OF Color Nov2010

Oliver TEAM Talk(R)


November 2014

Volume 10  Issue 8

OKT Nov2010

The Oliver Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of childhood obesity. 

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It's Time Texas

Growing Healthy Schools

Deadline Nov 21, 2014




Oliver Foundation Healthy Choices Grant

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April 15, 2015


YEAH Teem Board Nov2010


Kathrin James
Teen Board 
Events Coordinator

Goat Cheese

8 oz. creamy goat cheese
1-2 green onion stalks, chopped
1 cup pomegranate seeds
Celery and crackers to serve

1. Chop onions and mix into the goat cheese.
2. Gently stir in pomegranate seeds to avoid bursting the arils.
3. Serve "ants on a log" style on celery or use as a spread on your favorite crackers.

- Pomegranates are in season during the fall and winter.
- Seed pomegranates by gently pulling them out by hand or hitting the back of the pomegranate with a spoon.
- This recipe will stay fresh for several days if refrigerated.

Visit the Oliver Foundation website for more recipes.


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OF Color Nov2010

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Healthy Choices Nov2010  









Why do we have Thanksgiving?

The holiday commemorates a harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621, their joy for the harvest and survival after so many deaths during their journey to America. 


Thanksgiving is only one day in November, the 27th, so save your feasting and festivities for that ONE special day to enjoy the time with family and friends. Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks, to gather in unity, to teach the young about family and traditions and to prepare the heart in gratitude for family, friends and good health.


As we begin to plan our Thanksgiving Day meal, let's not forgot those in our area who are less fortunate.  Did you know that the Houston Food Bank provides food for over 800,000 people in Southeast Texas? 47% of those people served are children.  For more information on the Food Bank, visit their website: http://www.houstonfoodbank.org


During the holidays, remember to allow time for your regular physical activity, even if you need to cut back on the time; just stay active. 

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Deborah L. Woehler, MS, RD, LD, Oliver Foundation Executive Director, presented "The Effect of a School-Based Obesity Intervention on Academic Grades" poster at the annual meeting of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics held in Atlanta, GA ,October 18-21, 2014. 


Oliver Teen Advisory Board News 


Southern Obesity Summit


Teen Board Members Kathrin James and Bradlee Few presented at the 8th Annual Southern Obesity Summit, held in Louisville, KY October 5-7, 2014.Their presentation on Food Deserts was followed with a panel discussion including Diana Manee with Youth Empowered Solutions, NC.
Healthy Choices Grant Recipients July 2014 

L-R: Nottingham Elementary, Spring Branch ISD;  Jeff Davis Culinary Club, Houston ISD.

Meet the Oliver Foundation Teen Advisory Board
The Oliver Foundation Teen Advisory Board is a 12-18 member organization represented by students across the Houston area. 
Each month you'll meet a different member who will share their perspective on living a healthy life.     
Joseph Minkowitz, Board Member 2014-Present  

Joseph is a junior at The Emery/Weiner School. He is Treasurer of his school's Student Government and plays Varsity Soccer, Track, Cross- Country and Golf. Joseph is also active in community service, and a leader in his BBYO Chapter - an international youth organizations for Jewish teenagers. Recently, he spent two weeks touring South Africa, and during the summer he attended a BBYO Leadership training program this year. Joseph enjoys running, traveling, and biking.

Joseph's Top Five Thanksgiving Thoughts:

Thanksgiving is a time to rejoice and celebrate the new year. Here's my top five tips for having a healthy, safe, active, and fun Thanksgiving holiday.

1.  Start your day with the Turkey Trot

The Turkey Trot is a fun run/walk that includes a 5K and a 10K race.  It's a great way to start off Thanksgiving Day, making you feel fresh, healthy, and fit. Plus the money goes to supporting a great cause: Neighborhood Centers and Sheltering Arms Senior Services! So what are you waiting for? Sign up and get on those running shoes! 

2. Go see the Parade!

Every Thanksgiving is the annual parade showcasing the city's finest - from fashion, food and heroes; to culture, sports and talent! Get involved as an active member of the community! Go out and enjoy the parade and the amazing floats with your family.

3. Make Arts and Crafts for the big meal!

Mom and Dad are probably busy cooking and preparing for the big meal. Make some fun crafts! You can make anything from turkey hats, to plates, or a pilgrim hat to fill with popcorn. Get creative! 

4. Eat healthy options!

One of the most important parts of Thanksgiving is eating, so make sure you make good choices! Turkey is a great option because it's not only traditional, but also a great source of protein! Sweet potatoes are a great source of potassium, fiber, vitamin C, and Vitamin A, green beans are low in calories, and some pumpkin soup is always a healthy favorite full of fiber and protein. Remember not to eat too much dessert! Everything's fine in moderation - take a smaller plate than your dinner plate and enjoy!

5.  Play a family game of football!

It's a Minkowitz family tradition to always go outside and play a game of football after we watch the big game together on TV. It's a fun way to get active and bond as a family! 



For additional information about the Oliver Foundation Teen Board go to the Oliver Foundation website.

Healthy Choices Nov2010  
Nov 2012
Lesson Title: A Cornucopia of Colors on Thanksgiving 


Grade: 2nd - 5th


Students will practice reading, writing, and their colors.


Paper, markers, crayons


Teachers will read through the worksheet with students. The students will draw and color an appropriate food listed. The students will name another food they eat as well and color. The teacher should emphasize that even though it is a holiday, students should monitor their portion size, so that they are still eating healthy.


A Cornucopia of Colors on Thanksgiving Day



On Thanksgiving Day, I eat foods of all colors.


The yams are orange.


The cranberry sauce is red.


The turkey is golden brown.


The mashed potatoes are white, but

raw potatoes are __________ .


The green beans are green.


On Thanksgiving day I also eat___________________________

and it is______________________________________________


Serve a smart portion size!

Looking for more nutrition integrated lessons?  Go to the Oliver Kids Manual where you'll find 50+ lessons. 
Have you created a Healthy School Environment in your district?  Send us an e-mail  and tell us all about it -  [email protected] .
You may be spotlighted in the next Oliver Foundation newsletter - T.E.A.M. Talk.

Healthy Choices Nov2010

Oliver Foundation