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Ask SPARS Logo For the sixth year in a row, SPARS will offer their well attended Ask SPARS Speed Mentoring event during the 141st AES Convention in Los Angeles (September 29th-October 2nd). The speed mentoring sessions are scheduled for Saturday, October 1st from 10:45 AM to 12:45 PM at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

These mentoring sessions feature recognized industry professionals in the fields of Studio Production, Post Production, Gaming, Live Sound/Live Recording, Mixing, and Recording Business.


The mentors will meet with participants face to face in small groups to offer advice, share their experiences and answer questions about the industry and careers. Registration is required. (more...)

AES 2015 Mentors
SPARS is again hosting their coveted speed mentoring sessions at the 141st AES Convention being held in Los Angeles, September 29-October 2, 2016.

Past Mentors are signing up, but SPARS is recruiting new Mentors, who wish to give back to the industry. Quite often we hear from Mentors about their positive experience, like this recent comment:

"Would love to do this again, it was a great group of people! Great questions and I think it's great for all of us to be able to give back, as we were all in that place at one time or another. So yes, please keep me on a list and I look forward to the next one." (more...)

AES 2016 Logo SPARS is expanding their volunteer program to allow current students and recent graduates the opportunity to meet SPARS members, tour successful SPARS member  facilities and interact with respected industry luminaries.


Those selected as a volunteer for a particular event, will also have access to the SPARS Board of Directors as an additional source for networking, mentorship and encouragement. Duties will include assisting the SPARS staff, members and Board of Directors with event related duties. (more...)
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