African Holistic Health Chapter of NY
Receive a Holistic Health Assessment, Foot Detox & Reflexology
Promotion Extended to June 1, 2013
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African Holistic Health Chapter of NY Newsletter

Holistic Health & Community NewsMay 1, 2013
In This Issue
Windows of Wellness News
Manage Blood Pressure Naturally
Ginger helps with Chemotherapy
Devil's Claw for Arthritis
Organic Soul Chef Madea
National Action Network Events
Garlic Scallion Mashed Potatoes
9 Substitutions 4 Food Alleries
Superbugs in the Meat Supply
Astrology Updates & Workshops
Chapter Trainings 2013
Baaba Pa-ur's Soul Sweat
Natural Hair Care
Chapter Membership Drive
Baaba Heru's Khamitic Jewelry
May Qi-Gong Classes
YogaSkills Events
Coffee with Medicinal Mushrooms
Stem Cell Wellness
Harlem Book Fair 2013
Harlem Week 2013
2013 Juicer Buying Guide
Civil Rights Leadership Forum
Why Adrenal Health Important?
Do Rich People Create Jobs?
Holistic Health 4 Epilepsy
GMO Panel Discussion
Hip Hop & Prison Profits
LaKota Elders Speaking Tour
More Benefits of Coconut Oil
Rasperry Banana Chia Smoothie
Raw Cream of Broccoli Soup
Coconut Oil 4 Alzheimer's?
Health Benefits of Quinoa
Dr. Aris Latham Sunfired TV
Buddist in Prisons ??
Djoniba Dance & Drum Showcase
Importance of Sage & Smudging
Importance of Magnesium
Benefits of Wheatgrass
Review Jackie Robinson Movie "42"
KowTeff African Dance Company
Events @Bikram Yoga East Harlem
Detoxify Your Life Tips
Get Protein on Vegetarian Diet
Silkwire Gemstone Jewelry
Dance & Wellness Expo 2013
Windows of Wellness News
MerySerket  New Pix

Our Sponsors

Vegetarian Times - April 2013

Vegetarian Starter Kit
Quick Links...
Join Our Mailing List
"Manage Blood Pressure Naturally"
Jon Barron 
13 Minutes
Blood Pressure
Ginger Root
What Is the Organic Soul Chef Up To?
Madea Allen 3
Chef Madea
National Action Network
Calendar of Events for
April  & May 2013
National Action Network
Garlic & Scallion Champ Mashed Potatoes 
Scallion Mashed Potatoes
Vegetarian Times Magazine
April/May 2013, Pg. 73


9 Simple Substitutions for Common Food Allergies & Recipes
Allergen Free Cake
Superbugs in the Meat Supply
Superbugs in Meat Supply
Astrology Update
Full Moon
Lunar Eclipse
April 25, 2013
5 Scorpio 51 
Deborah Singletary
Rev. Deborah Singletary

. . .  We have an opportunity to work harder than ever to hold the flame of light aloft so that it may be a beacon in the darkness.

Continuing Education
Dr. Llaila O. Afrika

El Ha Gahn
Dr. El Ha Gahn

Dr. Ramin Heru
(Gregory Felix)

Baaba Pa-ur's Monthly Soul Sweat
Baaba Pa-ur
Baaba Pa-ur's Soul Sweat Pix
Baaba Pa-ur dancing w/Helen
Cowrie Shell Natural Hair Care
Sista Yendys Nefer Atum 
Yendys with Hat
Yendy's Natural Hair Photos
Yendy's Product Line
Natural Hair Product Line

Benefits of Membership


 Free Holistic Health Assessments

Chapter T-Shirt or Mug 
Yoga, Meditation or
Food Prep DVD
Vegan Cookbook 
Veg Times Magazine 
Health Food Coupons 
Course Discounts
Member Ctr Discounts
Drawing 4 New Vitamix !!
Membership #2
Join this Wellness Movement Today!  
Donation Heart
Studio of Ptah Logo
Khamitik Jeweler
Baaba Heru
Baaba Heru,  Chief Designer

Studio of Ptah for Erika Badu
Erika Badu - Rocks Ankh Ring
Baaba Heru's Jewelry
Studio of Ptah
55-59 Chrystie Street
Suite 408
New York,  N.Y. 10002
Monday - Saturday
11am- 7pm
Eastern Standard Time
Chi-Kung Classes
Ndugu Nkosi
What Are the Benefits of

Chi-Kung Poses
The Seduction of Transcendence: YogaSkills School of Kemetic Yoga
Yirser Ra Hotep Poses
Khamitic Yoga Students
Is Yoga For You?
Healing Sun 
Kemetic Yoga Retreat
August 14 to 24, 2013

Mothers Day Spring Rejuvenation and Revitalization Weekend
May 10 &11, 2013 
"Wellness Coffee"
 Organo Gold
Product Contains
Medicinal Mushrooms!
Organo Gold Coffe
Product Benefits.... 


Provides Energy 
Boost Stamina  
Oxygenates Blood  
Natural Detox  
Mental Alertness  
Builds Immunity  
Quality Sleep  
Support Circulation
Organo Gold
Ganoderma Mushroom
Ganoderma Mushroom
Two Natural Healing
Products Which
Stimulates the 
Bodies Own Adult
Bone Marrow
Stem Cells 4 Self-Repair  !
"Stem Enhance"
"Stem Flo"
Stem Enhance 2

Harlem Book Fair 2013
Harlem Book Fair 2013
Brother G Pix with books
Nimrod the Hunter
Join Brother G @
Harlem Book Fair 2013

JULY 28 - AUG 24TH
Harlem Week Logo
Partial Listing of Activities

July 28 - Great Day in Harlem

August 17 - Children's Festival
August 17 - Summer in the City
August 18 - NYC Health Village
August 18 - Harlem Day

Apollo Theatre
Food Matters TV
Jack La Lanne Juicer
Civil Rights Leadership Forum
April 26, 2013
(2.5 Hours)
National Action Network
Why Adrenal Health is Important?
Adrenal Glands

Bradley Bush, ND discusses exactly why adrenal health is so important. He also discusses how adrenal fatigue happens and why it's so common. Find out what adrenal health can mean to your overall health.
Do Rich People Create Jobs?
Nick Hanauer
Holistic Health 4 Epilepsy
Epilepsy #2
Panel Discussion on Genetically Modified Foods
Melissa Harris Perry
Melissa Harris Perry

GMO Tomato
"The Truth About What Happened to Hip Hop Music"
Homeboy Sandman
Homeboy Sandman

"Jailhouse Roc: The FACTS About Hip Hop & Prison for Profit"

"Going Extinct Is Genocide"
Lakota Elders Tour to Raise Awareness About Struggle

Skip Low-Fat/Fat Free, Add Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil

Raspberry Banana Chia Smoothie
Raspberry Banana Chia Smoothie
1 c. vanilla or chocolate flavored non-dairy milk
1 tbsp. chia seeds 
1/4 c. frozen raspberries 
1 frozen banana half 
sweetener of choice to taste, if desired 
Combine milk and chia seeds in blender. Let sit 5 minutes. Add raspberries and banana half; blend until smooth. Taste and add sweetener if desired 
I wanted to make this smoothie on the thin side, but if you want yours thicker, try using 3/4 cup non-dairy milk instead 

Vegan Raw Food Recipe  
"Cream of Broccoli Soup"
Cream of Broccoli Soup


On behalf of those lost in Boston Bomb attack, our condolences go out to all the families affected.  We send love and light to those who were lost as well as those who remain.  
. Condolences

Our prayers are for healing as the families seek to bring normalcy back to their lives.  For those wanting to offer financial support may forward funds to "The One Fund Boston". Click image below to make your welcomed donation or call, 855-617-3863. 

The One Boston Fund

Much praise to Boston's Governor Patrick Deval, Mayor Thomas Menino, all First Responders, hospital personnel, governmental agencies and the general public at large who helped and assisted on the ground.  May the healing continue for the City of Boston. 



Health & Welfare Update
"Soil Brother" Malik Yakini reporting in that Dr. Ben is doing well and in attendance at the 30th Annual ASCAC Ancient Kemetic Studies Conference held March 14-17, 2013 at Howard University, Washington, DC.  He is our beloved scholar on the Ancient African Contributions to World history.  He made it clear that African History began way before slavery or before there was modern civilization.
Below is an interview done by Dr. Gil Noble on his journey of Ancient African History.  Lets take a moment to learn about this awesome Elder Scholar as well as the journey of people of African Ancestry.  For those who have not heard him speak, I advise that you go get your note pad.  You may even click link below final interview to browse his book collection available on

Upcoming Events

The Open House at Life Spring Rejuvenation Center for May 4, 2013 has been cancelled.  It will resume again June 1, 2013.  We love the support and hope to see everyone in June.

On May 4, 2013, Chapter Practitioners will be participating in the Harlem Wellness Expo at City College which is a free event.  There will be no selling of products.  No donations will be allowed at this event.  

On Saturday, May 11, 2013, 12p-5p, Life Spring Rejuvenation Center will host the monthly EFT Healing Circle with Sista Stephanie Alston-Nero.   Below is an introductory video of the EFT Healing Modality.  Sista Stephanie Alston-Nero explains her journey to EFT and how you may use it to heal yourself well.  She also hosts EFT Healing Circles in Philly.  You may contact her to register at 212-234-1369 or contact Life Spring Rejuvenation Center at 347-427-7417.  In addition, below is a link if you'd rather register online.  
The Beauty & Power of EFT, Medicine of the 21st Century
The Beauty & Power of EFT
Medicine of the 21st Century
(22 Minutes)

In addition to the EFT Healing Circle, Wellness Services will be offered for an additional fee, namely, Reflexology, Iridology, Blood Type Counselling and Ear Candling. Holistic Health Products will also be available for purchase. Do bring your lunch.  Only light refreshments will be available.  Do arrive way before 12 p.m. to participate in the services and the Group Meditation. The theme of last month's EFT Healing Circle was "Healing for Abundance & Prosperity."  This month's EFT Healing Circle will focus on "Healing Historical Trauma of Racism and Oppression."  Sista Stephanie will be facilitated by Elder Onaje Eagleheart Mu'id.
Join the African Holistic Health Chapter at the 2nd Annual Bronx Holistic Healing and Wellness Day. Saturday, May 18, 2013 at Sunkofa Juice Bar and Cafe at 1789 Southern Blvd at 174th Street.  11am to 8pm. Admission is free, and donations are freely welcomed. Holistic Health Services are fee based but quite affordable.   
There will be Reflexology, Iridology, Acupuncture, vegan food and additional wellness services, lectures and wellness activities to enjoy !! 

Dance Africa - USE
The Chapter countdown has begun for BAM's Dance Africa. In Twenty-four more days, the festivities will begin.  The exact dates are May 25 - May 27, 2013.  The Chapter is fully-registered with 9 booths and will keep you posted as to our exact assigned location.  

We hope you can make this "AWESOME" Festival. Bring family, friends, associates and very, very comfortable shoes, a camera and bottled water. Don't forget to pack your credit, debit, ATM card & cash!! The vendors who participate each year are awesome and your support speaks volumes--We look forward to this event because of you!!  Below is footage of a dance performance from a prior Dance Africa. You absolutely must experience a live performance for yourself. There is nothing like it in this world !!! Click link below to purchase your tickets for the performances. The Outdoor Bazaar is free to the public and opens 12p on Saturday, May 25th. 
Dance Africa 2008 @ BAM
La Rocque Bey Dance Theate@ 2008 Dance Africa at BAM

Below is an updated listing of participating Chapter Wellness Practitioners:

Sista Shai & Brother G
Dr. Ramin Heru, Deanna Hope-Felix 
Brother Ricky Hurdle
Deborah Sekmet Leftridge & Nefer Atum
Mery Serket & Windows of Wellness Team
Sista Yendys Nefer Atum
Dr. Seshat & Jonathan Brown
Dr. Hankh Rising Sun
Elder Marie Wright
Elder Ayo Handy-Kendi 

We will offer the following products & services:

Chapter Membership & Course Registration, Holistic Health Products, Brother G's Epic Novels ("Shades of Memnon" and "Nimrod the Hunter"), Iridology, Reflexology, Reiki, Blood Type Counseling, Natural Hair Care Products, Divination Readings, Breathwork Sessions, Relaxation CDs, Dr. Seshat's Books, Electric bike information, Tesla Magnet Therapy, Alkaline Water, Raw Food, Chair Massage, Sage for Smudging, Wellness Coupons and Literature with Lots of Hugs & Smiles  !!
UPDATE: Brother G's new book, "Queen Nefertari" will be released at The Harlem Book Fair on July 20, 2013 !!!  Currently, Brother G is in Chicago attending the Chicago's Comic Book Convention. Check out his pictures below.  He is looking forward to seeing all his fans at the BAM  ! 
Brother G at Chicago Comicon with Storm Trooper  Brother G in Chicago Comic Convention
Chapter News
Our very own Brother Ricky Hurdle's Herbal Iced Tea line has grown and has an awesome new look.  Mo'Ann's Herbal Iced Tea is one of the most sought after Herbal Iced Teas at any of the NY Festivals.
Ricky & Nadra-Rae Photo with Herbal Iced Tea
Brother Ricky Hurdle & Sista Nadra Rae
 with his famous Mo'Ann's Herbal Iced Tea

Below is the Herbal Iced Tea Menu with ingredient listing. Feel free to contact him to place your order.  He will not have his tea available at the BAM festival but will be fully-staffed at the African International Arts Festival, July 4-7, 2013.  His beloved Teas have also been welcomed by several restaurants. All the flavors are Deee-Lish!  He is currently selling the teas for $10 per gallon.  Can't beat the price !! You can place your order today by calling 917-975-5299.  
Herbal Iced Tea Menu
Do support this awesome wellness product and spread the word!!!!

Special Announcement

The Afrikan Poetry Theatre is in danger of Closing its doors !!!

The Afrikan Poetry Theatre Inc, is a non profit organization that provides a range of cultural, educational, recreational and social development programs. This is an institution that has served our community for 37 years!!!  
Residents of all ages from New York City neighboring communities have benefited from these services. Some of the programs include..

After School / Job development Programs
Free computer training
Rites of passage for male & female youth
African & Caribbean Dance classes (children & adults)
Writers workshops
Classes for languages spoken in Africa
Piano,guitar and drum classes
"Joy Of Performing" Drama workshops
Jazz Educational Programs
Open Mics & Talent Showcases
Martial Arts Training
Children's Summer Cultural Workshops and performances...(etc)

We are depending on your generous support for our survival during these trying financial times.  
Please click the link below to DONATE NOW!! 

* (all donations are Tax deductible)
African poetry Theatre
Also visit and like them on Facebook by clicking image below:
African Drummer

We can all make a donation(s) to save this worth while institution.  We cannot afford to not assist them during this time. Spread the word near and far to get everyone involved  to save The African Poetry Theatre. 

  Membership Drive
The donated and unopened new VitaMix has arrived.  It will go to one of our new or renewing members for the 2nd Quarter 2013.  If your Chapter dues are submitted on or before June 30, you qualify automatically to be included in the drawing for the Vitamin machine.  Below is the video preview of this awesome machine:
Vitamix Review: Overview, Demo & Free Bonus 
Vitamix Review: Overview, Demo & Free Bonus

We get great feedback on the contents of this newsletter due to the submissions of many of you.  In addition to submission, members and/or donations help tremendously. Click image below to remit your membership and/or donation  !!!  

  Join Now 
Your membership dues assists with the administrative expenses of the Chapter (postage & shipping, printing cost, phone, supplies, flyer reproduction, newsletter publication, website cost, marketing, etc.)   
Thanks for your Support

Much thanks to all our avid readers and wellness practitioners whose content make this newsletter possible. Do share, discuss and further research the information. Your feedback speaks volumes and is quite encouraging.  


Please do not allow this newsletter to cease its travel in your email box, do forward to others who would find its contents useful. 


Those individuals or businesses interested in advertising your wellness commercials, do submit your donation and/or membership and ad copy asap for review. Those who are members receive free advertising. Hope you will consider supporting our growing newsletter via your memberships, donations and advertisements. 


We hope you have been pleased with our health & community news so far. Keep the feedback coming. Submissions for the May 15th issue are due asap!! Click image below to like us on Facebook ! 
Chapter Outreach Table  
We are grateful for all the invitations we are receiving to attend wellness events.  We are doing our very best to accommodate all requests based on availability of Wellness Team Members. We are currently entertaining invitations for Summer 2013 !!


Many of our Member Wellness Centers offer Gift Certificates for wellness services.  Our Member Wellness Centers have grown by leaps & bounds this year and we await the opportunity to serve you. Do spread the word about our awesome Wellness Centers.  We grow and expand from your continued support and referrals. WE LOVE YOUR REFERRALS !!!


Click image below for listing of Member Holistic Wellness Centers !  
Dottie Working 
Sista Dotty McLean
Working the Wellness
African Street Festival 2012
Spread the good news about Your Health & Wellness Community ! 
Coconut Oil As an Alzheimer's Treatment
Coconut Oil As an Alzheimer's Treatment - Dr. Mary Newport
 Dr. Mary Newport


Health Benefits of Quinoa
How to Cook Quinoa 
How to Cook Quinoa & Health Benefits of Quinoa

Dr. Aris Latham 
Godfather of the Raw Food Movement
New Sunfired TV Channel
Aris Latham

Philly Workshop - May 19, 2013 @12p-5p

The Dhamma Brothers Trailer
The Dhamma Brothers Trailer
The Dhamma Brothers tells a dramatic tale of human potential and transformation as it closely follows and documents the stories of the prison inmates at Donaldson Correction Facility who enter into this arduous and intensive program. This film, with the power to dismantle stereotypes about men behind prison bars also, in the words of Sister Helen Prejean (Dead Man Walking), "gives you hope for the human race.

Djoniba Centre's Dance & Drum Showcase 2013
Sunday, April 14, 2013
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
8 Minutes
Salvatore Capezio Theater at Peridance, 126 East 13th Street, New York, NY 10003
Importance of Sage & Smudging 
Djehuty Ma'at Ra
Sage and Smudging
40 Minutes
The Need for Magnesium
You Need More Magnesium

Dr. Guosong Liu explains what magnesium does in the body and how it enhances overall brain health. Dr. Liu also explains why most people are likely deficient in magnesium. If you depend on your diet for your magnesium, you're likely getting much less than people did through diet 100 years ago. 

Benefits of Wheatgrass
Benefits of Wheatgrass
Wheatgrass is an amazing superfood that has great benefits that outnumber many other products on the market today. In this video, you will see a couple of my business partners drink fresh wheatgrass for the very first time. 
Does Wheatgrass Turn Gray Hair 
Back to Its Natural Color?


"The War Room" endorsing the new Jackie Robinson film, "42."
WRS speaks with Filmmaker Rel Dowdell about

KowTeff African Dance Company
Kowteff Logo  
Herbology Courses & Workshops
Zakiyyah Herbal Course @ Bikram 2013
Sacred Market Place @ Bikram Yoga
Sista Zakiyyahs Herbs & Jewelry
Reflexologists:   Ricky Hurdle & Nefer Atum
Bikram Yoga Market Place 2013 
Detoxify Your Life With These Tips

Detoxify Your Life With These Tips
What are some quick and easy things you can do to try and reduce the toxicity of so many chemicals in your home? Author and researcher McKay Jenkins has a few of those ideas that could make a big difference


How To Get Protein on
Vegan/Vegetarian Diets
How To Get Protein on Vegan/Vegetarian Diets
Dr. Nick Delgado is predominantly vegan in his diet. He also stresses the importance of getting the right kinds of protein. But how to you get enough and the right kind of protein on a vegan or vegetarian diet? He explains that it's not always the amount, but the type of protein your body can absorb better that's most important.


 Click 4 Twitter

 Silkwire Jewelry Ad  


The largest & most exciting EXPO of its kind... and this year will be even more exhilarating! 
Join us for 4 days of amazing workshops & performances from experts with years of experience teaching Dance, Wellness & Fitness! Men & women welcome! Newbies and those with experience welcome!

Learn, Sweat & Laugh with workshops in:
  • Cabaret Style Bellydance
  • Tribal Bellydance
  • Hip Hop Bellydance
  • Brazilian Samba Technique & Workout
  • Spicy Caribbean Zumba
  • Ashantga & Hatha Yoga
  • Ancient Egyptian Yoga
  • Tantric Yoga
  • Polynesian Dance - Hips & Hands to mesmerize!
  • Bellydance for Womb Healing (fibroids, pms, endometriosis)
  • Sexual Tai Chi (sessions for men & women)
  • Capoeira - Brazilian Martial Art/Dance
  • Real Talk Sessions - exhale out your stress!
  • Ancient Egyptian Numerology & Astrology with Lloyd Strayhorn
  • Delightful Dances of India
  • Sexy Vegetarian Cuisine' Cooking Demos

    & many more sessions!!!
Shop the Fabulous Vendors' Bazaar!

 Vendors from all over the globe!  Bring friends to the STELLAR Instructor Performance Night!

BOCA, Inc.
6906 4th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20012

Lotus Niraja
Lotus Niraja "Drum Solo" BOCA Fest 2006

Love Lockdown
Cassandra Fox

Are there Cowards in Congress for Universal Background Checks ???
Cowards of Congress

Melissa Harris Perry on
Discuss cowardice decision with fellow reporters !
Melissa Harris Perry

Remember to Share this newsletter on all your social networks!
Sista Shai 
Sista Shai (Shy-ee)
African Holistic Health Chapter of NY 
Sista Shai (Shy-ee) 
African Holistic Health Chapter of NY
Sista Shai (Shy-ee)