April 18, 2014  || Vol. 6, Issue 16
SWRnet provides a weekly update about new research funding opportunities, calls for papers and proposals, conferences and trainings, new data and research, and news for the social work research community. 

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Funding OpportunitiesFunding     

Dimensional Approaches to Research Classification in Psychiatric Disorders (NIH)

Deadline: October 3, 2014

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks research grant applications designed to develop innovative ways of understanding mental disorders in clinical studies on the basis of experimental research criteria rather than traditional diagnostic categories. The purpose of this FOA is to encourage applications to study mechanisms that may cut across multiple traditional diagnostic categories. Click here for more information.


Research on Alcohol and HIV/AIDS (NIH)

Deadline: May 7, 2016

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is intended to appeal to a broad audience of alcohol and HIV/AIDS researchers, including alcohol researchers with no prior experience in HIV/AIDS research but with a keen appreciation for the relationship between problem drinking and HIV/AIDS and a strong interest in acquiring such experience; HIV/AIDS researchers with no prior alcohol research experience who realize the importance of more intensive alcohol interventions to improving clinical outcomes among HIV-infected individuals; and those with prior research experience in the area of co-occurring HIV/AIDS and alcohol and other substance abuse. The primary objectives for this announcement are to increase research: 1) to characterize the relative importance of reducing alcohol misuse in the prevention of acquisition and transmission of HIV in order to identify and apply appropriate alcohol and HIV interventions as public health measures; 2) to more fully understand and prevent the progression of HIV disease in the presence of continued alcohol exposure; and 3) to develop operational research frameworks for addressing the occurrence and persistence of infections in high-risk populations (e.g. minority women, young gay men, etc.), and translate findings into effective, culturally appropriate preventive and treatment interventions for these targeted populations. Click here for more information.


Structural Interventions, Alcohol Use, and Risk of HIV/AIDS (NIH)
Deadline: May 7, 2016

This FOA encourages R01 research grant applications from institutions/organizations that propose to investigate the effectiveness of structural interventions aimed at reducing the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission by changing the environment of alcohol use. Although a variety of structural and environmental interventions have been employed successfully to reduce other drinking-related problems, similar research extending into the realm of HIV/AIDS risk reduction is still in its developing stages. Click here for more information.  


Tribal Program Postdoctoral Research Associate Fellowship (DOJ)

Deadline: June 10, 2014

The purpose of this solicitation is to support NIJ's violence against Indian women (VAIW)
program of research, and expand the body of criminal justice policy-relevant research. NIJ will award up to two tribal postdoctoral research associate fellowships to individuals who show the greatest potential for future achievement as scholars and researchers; and who can demonstrate experience relevant to the unique demands of working with tribal communities, including experience working in Indian Country and Alaska Native villages. Proposed research must have direct relevance to NIJ's VAIW program of research. Click here for more information. 


Arizona State University T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Child Outcomes in At-Risk Parenting 

Deadline: Until filled

The successful candidate will be expected to work with faculty and graduate students to analyze quantitative longitudinal data and disseminate findings focused on the development and adjustment of the young children of Mexican-origin teenage mothers; conduct statistical analyses, collaborate on manuscripts and presentations, initiate lead-author publications, and consult with the investigative team on statistical analyses. Click here for more information. 


Mental Health Research Dissertation Grant to Increase Diversity (NIH)

Deadline: December 22, 2014
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), issued by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), is to increase the diversity of the mental health research workforce by providing dissertation awards in all areas of research within the strategic priorities of the NIMH to individuals from diverse backgrounds underrepresented in mental health research to support the completion of the doctoral research project. Click here for more information.  

Call for Abstracts
Addiction Health Services Research (AHSR) 2014 Conference - Research on Integrating Addiction, Mental Health and Medical Care Services
Deadline: May 1, 2014
This conference pulls together health services and implementation science investigators, clinical practitioners and policy makers to discuss issues related to addiction health services research and implementation. Abstracts will be accepted for poster presentations, oral presentations, and symposia. Click here for more information.
Call for Papers

The International Journal of Migration and Border Studies 

Deadline: July 1, 2014

IJMBS aims to bring together a diverse range of scholars and practitioners to advance knowledge and improve practice and methodologies in a broad range of issued related to migration and borders studies. Broadly speaking, it seeks to provide different perspectives to its readership ranging from exclusion to integration of permanent, temporary and irregular migrants as well as asylum seekers. Articles covering a large spectrum of topics addressing the development of international, transnational and national immigration policies viewed in a broad sense are welcome. What could be the best practices regarding inclusion? Which measures have exclusionary effects? Some examples of themes this journal intends to cover are listed below. Click here for more information.

Conferences & Trainingsconf
University of Michigan School of Social Work Web-Based Certificate Program in Mixed Methods Research
Deadline: Until filled
This program is designed for researchers and practitioners in social work, nursing, psychology, and other applied fields who are interested in learning ways to integrate various types of qualitative and quantitative research methods, commonly used statistical procedures, and approaches to research conducted in practice settings. 
This program offers the opportunity to engage with other professionals and instructors using a range of online learning methods. Click here for more information. 
The University of Iowa School of Social Work Webinar - Participating in Independent or Collaborative Research  Projects
April 22, 2014 - 2:00-3:15 PM EST
The best clinical practice is grounded in evidence - evidence that is informed by the reality of practice and the organizational setting in which it is provided.  Nursing home social workers who work with researchers to better understand the needs of their clients and organization, evaluate their current practices, and implement and evaluate new practices, are positioned to provide the best care.  This session will empower frontline social workers to implement best practices by learning how and why to be active participants in research that can benefit their clients and organization.  Attendees will learn about (1) different types of research projects most relevant to their practice and the related research considerations; (2) the administrative issues involved when deciding whether to conduct a research project; and (3) "rubber-meets-the-road" realities related to engaging with residents, families, staff, and researchers when working to develop, implement, and evaluate best practices. Click here to register. 

Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) Webinar - Diversity as a Vital Component of Health Systems Change
April 24, 2014 - 2:00-3:00 PM EST
This webinar is sponsored by the ASPPH Diversity and Inclusion Committee and will teach participants the value of using diversity in academic institutions to increase the quality of education, and will highlight tools for increasing and maintaining diversity in schools and programs of public health. Click here for more information.
2nd Annual LGBT Research Symposium - Methodological Challenges and Opportunities of LGBT Research in the Social Sciences
May 21-22, 2014 - Champaign, IL
This project is focused on the methodological challenges and opportunities inherent in conducting research with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer populations. Click here for more information. 

Health Datapalooza
June 1-3, 2014 - Washington, DC
Health Datapalooza is a national conference focused on liberating health data, and bringing together the companies, startups, academics, government agencies, and individuals with the newest and most innovative and effective uses of health data to improve patient outcomes. Click here for more information. 
The Healthcare Quality and Equity Action Forum
June 19-20, 2014 - Boston, MA
The Healthcare Quality and Equity Action Forum will provide the essential strategies to improve quality, achieve equity and deliver high-value healthcare to diverse populations. Leaders from multiple disciplines and health care organizations who work in the areas of quality and safety; disparities, diversity and equity; health policy; and health care design and delivery, as well as anyone interested in these fields, will find the Forum to be a unique and worthwhile experience. Click here for more information. 
Millersville University Conference - Global Youth: Understanding Challenges, Identifying Solutions, Offering Hope
July 10-11, 2014 - Lancaster, PA
Millersville University Department of Social Work's Learning Institute is dedicated to investigating global social issues.  The Learning Institute provides a platform from which experts share their knowledge and offer training for agents of social change.  Each year, The Learning Institute hosts events that center on a particular theme reflected in the Learning Institute's literature, roster of speakers, and annual conference. For the 2013-2014 academic year, the Learning Institute is focused on the experiences of young adults. Click here for more information. 
Research Publications & Data Resourcesdata 

The Commonwealth Fund Health System Data Center

This interactive online tool allows for the comparison of state- and regional-level health care data. Click here for more information.


Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) Brief - Survey Data Elements to Unpack Diversity of Hispanic Populations

The grouping "Hispanic" often makes it challenging to observe important social experiences that relate strongly to the needs, service experiences, and outcomes of interest to ACF for various Hispanic subgroups. Existing federal surveys do not consistently collect data to sufficiently examine how Hispanic ethnicity interacts with other socio-cultural experiences or how it relates to specific outcomes. Because current measurement is inadequate to differentiate characteristics within the Hispanic population, this brief presents ten additional data elements that will improve understanding of the diversity within low-income, Hispanic populations in the U.S., if included alongside demographic items that are typically collected in federal research surveys. Click here for more information.

News & Noticesnews  
Latest Issue of National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism's (NIAAA) webzine, Spectrum
Spectrum offers accessible and relevant information about NIAAA and the alcohol research field. Each issue includes feature-length stories, news updates from the field, charticles and photo essays, and an interview with an NIAAA staff member, alcohol researcher, or liaison member. Click here for more information. 
Kaiser Health News - Primary Care Shortage? Not For The Insured, Study Shows
Researchers posing as nonelderly adult patients made nearly 13,000 calls to primary care practices across Pennsylvania, New Jersey and eight other states between fall 2012 and spring of last year; when they said they had insurance, they were able to make an appointment about 85% of the time. Click here for more information. 
About SWRnet
Formerly known as the IASWR Listserv, SWRnet (Social Work Research Network) was launched in October 2009 to continue serving the social work research community by providing regular updates on funding opportunities, calls for papers, conference deadlines and newly published research.


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Requests to post announcements related to social work research can be submitted to SWRnet@bu.edu. Please contact us with questions or comments.



Project Manager, SWRnet
Doctoral Student, Boston University School of Social Work
Associate Dean for Research, Boston University School of Social Work