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Water As Sacred Trust in New Mexico
Letter to Our Leaders

New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light
June 2014 E-Notes

Blessings these summer days!  The sun reminds me of the work we have to be light, growth and hope in our world. Thank you for your part!

Las Placitas Presbyterian Solstice Celebration
Several events are coming up to help you with action toward being light: Caring for Creation through Conservation, Efficiency & Solar on August 13 in Albuquerque (see info below) and a Bird dogging training in Espanola, Santa Fe and Albuquerque the first week of August (see info below).  

Thank you to all who have contributed to NMIPL so that we could make a $15,000 matching grant!  We did it!  Your generosity of time and talent is so appreciated.  

If you purchase things on internet such as plane tickets, etc. and you are not part of I Give, consider signing up and sharing with NMIPL.  Tell your friends, even friends who support some other cause or charity. Each person who joins iGive in July for the first time can mean $5 automatically donated to his or her cause (hopefully NMPL) ... no purchase necessary!  All they need to do is try the iGive Button through 10/15/14.
More news below about EPA coal fire power plant carbon guidelines.  We need you to gather signatures at your congregation (we can send you information) or sign the online petition  to send to EPA!!!!

Peace and good,
Joan Brown,osf
Executive Director, NMIPL

Around New Mexico

Wednesday, Agusut 13, 7-8:30

St. Francis Episcopal Church, Rio Rancho

Presentations by pastors, faith leaders and professionals on energy efficiency, water conservation, solar financing, installation and more.  Solar Companies, utility companies, local food grower organizations and many resources will be available for faith communities and individuals. Free and open to all.  Other events will be held throughout the fall.  RSVP jjoan@nm-ipl.org. 


Bird Dogging training for people of faith

Santa Fe, Espanola, Albuquerque

August 5-7, 2014  (flyer attached)

Bird dogging means following candidates (or public officials) and tracking their positions on issues that matter to people of faith and conscience so these issues are on the agenda and in media coverage. Activists who are articulate, organized, persistent, assertive, and coordinated, bird-dogging can:

    • persuade good candidates to strengthen or emphasize their positions on your issue,
    • get middle-of-the road candidates to shift in your direction,
    • And get bad candidates to deemphasize their views on your issue.

Arnie Alpert, will lead upcoming trainings. He is the New Hampshire Program Coordinator for the American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker organization dedicated to social justice, civil rights, and nonviolent change, and coordinates the AFSC-NH Presidential Primary Project.  He also speaks and leads workshops on the theory and practice of nonviolence, and on overcoming racism.



 Santa Fe, Tuesday, August 5, 6:00 to 9:00 PM

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Santa Fe, corner of Barcelona & Galisteo 


Espanola, Wednesday, August 6,  6 to 9 PM

Valley View United Methodist Church, corner of Spruce Street & Hwy 84

(in front of the Espanola hospital)  


 Albuquerque, Thursday, August 7, 6 to 9 PM

 First Unitarian Universalist Church, Corner of Carlisle Blvd. NE & Comanche St. 


Las Cruces

July 7th the Las Cruces City Council passed Res 15-005, "A Resolution in Support of National Climate Change Legislation to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions."
Next it will be sent to the NM congressional delegation, urging them to take action. Las Cruces City Councilor Gil Sorg is partly responsible.  

Watch for announcements about NMIPL's Annual Fall Meeting with Speaker and Seed Awardees!

Cool Congregations: Green Ideas

NMIPL has about $10,000 in our no-interest loan fund to assist with energy upgrades in Houses of Worship!
Action Alerts


NMIPL is gathering signatures on a petition to Governor Martinez and leaders in New Mexico to treat water as Sacred Trust.  Sign on line by clicking Action.


Comments on the new EPA guidelines on Coal Fired Power Plants are being taken during the summer. Let us know if you would like postcards or petition to gather signatures on. Our goal is to get 10,000 comments from IPL nationally.  A joint letter with faith leaders of Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah will be circulated soon.  Keep your eyes posted and please sign and pass along to faith leaders.


Resources and News

NMIPL offers various educational programs to faith communities including Water As A Sacred Trust. Contactjoan@nm-ipl.org. 

New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light | 505-266-6966 | info@nm-ipl.org
| http://www.nm-ipl.org
PO Box 27162
Albuquerque, NM 87125-7162

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