Cohase Chamber of Commerce
Serving Fairlee, Bradford, Newbury, Orford, Piermont and Haverhill 
 Newsletter  DECEMBER 2012

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Why not place a link on your website to the Cohase Chamber of Commerce? While you're at it, share this newsletter with someone you think will be interested. Both are great ways to help us spread the word .
Ice Storm in Corinth, VT

Quick Links

Cohase Website

Become a member

Local Events

Historic Tour

Area Directory



  ANNUAL MEETING AND DINNERJanuary 28th, 2013 Lake Morey Resort $20 per plate








 The New Hampshire district office of the  

U.S. Small Business Administration  

recently announced  

Bank of New Hampshire as an  

"Outstanding Partner"

in its 2012

lender awards.











Membership In the Cohase Chamber:

By now you should have received your membership renewal information.  As we mentioned in the cover letter, this year has been an active one for the Chamber.  Here are some of the highlights:  

  • We maintained our membership level while welcoming both the towns of Fairlee and Orford into our chamber.
  • Our website continues to provide a good source of information for our businesses and our visitors alike. This year we added archive sections where we post the meeting minutes for the chamber, for the select boards of our member towns, and for local business associations. These postings facilitate improved, more convenient communications among all these groups.
  • The Workforce Development Committee organized and sponsored the education summit, "Your Future Your Way."
  • Our first annual Garden Tour was successful and plans are already underway for next year's event.
  • We sponsored a new one day Antique Market in Fairlee in November.
  • The 3rd Annual 48 Hour Film Slam, which we sponsor to promote the arts in our region, was a rousing success. This year we acquired key business sponsorships.
  • We hosted the Annual Cohase Region Economic Summit.
  • We published and distributed 25,000 map and guides to state highway rest areas, welcome centers and local businesses. This publication identifies our chamber members for visitors and others planning to relocate to our area.
  • We launched "Take 5 Hang 10," a regional marketing program to encourage travelers to drive and patronize enrolled businesses along routes 5 and 10 of our region. The first year activities for this new initiative included the publication of a brochure and the launching of a sister website, 

Our 2013 activities will kick off January 28th with our Annual Meeting. We have a tentative commitment from Gov. Shumlin to speak and have invited Gov Elect Hassan from NH.  If their schedules allow we are hoping to have the Governors speak to bi-state initiatives. This event will be held at the Lake Morey Resort.  Please mark your calendars and plan to attend what will be a very interesting and informative evening.  The dinner will cost $20 per plate and the evening will begin at 5:45pm. RSVP below. 


We hope that you agree that the chamber is working hard to promote a more vital community to work and live in for our entire region.   


We are already working to make this years membership drive as successful as last year's drive. You can help us.  If you are aware of a business that is considering joining the chamber, please let us know so that we can contact them and provide the information that they will need to join.


Whether you have been a long time member or just joined last year, we want to thank you for your membership.   


Mark Nielsen, Executive Director 


 [CRB.jpg]   CRB
Connecticut River By-Way Identifies Bicycle Trips For Visitors To Our Region:
Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing gets behind the effort.

Over the last several months Katherine Otto, Assistant Planner, South Windsor County Regional Planning Commission has been leading an effort on behalf of the Connecticut River By-Way (CRB) to develop detailed trip itineraries for bicyclists who are looking for scenic day trips along the river.   


The Connecticut River By-Way stretches 489 miles and there are now loop trips defined for most of it.  Attending from the Cohase Region have been myself, bicyclist friend David Fisk from Post Mills and Glen English, Town Manager from Haverhill.


Recently the CRB has issued a newsletter spelling out some of these trips, I think they did a nice job.  To see it click here.  The following is a note from John LaBarge, commenting on the work. 


Hi Everyone, 

It is great to see the CT River Byway get out a newsletter and a very nice one indeed! As you may all know Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing (VDTM) has committed to providing a large byway marketing effort for all Vermont Byways. Given the marketing resources VDTM has, this will open the door to more tourism along your byway. They have plans to target various travel groups such as RVers, Motorcycle tour groups, AAA travel members etc. with byway information.  This will be very advantageous to your region and your small businesses, historic sites, museums, artisans etc.

With the federal government eliminating funding for the byway program it has become so important for volunteers to step up and help manage your byway and work with VDTM to assure visitors to your area have the best information possible.  Good luck and keep up the good work.

John LaBarge 

Program Manager for State Byways 

VT. Agency of Transportation


Vermont Byways

They're Not Just Roads, They're Destinations


Check it out!




You're invited to the Annual Dinner/Meeting

Special Thanks to Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Planning for partially sponsoring this event. 

Please join us for our Annual Meeting on January 28th at the Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, Vermont.  This initiation extends to the general public and is not just limited to members of the chamber.  We'll start at 5:45 p.m. with some socializing and a cash bar followed by a sit down dinner beginning at 6:30 p.m. and a presentation from this year's guest speaker(s): Gov. Shumlin from Vermont and possibly Gov Elect Hassan from NH  


Peter Shumlin is the 81st Governor of Vermont. His career in public service began almost 30 years ago when at the age of 24 he was elected to serve on the town's select board. In 1990, Governor Madeleine Kunin appointed Peter to fill an empty seat in the Vermont House of Representatives, where he served for 3 years. He then served Windham County for 8 terms in the VT Senate and was elected by his colleagues to lead the Senate as President pro tem the majority of that time. Since his inauguration, he has been working to create jobs for those who need them, raise incomes for those who have jobs, control skyrocketing health care costs, expand broadband and cell service to every corner of the state, reduce recidivism, invest in quality education opportunities, and rebuild our roads and bridges.


We will also be presenting the 7 minute "Peoples Choice" entry of this year's 48 Hour Film Slam, "Changing Colors" by team Fondue Pneumonia Party.  And, of course, we'll end the meeting with our raffle!  For those whose dues were received by December 31st, 2012. You will be automatically entered into the Chamber's Raffle.  The prize is a $200. gift certificate to shop at any Chamber member business...but you must be present to win.


Since we're serving a dinner for $20 per plate, we'll need to know if you can join us, and your choice for a dinner selection.  Please send your rsvp along with your payment no later than January 19th, to the chamber office, Download the RSVP form from the web here 


and mail it to: 

Cohase Chamber of Commerce

P.O. Box 35

Wells River, VT 05081 


If you have questions, please feel free to contact me by e-mail at or by phone to Mark Nielsen, Executive Director, at 802-439-3730 before 7 p.m. nightly.   


We hope to see you there!


Mark Nielsen 

Cohase Chamber of Commerce

Ice Storm in Corinth, VTMusings on our community:   
Shopping Local For the Holidays:

Once again, I would like to plug the local artisans in the Cohase Region who are offering great hand made gifts, some of which offer a lifetime's worth of enjoyment at very reasonable prices.   This region is rich with offerings from pottery, textiles and other hand made crafts to photography and fine art for your walls.  A number of our chamber members make a living by creating works on the hope and the prayer that someone will buy what they make.  Often a trip to a studio can provide gifts for not just one person but several on your list, while you get the added pleasure of interacting with the artist. If you plan to visit an artist at their studio, it is advisable that you call ahead to arrange a time.   
Here is a list of some of my favorites that I would like to share with you:
It's a nice way to bring community and humanity back into the holiday equation.  For a complete list of Chamber Member Retailers near you please visit our Chamber Directory. 

Local Artisans:
Suzani Arnold, Painted Floor Cloths
Matt Brown, Color Woodblock Prints
Bert Dodson, Illustrator, (802) 222-5403
Maya Machin, Wood-fired, salt-glazed functional pottery by Maya Machin
Rob Rinaldi,Photography and mixed media by Rob Rinaldi
Cookeville Woodworking, Furniture Maker
Lois Jackson, Botanical art
Susan Bradford, Sheepskin clothing
James Gardner,Watercolor painting
David Hurwitz, Furniture Maker
Micki Colbeck, Oil Paintings
Gillian Tyler, Oil Paintings
John Douglas, Portrait Photographer
John Quimby, Ceramics
Craig Pursley, Oil Paintings and Portraits

Local Businesses:

Honey Glow Design, Candles and Beeswax products 
North of the Falls, Local Arts and Crafts.
Shadow Box Art & Framing, Framing and Art Supplies
Steam Power Design, Photography
Vermont Impressions, (802) 222-3400, Wooden Bowls
Vermont North By Hand, Artisan non-profit

Happy Local Shopping!

Mark Nielsen, Executive Director

Our Mission: 
The Lower Cohase Regional Chamber of Commerce is committed to fostering a vibrant economic climate by encouraging cooperation and communication among the region's communities, while ensuring a high quality of life.
Cohase Chamber of Commerce
(802) 757-2549
Mark Nielsen, Executive Director
Chamber Logo