| North Tustin Campus 12421 Newport Ave. North Tustin, 92705
Preschool-8th Grade 714.832.4867
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North Tustin Campus Newsletter
April 15th - 19th |
Preschool - Kindergarten celebrated Week of the Young Child this week with Parents and Me PE, art projects, and a bubble assembly! |
News & Announcements
Earth Day, Monday, April 22nd
Recycle, Reduce, & Reuse
Wear Green - Free Dress
The North Tustin Campus is celebrating Earth Day on Monday, April 22nd by going Green! Please wear green to support taking care of Mother Earth. Earth Day is a day that is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural environment. Please help us celebrate by recycling, reducing, and reusing!
Fairmont Family Night @ Angels Stadium 
Friday, May 3rd, 2013 @ 7:05 pm
Anaheim Angels vs. Baltimore Orioles
Tickets $20 each in Left Field Pavilion
Tickets on sale now. Please fill out the order form and return payment to Mrs. Jonna Powell in Room 205. See you at the ball park!
Save Your Box Tops
Next Collection Date: Friday, April 19th - Today!
North Tustin Parent Association News
Fun Run T-shirts are on sale for $10 each. Click the link for the form to pre-order your shirt. There are a limited number of shirts and sizes. The NTCPA expects to sell out!
The NTCPA needs volunteer parents to help at the May 2 Fun Run by counting laps and handing out frozen treats and medals. Please contact your room parent or Lina Ruiz at fresitalina@hotmail.
Fun Run lap sponsor forms are available. Click the link for the form. Runners may be sponsored on a per-lap basis or a fixed amount.
Fairmont Summer Programs 2013 - "Once Upon A Time"
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Fairmont Summer Programs is accepting applications for all the lords and ladies of the kingdom! Sign up before April 30th to receive a 10% discount on summer school and summer camp.
Space is limited for Summer School and Camp at the North Tustin campus. Sign up today!!
Parent Surveys Coming Soon We look forward to hearing your feedback in our annual parent survey! This year, we have opted to run our surveys a bit later in the spring and to use a new survey provider to make the process more streamlined. Please look for more communication regarding the survey in the upcoming weeks.
April Lunch Menus
Feature Article
Congratulations Science Fair Winners
Congratulations to Matthew C., Meghana K., and Cameron O. After competing at the North Tustin's own science fair, they were amongst 15 students selected to compete at the Orange County Science and Engineering Fair (OCSEF). There the three North Tustin students qualified to compete in the California State Science Fair (CSSF) on Tuesday, April 16th, 2013. On that day, students took their science fair projects to the Discovery Science Center in Los Angeles to compete and test their projects against California's top science students. Over 1000 incredible projects were on display, and while the scores were recorded in the afternoon the students headed to lunch and then patiently await the awards ceremony later that afternoon.
Even with so many amazing projects, we are excited to say that each North Tustin student attending the CSSF was recognized by the judges. Matthew C. was awarded an honorable mention in the Material's Science category, Meghana K. was awarded an honorable mention in the Cognitive Science category, and Cameron O. was awarded second place in his category, Material's Science. This was a wonderful affirmation of these 3 students excellence in science. We are incredibly proud of their efforts. |
Eagles Scoreboard

Monday, April 22nd
JH Soccer Playoffs
Boys @ Carden Hall
3:00 pm
Tuesday, April 23rd
JH Soccer Semi Finals
Thursday, April 25th
JH Soccer Finals
Important Information:
Save the Date - JH Sports Banquet, Tuesday, May 7th at 6-8 pm
North Tustin Campus, Allison Hall
This Week on Our Blog... 
Dates to Know
Friday, April 19th
Box Tops Due
3rd Grade Spelling Bee 9:30-10:30 am
Saturday, April 20th
MSPDP Debate Championship in Claremont
Monday, April 22nd
Earth Day - Wear Green
7th & 8th Grade Pentathlon Awards Night
Tuesday, April 23rd
School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
1st Grade Musical at 12 pm
7th Grade Fun Day at the Prep 8:30 am
Wednesday, April 24th
3rd Grade to San Diego
Friday, April 26th
5th Grade to Riley's Farm 8:15-4:00 pm
4th Grade Spelling Bee 9:30-10:30 am
Fairmont Private School Preview 10:00 am-11:00 am
Pennies for Patients Ends
Saturday, April 27th
6th Grade Pentathlon