christmas trees,
Always there for you and hearing your pleas.
We're never more than a thought away from your home,
You're never forgotten, you're never alone.
Nor are we alone here, with our Rainbow Bridge friends.
We know only joy here, the celebrating never ends,
And after our reunions with you Christmas Eve,
We Bridgekids will party like you'd never believe.
But we'll slip away often to be by your side.
Sitting there watching you, eyes open wide,
Praying you'll be able to catch a glimpse of us, too.
But whether or not you see us - Merry Christmas to you!
- Cindy Morgan (2007)


Happy New Year!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. Thank you for the Christmas card! We had a really nice, low key holiday season. Scooby is doing great! Santa brought him a super huge dog bed for Christmas.

Well, I've attached some recent photos I thought you would enjoy. I hope things are holding up great for you,
your husband, and the animals at the shelter. I hope to hear from you soon.





FREE Help!

 There are MANY companies that helps Rescues and it costs you nothing. Whether it is Pet Pals, Inc. or a number of wonderful organizations, please check first to see if the company has a program.
Awesome clothes!  
This May, help your supporters help Pet Pals, Inc. of Goshen County all for free. Now that's giving! 

Your dog can get a monthly surprise every month! 
Put in Pet Pals, Inc. of Goshen County ;-) YES, Pet Pals is receiving donations from Amazon Smile!

Neat dog harnesses that really work!

  Search the Internet and Pet Pals - Goshen County gets a donation!

Every time you walk, we donate to your local animal organization.
Of course, donations of ANY kind put a smile on our faces! Thank you for your kindness.

Rosie only has two legs but LOVED her presents!

I close my eyes and dream of toys..... 
I open my eyes and toys appear! 

Now I lay me down to sleep! 

FYI (For Your Information)

Crush Videos

Crush films are videos of animals being crushed by being stepped on
.     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crush_fetish

Beastility. to put it bluntly...having sex with an animal. yes. a dog, horse, ram, bull or frog.
Bestiality is cross-species sexual activity between human and non-human animals.
Bestiality is an alternate term for Zoophilia, sexual acts between humans and animals.

Kosher Meat:
Traditional Jewish thought has expressed the view that all meat must come from animals which have been slaughtered according to Jewish law. These strict guidelines require the animal be killed by a single cut across the throat to a precise depth, severing both carotid arteries, both jugular veins, both vagus nerves, the trachea and the esophagus, no higher than the epiglottis and no lower than where cilia begin inside the trachea, causing the animal to bleed to death. Orthodox Jews argue that this ensures the animal dies instantly without unnecessary suffering
, but many animal rights activists view the process as cruel, arguing that the animal may not lose consciousness immediately, and activists have called for it to be banned.
PETA Reveals Extreme Cruelty at Kosher Slaughterhouses:

If we all understand that animals can use their eyes to see, ears to hear, noses to smell, mouths to eat, legs to walk, feathers to fly, fins to swim, genitalia to procreate, bowels to defecate. I'm always perplexed that most people don't believe that they can also use their brains to think.  by: Gary Yourofsky


It is so, they are all God's children.
Mother Teresa 


YOU have made our work of love possible,

Donate Now Biscuit 
Click the above biscuit to help save a life, THANK YOU!





  Donations are tax deductible!






Contact Information
phone: 307-532-3861 
Pet Pals, Inc.
Spay/Neuter Drive
Hawk Springs, WY 82217



We couldn't save lives without your help. You are ALL Angels to us!