News & Announcements
North Tustin Parent Association Meeting
Monday, February 11th at 8:30 am
Guest Speaker: Mr. Rob Chandler, CEO of Fairmont Private Schools in Allison Hall, Room 110
Mini Curriculum & New Parent Open House
Friday, February 22, 2013
North Tustin Campus
5:15-6:00 pm
Open House, No School
Friday, February 22, 2013
North Tustin Campus
6:00-8:00 pm
We are all looking forward to this year's Open House! From preschool to 8th grade, everyone is busy finishing their Open House projects to show off to parents and friends. Open House season is here! That means it's time for students and their teachers to "show off" everything that has been going on since school started in the fall. No one loves Open House more than moms and dads who can't wait to be wowed by all of the incredible work on display. With that in mind, here are a few Dos and Don'ts to get the most out of your Open House experience.
From the Fairmont Blog: DO let your child guide you around the classroom and campus to any special displays or presentations. Pay special attention as he or she shares personal work with you. This is a precious opportunity to say "great job" and to reinforce the life lesson that hard work pays off. DON'T compare your child's work with that of his or her classmates. Every child is unique with his or her own strong suits. I know it's tempting to wonder out loud why your child's handwriting isn't as neat as Susie's, but now is not the time. If something really concerns you, schedule a conference to talk it over with your child's teacher. DO make a point of praising your child's teacher. Let him or her know how great the room looks and how impressed you are with all of the student work on display. Open House is a big night for teachers, who, don't get enough kudos for all that they do. Let your child's teacher know how much you appreciate his or her hard work in preparation of Open House and throughout the year. DON'T pull your child's teacher aside for an impromptu conference. You'll put the teacher in an awkward position, and you won't get his or her undivided attention. If something is on your mind, plan to discuss it at a more appropriate time. DO visit other classrooms including the rooms of teachers in the next grade up from your child's current grade. This is a wonderful time for you and your child to check out what it's like to "move-up" to the next grade. You'll also have an opportunity to meet art, music, science lab and other specialty teachers and find out a little more about what goes on in these programs. DON'T forget to bring your camera so you can post some awesome pictures on Facebook the day after the big night!
Scholar Search OC
Sunday, February 24 10am-5pm
We invite Fairmont parents and prospective parents to take part in the Orange County Scholar Search Educational Forum being held at Fairmont Preparatory Academy this February. Fairmont has partnered with the Scholar Search Associates to co-host this special event.
To make reservations for the Forum go to the Anaheim Forum page on the Scholar Search site and click on "Reserve Your Spaces" located on the blue horizontal menu bar.
February Lunch Menus
Feature Article Debate Tournament Results
Tournament Stats: 135 Students 45 Teams 10 Schools
Top Speaker Awards (Given to the top 30 students): 3rd Place: Meghana K. 8th Place: Brian D. 20th Place: Sarah S. 23rd Place: Erik F.
Top Team Awards (Given to the top 15 Teams): 5th Place: Team KDS (Du, Khurana, Saboorian) 15th Place: Team CSF (Parker C., Adrian S., Erik F.)
Eagles Scoreboard
Congratulations to the Junior High Boys Basketball team! They were one of the Semi-Finalist and finished the season with an 8-2 record. Good Job!
Soccer Season is approaching! Home Games are played at Tustin Sports Park in Tustin.
2013 JH Soccer Schedule
2012-2013 DSL Basketball Schedule
![Edgewood Eagle Mascot](
Important Information:
All Athletes must turn in: Athletic Emergency Health & Medical Consent Form & the Student Athlete Physical Examination Form. All Student Athletes who want to participate in after school sports must have a physical before the start of the first game.
Dates to Know
Friday, February 8th
BOX TOPS are Due
Monday, February 11th
Parent Association Meeting 8:30 am
Guest Speaker: Mr. Rob Chandler, CEO of Fairmont Private Schools
Tuesday, February 12th
4th Grade to Mission San Juan Capistrano 8:15-2:00 pm
Wednesday. February 13th
Junior High Science Fair 8:00-12:00 pm
Thursday, February 14th
Junior High Science Fair Open House
Friday, February 15th
Preschool - 4th Grade Move Up Day 8:30 - 9:10 am
Monday, February 18th
Presidents' Day - No School
Thursday, February 21st
Parent Association Parent Mixer at Lost Bean 8:00 am
Friday, February 22nd
Mini Curriculum Open House 5:15-6:00 pm
Open House 6:00-8:00 pm
No School
Book Fair Begins
Sunday, February 24
Scholar Search Presentation - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Click Here to RSVP
Wednesday, February 27th
Preschool - 4th Grade Lunch with Next Year's Teacher
Thursday, February 28th
4th Grade Field Trip to Honda Center 9:00-1:30 pm