Oliver TEAM Purp Nov2010

Oliver Foundation Newsletter

Holiday Eating and Exercise Tips 

  December 2013
Volume 9 Issue 9

OKT Nov2010

The Oliver Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of childhood obesity.

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Oliver Foundation Healthy Choices Grant


 The goal of the Oliver Foundation is to encourage children, families and communities in Texas to improve the eating and physical activity patterns of Pre-K, Elementary and Middle School children.


Grants will be awarded to Texas non-profit organizations, agencies and schools that demonstrate the greatest need and likelihood of sustainable impact on children's nutrition and activity levels through innovative programs.


Award Amount



Next Deadline

April 15, 2014



For more information, click here.  

Oliver Foundation Healthy Choices Grant Recipients   
October 15, 2013



Glover Elementary
Fort Bend ISD


Epps Island Elementary Klein, ISD


Arizona Fleming Elementary 
Fort Bend ISD

YEAH Teem Board Nov2010

Teen Board Mentoring
Would you like a teen board member to come and talk to your students?
for availability. 

OF Color Nov2010

Poached Pears in Raspberry Cranberry Sauce





3 cups raspberry/ cranberry juice cocktail, use lite or low calorie

1-2 Tablespoons finely grated Lemon Peel

1/4 cup white sugar 

1 cup frozen unsweetened raspberries

1 cinnamon stick

6 Bosc pears, peeled with stems intact and the bottom cut flat so they stand on the serving plate. 




Place raspberry/cranberry juice, sugar, raspberries, lemon peel and cinnamon stick into a large saucepan.


Bring to a simmer until the sugar dissolves.  Meanwhile, peel the pears, leaving the stem intact. 


Place the pears into the simmering juice and cover.
Cook until the pears are tender, turning and basting so they are coated with the red sauce, 15-30 minutes depending on the ripeness of the pears. 


Test the pears by inserting a slender knife into the pear. They are done when tender.   

Once tender, place the pears on the serving plates (cover) and continue cooking the sauce till it thickens. Remove the saucepan from the heat and set aside to cool to room temperature.  The pears and sauce can be prepared to this point to serve later.  All is best at room temperature.


When ready to serve, pour a few tablespoons down the top of the pears so it pools on the plate. 


The pears are a beautiful "red" presentation on the plate, plus delicious with a small piece of chocolate and holiday cookie as the "garnish".  A great end to a holiday meal. 

Visit the Oliver Foundation website for more recipes.


OF Color Nov2010
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YEAH Teem Board Nov2010  

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Make Healthy Choices for Life!


 Holiday Eating and Exercise Tips


The holiday season is a time when many Americans STOP exercising and START eating almost everything in sight.  Do you remember how miserable you were with yourself last January when you finally ventured on the scales and found an astounding 7-pound weight gain?  But you already knew it, because your favorite clothes no longer fit. The next few months were miserable with "dieting" and doubling up on the exercise. How about some prevention now so January through March is not relived each year.  As you know its much harder taking off the extra pounds than it is to put them on. 


1. Plan ahead for eating, drinking and exercise.


2. Think your drink, they can be loaded with calories 80 to up to 400      calories for 3 to 4 ounces or � cup - that's a normal, but small serving.


3.  Little bites do not mean little calories.  If you get in the habit of tasting everything all day long, before you know it you have consumed a thousand or more extra calories and are on your way to adding an extra pound of body fat.  Plus, if you don't know what's in the appetizer or dish, avoid or eat lightly.  Hidden calories can be so dangerous to the waistline.


4.  Keep up with the exercise or workouts even if it's just 15- 20 minutes a day. That is enough to raise your metabolism and more importantly, keep you in the exercise habit or regime


 5.  Make healthy substitutions for high fat high calorie foods and snacks.


 6.  STOP eating and drinking when you are satisfied - don't wait till you are miserably "stuffed" so you can enjoy the special holiday foods at the next event. 


Think Red and Green for the holidays: This will add more fruits and vegetables to your daily diet that are high in nutrients, fiber, plus filling with fewer calories. So when you go to the next event- try red and green first!



Tomatoes - fresh, sauce, juice (a great mixer, too)

Red peppers, red beets, apples, ruby red grapefruit, red grapes, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, pomegranates.



Leafy greens (spinach, kale, lettuce) green peppers, broccoli, green beans, cabbage, honeydew, kiwi fruit, Brussels sprouts, artichokes, zucchini


The list goes on and on and most all of these are readily available in Texas in the winter.


 Think fruit (ruby red poached pears) for dessert enhanced with a decadent bite size chocolate Holiday cookie/pastry, or decorate with other red fruits. See Recipe Section in this Newsletter. 


Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Contest 
March 4 - 24, 2014

The Oliver Foundation 10th Annual Rodeo Contest is just around the corner. So, get out your hats and put on your boots!  
Submit your Healthy Activity entry by February 7, 2014 for a chance to win 
four (4) rodeo tickets with parking pass. 


Your Healthy Activity entry must include a minimum of three (3) of the 

Healthy Messages: Nutrition, Water, Healthy Snacks, Physical Activity, Low-fat Dairy, Breakfast, Portion Control.


DESCRIBE IN DETAIL:  Tell us about your healthy activity.  Include where you found your idea.  Was it from a resource the Oliver Foundation provided or found online? Remember to include the website address if applicable.  Is there a policy change on your campus reinforcing healthy choices and physical activity?  List your source of inspiration.  Include the date/dates it occurred.  Give as much detail as possible.


Is the activity reproducible?  Is it a one-time activity? Do you have follow-up

activities planned to reinforce your event? Lesson plan and photos included? 


Request an application form by e-mailing:
[email protected] 



Congratulations to Dulles Middle School, Fort Bend ISD
 "Eat, Exercise, Enjoy" 
Harry Hall, Health Teacher at Dulles Middle School has created the Eat, Exercise, Enjoy program for 7th grade students.
"By implementing the EEE early intervention program, my aim is that students will become advocates for good health as they grow to understand how important nutrition is in the battle against obesity," said Hall. "If students take responsibility for their health early on, they can impact their quality of life in the future."


Through the EEE Program, the students focus on two main health components: Food and Nutrition, and Physical Fitness and Wellness. The overall program is designed to supplement the FBISD health curriculum and enhance lesson plans and daily delivery of health material. A "toss the ball out" activity is used to conduct warm-up and closing activities. Games such as Nutrition Bingo and Quiz Show are also incorporated into the curriculum, as well as PowerPoint presentations on nutrition, development of personal fitness programs and conducting nutrition surveys. As a culminating activity, students will receive certificates and complete a pledge to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Congratulations to Oyster Creek, Fort Bend ISD
"OCE Yoga Club"
The Oyster Creek Elementary Yoga Club is a pilot program created by Nancy Cartie, RN and her assistant, Stacy Farrugia.  


"We wanted to explore innovative ways to encourage students to make healthy choices for life, while developing a health program that appealed to non-traditional athletes," said Nancy Cartie, school nurse.


The pilot Yoga Club currently welcomes 24 students who meet for 30 minutes before school with Nurse/Counselor Aide, Stacy Farrugia, who leads them in instruction. To enter the club, students are required to complete an application based on teacher recommendations. All club members then receive a Zen garden and a copy of the Yoga Kids Deck of Positions, which they are allowed to keep at the end of the semester. Students not only practice yoga, they also discuss the importance of eating five fruits and vegetables each day, choosing healthy snacks and staying hydrated.


"Through the Yoga Club, we are able to introduce students to an alternate form of exercise that they can do anytime, anywhere for the rest of their lives," said Farrugia.

   Meet the Oliver Foundation Teen Advisory Board

The Oliver Foundation Teen Advisory Board is a 12-18 member organization represented by students across the Houston area.
Each month you'll meet a different member who will share their perspective on living a healthy life.

Jahnvi Jain serves as IT Coordinator and has been a 
a member since 2013. Jahnvi is a sophomore at Clements High School.  She is a member of the school's
women's varsity choir and volunteers year round at Memorial Hermann Hospital. Jahnvi has been a classical Indian dancer for 9 years with a background in two different styles. She is a senior company member of Rhythm India, a Houston-based Bollywood Dance Company. Jahnvi hopes to pursue her goal of going into the medical field and becoming a surgeon.

Jahnvi's Healthy Tips:

1. Whenever I feel lazy or lethargic I find it extremely helpful to engage in something active to keep from sitting around and not being productive. I like to plug in my earphones and dance around the house or practice my dances for upcoming performances that I have or just ride my bike around the neighborhood. Just simple things like exercising in the household or getting a group of friends together for a small activity can help with getting out of lazy spells. 


2. As a vegetarian I find that the hardest part of maintaining a balanced, nutritional diet is finding alternatives for protein since lots of protein is found mostly in meats in the standard diet. Incorporating legumes, lentils, and tofu-based meat substitutes are a healthy way for people who follow a vegetarian lifestyle to get the protein they need. Often times, Indian food uses many lentils as a main component in a dish known as daal which my parents frequently make since it is both nutritious and delicious. 


3. My weakness is definitely chocolate when it comes to desserts. I love everything to do with chocolate and with the holidays coming up, it's hard to resist eating the chocolate-based desserts that my mother always makes. However, I find that taking the smallest of portions and eating very slowly makes me feel more full and more satisfied with my dessert while still keeping in mind that I need to be smart about the amount of dessert that I am eating. Another thing for chocolate lovers to remember is that dark chocolate has antioxidants that is far more beneficial and releases more endorphins than milk chocolate. 

For additional information about the Oliver Foundation Teen Board go to the Oliver Foundation website. 

Healthy Choices Nov2010
 Lesson Title:  Rainbow Relay

Physical Education - L61

Grades: K  - 5th



Students will learn about a variety of fruits and vegetables while performing physical activity.  They will also learn the colors of the rainbow and identify fruits and vegetables that are the same color:  red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. 




Fruit and Vegetable pictures           Scissors

(from magazines or newspapers)     Markers

Large rainbow poster                     Crayons

Construction paper



Teachers - create a rainbow bulletin board.  Cut out fruits and vegetables from magazines and newspapers or make your own out of colored construction paper.


Remind the class that it is important to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables everyday and that they should aim to eat one from each of the color of the rainbow.


Divide the students up into equal teams.  Each team has 2+ fruits or vegetables per student that they have to place on the correct color of the bulletin board across the room. 


One member from each team takes turns by hopping, skipping or crab walking across the room to the rainbow to post their fruit or veggie.


Then run back and tag the next team member so the next team member can participate.  The first team that posts all their pictures wins the relay. 




Looking for more nutrition integrated lessons?  Go to the Oliver Kids Manual where you'll find 50+ lessons. 
Have you created a Healthy School Environment in your district?  Send us an e-mail  and tell us all about it -  [email protected] .
You may be spotlighted in the next Oliver Foundation newsletter - T.E.A.M. Talk.

Healthy Choices Nov2010

Oliver Foundation