Join Us! Public Charter School Rally to be held at Texas State Capitol on Wednesday, May 8, 2013. 

With Special Guests Gov. Rick Perry and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst.


Have you RSVP'd for your school yet? There is still time.

RSVP for your school(s) now.


Join charter schools supporters from across Texas on the front steps of the state capitol to show our strong support for public charter schools. Governor Rick Perry and Lt. Governor David Dewhurst will speak at the rally and we want a big crowd to stand up for our great schools.  


The TCSA buses are now full, but don't let that keep you from showing your support and being a part of this historic day. Bring your own buses, vans, or car pool to Austin. Make sure lawmakers know how vital charter schools are for our families and students. 


Rally for Public Charter Schools at the Texas State Capitol

Schedule of Events:  

11:00 AM     Bus/Participant Arrivals                  

12:00 PM     Lunch (on your own)             

  1:00 PM     Legislative Rally at the South Steps               

  2:00 PM     Gallery Recognitions in the House and

                      Senate galleries

  3:00 PM     Buses Load and Depart               

Help us ensure that Texas legislators see and hear the enthusiasm
and support for our charter students, our schools and our movement and hear first-hand how important public charter schools are to Texas public education.







(Interim) Director of Grassroots Advocacy

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Special Guests:  

Gov. Rick Perry

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst