September 27, 2013  || Vol. 5, Issue 38
SWRnet provides a weekly update about new research funding opportunities, calls for papers and proposals, conferences and trainings, new data and research, and news for the social work research community. 

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Funding OpportunitiesFunding      
Disaster Mental Health Intervention Research Center (NIH)
Deadline: February 3, 2014 
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) announces a unique opportunity for investigators to utilize diverse but related infrastructure, technology, human, and material resources to plan and implement multiple research projects directed toward improving mental health response to disasters and other emergency events. Click here for more information. 
Center for Poverty Research 2013-14 Small Grants Competition: Low-Wage Employers and Work
Deadline: October 4, 2013 
The Center for Poverty Research (CPR) seeks to fund research on low-wage employment and employers and the working poor. CPR is especially interested in projects that focus on changing demand for certain workers, and trends in technology or employer practices that may affect access to, satisfaction with, and career prospects of jobs held by those near the poverty line. CPR anticipates funding up to 4 proposals, up to a maximum of $25,000 per award. Click here for more information. 
William T. Grant Foundation Distinguished Fellows Program
Deadline: January 8, 2014 
The William T. Grant Distinguished Fellows Program is designed to increase the supply of, demand for, and use of high-quality research in the service of improved youth outcomes. To accomplish this goal, the program gives influential mid-career researchers the opportunity to immerse themselves in practice or policy settings and conversely gives influential practitioners and policymakers the opportunity to work in research settings. Click here for more information. 


Institute for Research on Poverty National Poverty Fellows Program
Deadline: November 22, 2013
The National Poverty Fellows Program is seeking talented postdoctoral researchers to participate in a federal government-university partnership. The goal of the program is both to build the capacity of researchers to conduct high-quality policy-relevant research on poverty and inequality in the United States and to contribute to the effective use of research and scientific knowledge in the formation of public policy. Click here for more information. 


NYS Psychiatric Institute/Columbia University Department of Psychiatry Behavioral Sciences Research in HIV Infection Post-Doctoral Training Grant
Deadline: December 1, 2013
Our program is a postdoctoral research training program that provides intensive training in human sexuality research as applied to HIV prevention and HIV-related health interventions. The major components of our program are academic course work, the development of research and professional skills, and the conduct of independent research. Click here for more information. 
The Greenwall Foundation Faculty Scholars Program in Bioethics 
Deadline: November 1, 2013 
The Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program in Bioethics is a career development award to enable junior faculty members to carry out innovative bioethics research. Each year three Greenwall Faculty Scholars are selected to receive 50 percent salary support for three years to enable them to develop their research program. Click here for more information.


The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality 2013-2014 New Scholars Grant Competition
Deadline: October 25, 2013
The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality (CPI), a National Poverty Research Center funded by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, seeks to support research that will expand our knowledge of key trends in poverty and inequality. The CPI anticipates funding 5 proposals with a maximum award of $20,000 each. The awards will be made to "New Scholars" (i.e., scholars who have received their Ph.D. no earlier than 2006) who will then work collaboratively with one of the CPI's Research Groups to carry out the proposed research project. Click here for more information.

Call for Papers
9th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
June 11-13, 2014 - Vancouver, Canada
Deadline: October 8, 2013 

The International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences examines the nature of disciplinary practices, and the interdisciplinary practices that arise in the context of 'real world' applications. It also interrogates what constitutes 'science' in a social context, and the connections between the social and other sciences. The focus of papers ranges from the finely grained and empirical(research practices and results exemplifying one or more disciplines), to wide-ranging multi-disciplinary and transdisciplinary practices, to perspectives on knowledge and method. Click here for more information.


Call for Abstracts
2014 International Social Work Conference
March 16-18, 2014 - Kampala, Uganda
Deadline: October 15, 2013 

We are particularly interested in presentations and contributions that reflect African perspectives on social work, social development, and social policy; and in views from the international social work fraternity which are suitable to enrich discourses on and responses to the given challenges in African contexts. Click here for more information.


Call for Abstracts
4th Annual International Conference on Stigma
November 22, 2013 - Washington, DC
Deadline: October 15, 2013 

The 4TH International Conference on Stigma is accepting posters, abstracts and scientific research papers. The goals of the conference are to explain what stigma is, describe how stigma impacts individuals and communities, and to explore interventions that work to reduce stigma, on both a community and a government/policy level. Click

here for more information. 


Call for Papers

Work and Family Researchers Network 2014 Conference: Changing Work and Family Relationships in a Global Economy
June 19-21, 2014 - New York, NY
Deadline: October 18, 2013 

We seek fresh and innovative scientific contributions on work and family issues from investigators in diverse disciplines. The voices of all stakeholders are needed to understand and address work and family issues to advance knowledge and practice. We also encourage policy advocates, policy makers, and work-life practitioners to submit evidence-based contributions. Click here for more information. 


Call for Abstracts
Special Issue on Social Work and Health Inequalities/Inequities
Deadline: November 15, 2013
The special issue is seeking abstracts that address your work or your teams work in the content areas of social work health inequalities or social work health inequities. Abstracts and subsequent manuscripts will be primarily reviewed by members of social work health and inequalities network (SWHIN). The International Editorial Board of the journals is dedicated to producing high quality scientific journals of interest to researchers and practitioners from many disciplines and appreciates interdisciplinary work. Click here for more information.


Call for Papers
National Symposium on Doctoral Research in Social Work
September 19, 2014 - Columbus, Ohio
Deadline: Spring 2014
The College of Social Work and the Doctoral Student Organization (DSO) at The Ohio State University invites recent Ph.D. and D.S.W. recipients in social work to submit abstracts describing their dissertation research. Click here for more information.

Conferences & Trainingsconf
Minnesota Association of Community Mental Health Programs 2013 Community Mental Health Conference: Renewing Community: Initiate, Innovate, Integrate
September 25-27, 2013 - Duluth, MN
Workshop sessions have been carefully selected to introduce innovative approaches, sharpen clinical skills, improve management practices and inform about public policy issues related to services for children, families and adults. Click here for more information.

NYU Silver School of Social Work/NASW Conference: DSM-5: Changes, Controversies, and Impact on Clinical Practice
October 4, 2013 - New York, NY
There has been much written about the controversies surrounding the new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5). Despite the various objections to the process and the outcome, the DSM will continue to play an important role in assessment and treatment planning of individuals with mental health problems, and it is important for clinicians to understand how to use the changes in the manual and the limitations of the new diagnostic criteria. This conference will provide a forum for the examination of the new manual, and the implications for social workers in agencies and private practice. Click here for more information.

Institute of Medicine Roundtable on Population Health Improvement
December 5-6, 2013 - Irvine, CA
The roundtable brings together individuals and organizations that represent different sectors in a dialogue about what is needed to improve population health. The Roundtable will engage roundtable members and outside experts, practitioners and stakeholders on three core issues: supporting fruitful interaction between primary care and public health, strengthening governmental public health, and exploring community action in transforming the conditions that influence the public's health. The first day is typically a workshop open to the public and the second day is an administrative meeting of the roundtable. Click here for more information.

2014 International Conference on Social Science and Management
March 14-16, 2014 - Chicago, IL
ICSSM 2014 will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Social Science and Management. The conference looks for significant contributions to all major fields of the modern Social Science and Management in theoretical and Application aspects. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to the global researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the fields. Click here for more information.
Research Publications & Data Resourcesdata 
Advances in Social Work 2013 Special Issue: The Impact of Socio-Economic, Cultural, Political, and International Factors on Latinos/Latinas in the US
Click here for the full issue.

Journal of Adolescent Health Supplement on Child Maltreatment
The papers in this supplement investigate the role of safe, stable, nurturing relationships (SSNRs) and social contexts in the lives of children and their caregivers, as well as provide insight into relational factors that influence the inter-generational cycle of child maltreatment. Click here to view the full issue.

National Institute of Justice Report: Sex Offender Management, Treatment, and Civil Commitment: An Evidence Based Analysis Aimed at Reducing Sexual Violence
This study was designed to provide a comprehensive exploratory examination of the program management, treatment, and recidivism of sexual offenders in New Jersey. Click here to view the full report.

Maryland Center for Health Equity New Online Educational Program: Building Trust Between Minorities and Researchers
This program seeks to close the gap in racial and ethnic health disparities. The program does so by providing culturally tailored information and skills to minority communities on how to become an informed decision maker for participation in research, including clinical trials. Click here for more information.

The Commonwealth Fund Report: Health Care in the Two Americas: Findings from the Scorecard on State Health System Performance for Low-Income Populations, 2013
The report identifies opportunities for states to improve their health systems for economically disadvantaged populations and provides state benchmarks of achievement. Analyzing 30 indicators of access, prevention and quality, potentially avoidable hospital use, and health outcomes, the Scorecard documents sharp health care disparities among states. Click here to view the full report.

The Commonwealth Fund Report: New U.S. Census Data on the Uninsured Underscores Need for Expanded Coverage
This report outlines new data released by the U.S. Census Bureau regarding uninsurance and the early impact of some ACA provisions. Click here to view the full report.

Better Access to Data for Global Interdisciplinary Research (BAGDIR)
BADGIR is an on-line data archive at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. From this portal you can browse or search data documentation (e.g., metadata, codebooks) and univariate summary statistics (e.g., mean, frequency counts). Registered users can also create cross-tabulations that can be downloaded in MSExcel format, and perform regression analyses (registration required). Registered users who are interested in performing more sophisticated multivariate analyses can create and download customized data sets that can be imported into a variety of statistical packages (e.g., SPSS, SAS, STATA). Click here for more information.
News & Noticesnews  
HHS 2014-2018 Strategic Plan: Draft for Public and Congressional Consultation
Deadline: October 15, 2013
Every 4 years, HHS updates its strategic plan, which describes its work to address complex, multifaceted, and ever-evolving health and human service issues. Under the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act, Federal agencies are required to consult with the Congress and to solicit and consider the views of external parties. We welcome your input on the draft HHS Strategic Plan for FY 2014-2018. Click here for more information. 
PBS documentary: Latino Americans
LATINO AMERICANS is a landmark three-part, six-hour documentary series that is set to air nationally on PBS in the fall of 2013. It is the first major documentary series for television to chronicle the rich and varied history and experiences of Latinos, who have helped shape the United States over the last 500-plus years and have become, with more than 50 million people, the largest minority group in the U.S. Click here for more information.

About SWRnet
Formerly known as the IASWR Listserv, SWRnet (Social Work Research Network) was launched in October 2009 to continue serving the social work research community by providing regular updates on funding opportunities, calls for papers, conference deadlines and newly published research.


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Project Manager, SWRnet
Doctoral Student, Boston University School of Social Work
Associate Dean for Research, Boston University School of Social Work