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 January, 2013
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In This Issue
Article Headline
Featured Article
 couple on beach  
   State income tax credit?

Ray Smith photo 

My Website More about Long Term Care & me
Archive Earlier eNews-letters & articles
AALTCI American Association for Long Term Care Insurance 
CLTC Corp. for Long Term Care Certification 
Colorado Division of Insurance Long Term Care section of website 
Medicare The official  Medicare website
You Tube Why I Do What I Do 

Disclaimer: This eNewsletter and all links to other sources should not be construed as tax or legal advice because it is not either. Raymond Smith, The Long Term Care Specialist, does not give legal or tax advice. Consult your tax advisor or attorney for these matters.



So begins another year.  A full year (almost) to make things happen before 2013 becomes part of the past.  This is a good year to work on those things that are most important to you.  Personal relationships?  Health?  Spiritual issues?  Financial security?  You decide...and make 2013 better than 2012 for yourself and your family..  Thank you for reading this humble eNewsletter last year.  Without you, I would have no reason for writing about my favorite subject every month.

Revamped The Long Term Care Specialist Website

Group of people from TLTCS website

It took way longer than expected, but The Long Term Care Specialist website has finally been re-done. Click Here for Updated Website  Take a quick look...I think you will like it.  My guess is that you will particularly enjoy "Five Questions" under the About LTC tab (first turn on sound) Click Here.  Then go to the Calculators tab and enter your resident state and your age. Among the eight on-line calculators, I especially recommend "Savings Chart" and "Recoup Premiums".  The LTC School tab is a good resource for learning more about planning for long term care.  Your feedback on the revamped website, both good and bad, is welcomed....really! 

Colorado State Income Tax Credit for Long Term Care Insurance
couple on beach 
Did you know?  You may be eligible for up to a $150 tax credit ($300 for a married couple).  There are residency, policy and maximum income requirements.  If eligible for the credit, you will need to submit a statement showing how much you paid for each policy during the tax year.  Contact me if you do not have an annual statement from your long term care insurance company.  Click Here to read details directly from the relevant Colorado Department of Revenue "FYI".  Many other states also offer tax credits or deductions.  Check with your own state tax agency.   


A financial plan that doesn't address how long term care services will be paid for is not a complete financial plan. 
 Ray Smith
 Raymond Smith, CLU, CLTC, MBA
 The Long Term Care Specialist

Raymond Smith, The Long Term Care Specialist, 2013