Oliver TEAM Purp Nov2010

Choose 5-A-Day Serving Fruits & Vegetables! 
  November 2012
Volume 8   Issue 8 
In This Issue
Healthy Thanksgiving
Fruits & Vegetables
Healthy School Fundraising
A Yummy Curriculum

OKT Nov2010

The Oliver Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of childhood obesity.


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OF Color Nov2010
 Roasted Pumpkin with Feta & Cilantro
Yield:  4 servings 


1 lb. pumpkin; peeled and seeded

1T. olive oil

1/2 t. salt

1/2 t. black pepper

3oz. feta, crumbled

1/4 c. cilantro leaves

Drizzle of sherry vinegar



Peel and seed a pumpkin and cut into 1/2 inch thick wedges.
Toss with olive oil, salt and pepper.
Roast in a 450 degree oven, turning occasionally, until tender, about 20 minutes
Layer pumpkin with feta and cilantro leaves.
Drizzle with sherry vinegar to taste.

Visit the Oliver Foundation website for more recipes.


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Funding Opportunities 


General Mills Foundation



Through the Champions for Healthy Kids program, the General Mills Foundation will award 50 grants of $10,000 to nonprofit organizations working to improve nutrition and physical fitness behaviors for youth (ages 2-18).  




Award Amount:



Next Deadline:

December 3, 2012



For more information, click here.  



OF Color Nov2010

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Healthy Choices Nov2010  





Healthy Thanksgiving StrategiesNov 2012           


Sticking to your healthy habits during the holiday season may seem impossible.  But with a bit of planning you can make it happen.

  1. Eat a healthy breakfast.  Saving calories for a holiday meal can backfire.  You'll be hungry and eat more than you had planned.
  2. Choose fruits & vegetables.  Whether it's for an appetizer or at the dinner table, remember to make half your plate fruits and veggies.  Pick those with no added sugars or fats for the healthiest choice.
  3. Avoid high fat dairy. If you're cooking, choose low-fat or non-fat dairy for your recipe.  Often times you can still get the creamy taste while cutting the calories and fat in most recipes.
  4. Serve a smart portion size.  There will be those family favorites that you want to eat, so be smart about it.  A small portion can allow you to indulge and not feel guilty.
  5. Drink wisely.  Most folks drink more calories than they realize.  Sparking water with orange, lemon or lime fruit slices is a great choice for a holiday meal.  If you do partake in sweetened beverages be aware and if possible read the label.


Remember, the holidays are about spending time together with friends and family.  Make this holiday the beginning of a new tradition.  A tradition that includes physical activity; a game of touch football or a walk around the neighborhood can help everyone


Healthy Choices Nov2010 

Choose 5-A-Day Fruits & Vegetables!

gourds Nov 2012 

When you're filling up your plate this holiday season, remember to make half of your plate fruits and vegetables.  One of the most economical ways to do this is by choosing what's in season.

Texas produces more than 60 commercial fruit and vegetable crops.  In November you'll find beets, green cabbage,carrots, celery, mushrooms, and kohlrabi to name a few.

During the autumn months people think of pumpkin, squash and other gourd vegetables.  All three types are seasonally available this month in Texas.

These hardy vegetables sport a variety of shapes and surfaces: from squat and round to gnarled and warty.

Acorn squash has concentrated nutrients which support heart health, such as potassium, fiber, vitamin B6 and magnesium.

Butternut squash provides nutrients that help support skin and eye health, such as vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E.

Pumpkin is a great source of beta-cryptoxanthin and alpha-carotene which were linked to a lower risk of lung cancer and may also lower the risk of developing arthritis.  And an ounce (approximately 1/4 cup) of dried pumpkin seeds provides a quarter of your daily iron needs, 40% of magnesium and 45% of manganese needs.

Healthy School Fundraising 
Jareds joggers Nov 2012  


Many parents remember school fundraising days of selling candy, candles or wrapping paper.  But there are other choices.  Healthier choices that not only provide much needed funds but also help get our children moving.


Jared's Joggers is the signature fundraising program of the Jared Foundation.  The mission is to inspire children and adults to run for a greater purpose. That purpose is to raise money for in-school physical education programs. The Jared Foundation believes that, along with proper nutrition, teaching kids physical fitness at an early age will lead to healthier, happier lives.


Jared's Joggers has two fundraising components - In-School and 5K races.

Sign up for a Jared's Joggers event at your school and kids can raise money by running. Similar to other in-school fundraising programs, kids can get family and friends to sponsor them for the running event. This isn't a competition; the idea is to get kids having fun while running and raising money for their school.
Are you planning to run a 5K this year? Maybe you can get some family and friends to run with you or sponsor you. As a Jared's Joggers Team Captain, you get to choose which school will receive a grant from the Jared Foundation.
For additional information visit the website for complete details.


Serving Up MyPlate: A Yummy Curriculum
My Plate GreenServing Up MyPlate is a new collection of classroom materials that helps   elementary school teachers integrate nutrition education into Math, Science, English Language Arts, and Health.
This yummy curriculum introduces the importance of eating from all five food groups using the MyPlate icon and a variety of hands-on activities. Students also learn the importance of physical activity to staying healthy.


Each Teacher's Guide has three inquiry-driven lessons that help children discover nutrition, explain their understandings, and reflect upon their experiences - all of which encourage a lasting awareness of what it means to be healthy.


Level 1: Grades 1 and 2

Level 2: Grades 3  and 4

Level 3: Grades 5 and 6


Each level has three courses.  In the Level 2 curriculum the courses answer each of the following questions:


First course: We Are What We Eat - What choices can you make that help you stay healthy?


Second course:  You Be The Chef - Why is it important to eat a variety of foods from all food groups?


Third course:  The Science of "Sometimes" Foods - What are "sometimes" foods?   Why are they called that?  What can I eat instead?


To download a copy of the curriculum, including original songs, teacher guides and additional resources please go to the Team Nutrition website.

Looking for more nutrition integrated lessons?  Go to the Oliver Kids Manual where you'll find 50+ lessons.



Have you created a Healthy School Environment in your district?  Send us an e-mail  and tell us all about it -  [email protected] .
You may be spotlighted in the next Oliver Foundation newsletter - T.E.A.M. Talk.

Healthy Choices Nov2010

Oliver Foundation