Oliver TEAM Purp Nov2010

News From the Oliver Foundation

American Heart Month

  February  2014
Volume 10 Issue 2

OKT Nov2010

The Oliver Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of childhood obesity.

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Oliver Foundation Healthy Choices Grant


 The goal of the Oliver Foundation is to encourage children, families and communities in Texas to improve the eating and physical activity patterns of Pre-K, Elementary and Middle School children.


Grants will be awarded to Texas non-profit organizations, agencies and schools that demonstrate the greatest need and likelihood of sustainable impact on children's nutrition and activity levels through innovative programs.


Award Amount



Next Deadline

April 15, 2014



For more information, click here.  

OF Color Nov2010
Sydney Fucci, Teen Board Event Coordinator


Healthy Super Bowl Snack
Quinoa And Black Beans


2 tsp  olive oil

� cup diced white onion

2 cloves of garlic, chopped

� cup diced tomato

� tsp ground cumin

� tsp cayenne pepper

� cup chopped cilantro

3 � cups of quinoa

2 cups of black beans

2 cups of corn

A dash of salt and pepper 



1. Cook quinoa as directed. Before reducing heat to simmer, add the cumin, cayenne pepper, salt and pepper.
2. Heat olive oil in a medium saucepan, saut�  onion and garlic until lightly browned. Add corn, black beans and tomato.  Simmer until heated through. Remove from heat, add quinoa and cilantro.



Visit the Oliver Foundation website for more recipes. 

YEAH Teem Board Nov2010   
Teen Board Mentoring


Would you like a teen board member to come and talk to your students?


for availability. 


Visit the Oliver Foundation website for more recipes.

The Oliver Foundation 
10th Annual
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Contest 
February 7, 2014
The Oliver Foundation 10th Annual Rodeo Contest is just around the corner. So, get out your hats and put on your boots!  


Submit your Healthy Activity entry by February 7, 2014 for a chance to win four (4) rodeo tickets with parking pass. 
Rodeo - March 4- 24, 2014.

Your Healthy Activity entry must include a minimum of three (3) of the 

Healthy Messages: Nutrition, Water, Healthy Snacks, Physical Activity, Low-fat Dairy, Breakfast, Portion Control. 


Request an application form by e-mailing:
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Make Healthy Choices for Life!


February Heart Healthy Tips 

When you think of February, what first comes to mind?  The Super Bowl?  Valentine's Day and chocolate? Or American Heart Month?  Let's talk about you heart health and how these three are related. 

Super Bowl Sunday 

It has been noted that the average American arm chair quarter back will consume 1200 or more calories and 50 grams fat just from snacking, not including beverages and meals.  Which means this day is right up there in terms of the 4500 calories and 229 frame of fat consumed

on Turkey day.  3500 extra calories is a pound of body fat. 

Valentine's Day

Next comes Valentine's Day and an abundance of chocolates.  Try dark chocolate in moderation, which is rich in flavonoids.

Flavonoids provide many health benefits that include preventing cholesterol from gathering in the blood vessels, reducing the risk of blood clots and slowing down the immune response that leads to clogged arteries.  The key is to limit to one ounce or less and include plenty of fruits and vegetables that are low in fat, calories and sodium in your diet for a heart healthy month. 

American Heart Month

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Lowering our salt intake to the recommended level of 2,300 mg or 1,500 mg per day, depending on age / other individual characteristics is important.  We should know some simple facts:

  1. 1 teaspoon of salt is about 2,300 mg of sodium
  2.  Sodium chloride is the chemical name for salt
  3.  Ninety percent of the sodium we consume is in the form of salt
  4.  Processed foods and snack items like potato chips, dips, pizza,  tortilla chips, nuts and fried foods associated with the Super Bowl  are all high in salt, calories and fat - all associated with heart disease. 

Your key for good health and nutrition for February, is moderation and an eating plan for the month.  It starts with  knowing your fat, sodium and calorie intake, and consuming a variety of foods. 

Healthy Choices Nov2010
Congratulations to Fort Bend ISD 
Physical Education Department
FBISD Elementary Physical Education Department was awarded a Healthy Choices Grant to support staff development for the elementary PE teachers.  The two part training included physical activity by Kim & Kids in August 2013 and MyPlate/An Apple a Day nutrition training January 2014. 

   Meet the Oliver Foundation Teen Advisory Board
The Oliver Foundation Teen Advisory Board is a 12-18 member organization represented by students across the Houston area.
Each month you'll meet a different member who will share their perspective on living a healthy life.
Kathrin James,Teen Board Member 
Kathrin has been a member since 2013. She is a junior at Kempner High School where she is both a scholar and an athlete. She is an honors student and currently ranked number one in her class. Kathrin is a member of the varsity softball team at Kempner and won the Most Improved award as a freshman and the Golden Glove award as a sophomore. She also plays on a select softball team. Kathrin spent part of her 2013 summer in New York as a participant of the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine. Kathrin is a Senior Girl Scout, working on her Gold Award. She is a 5th grade Sunday school teacher and youth leader at her church. Kathrin enjoys traveling, especially to Lake Tahoe and California. 

Kathrin's Healthy Tips: 

February is American Heart Month. That means that even health-conscious readers like you should take some time to address one of the organs most vital to life. There are many ways to create and sustain a healthy heart through diet and exercise, but do you know why they are effective? Knowing why something works (or doesn't work) is important to any aspect of life, so why leave out your health?

Cardiovascular exercise: Strengthens the heart through repeated high intensity (Remember, the heart is a muscle). Not only does it improve heart functions, but the exercise helps to burn calories which can lower your BMI and destroy fat to help clear up your arteries.

Fruits and vegetables: These nutrition gems help you heart by supplying quality nutrients to your blood without cholesterol. Bad cholesterol (LDL) can block arteries and make your heart work double time just to maintain proper circulation, raising blood pressure. A fatigued heart is more susceptible to disease and failure.

Whole foods: Along with fruits and vegetables, whole foods, like beans, legumes, and meat are shown to support a healthy heart. Moderate portions don't contribute to artery-clogging which elevates the blood pressure. Your heart needs a wide variety of nutrients, so one magic food won't be a cure-all. Rather, it is more beneficial to eat a balanced diet with limited refined foods. Whole foods also supply the consumer quality energy which can be used to exercise.

Sleep: Your body's time to reset and balance out. Inadequate sleep can mess with your body's chemicals and physiological processes. The necessary amount of sleep varies from person to person, but the general concept is homogenous. Sleep is the optimal time for your heart and blood vessels to clean and repair themselves since your pulse can drop several beats without harm.

Water: Helps your body cleanse itself. It is necessary in order to maintain proper body fluid balance. Fruits and vegetables often have a high water content and no or very little sodium making them ideal for hydration. 


For additional information about the Oliver Foundation Teen Board go to the Oliver Foundation website. 

Healthy Choices Nov2010


Lesson Title:  Red Fruits and Veggies


Challenge your students to try 5 new "red" fruits or vegetables this month. Chart the fruits and veggies they try.  Students can also research the fruits and veggies and share with their class.


Listed are a some of the "RED" fruits and veggies to try.   




Red bell peppers



Red Onion




Ruby Red Grapefruit







Blood Oranges  




Looking for more nutrition integrated lessons?  Go to the Oliver Kids Manual where you'll find 50+ lessons. 

Have you created a Healthy School Environment in your district?  Send us an e-mail  and tell us all about it -  [email protected] .
You may be spotlighted in the next Oliver Foundation newsletter - T.E.A.M. Talk.

Healthy Choices Nov2010

Oliver Foundation