Tragic Comedy
Fauquier Community Theatre is delighted to present the tragic comedy Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, playwright Tom Stoppard's take on William Shakespeare's Hamlet featuring the two infamous minor characters.
As the play opens, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern find themselves on their way to Elsinore to visit their childhood friend Hamlet, only to find that there is, indeed, something rotten in the state of Denmark. In order to 'glean what afflicts' their friend, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern try to get information from the main characters (who continually ignore them) and solve the mysterious cause of Hamlet's lunacy, unaware that they are merely pawns in a much larger game of chess. As soon as they seem to make some progress they are shipped off to England to escort Hamlet, sailing quixotically, to their impending doom (it's not just a clever title). During their journey they are entertained, mystified, and baffled by a troupe of traveling tragedians, led by the Player.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead has been a crowd pleaser since it premiered 50 years ago at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 1966, and it remains Stoppard's most famous play. The success of the play is due to Stoppard's keen sense of timing, dialogue, ability to simplify worldly concerns into the flip of a coin, and his ironic humor that colors the story of the ill-fated pair.
Director Timothy Bambara and designers Maggie Bausch, Peter Mumford and Bill Speidel put a unique spin on the play, presenting 'the greatest show on earth', incorporating turn of the 20th century circus and carnival elements.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead features Will McLeod as Guildenstern and newcomer Tristan Cooper as Rosencrantz. Veteran actor/producer Don Richardson takes the helm as the Player, with Zach Thaler playing Hamlet. The cast features Kevin Stokker as Claudius, Maggie Bausch as Gertrude, Hannah Burnham as Ophelia, Gene Schmiel as Polonius, Peter Mumford as Alfred, and Hannah Butler, Kendra Coleman and Cliff Rieger as the Tragedians.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead opens March 18th at 8:00 pm and plays March 19th, 24th, 25th, April 1st & 2nd at 8:00 pm & March 20th, 26th, & April 3rd at 2:00 pm.
Tickets are available at or by leaving a message at 540-349-8760.
An Evening with the "Sounds" of Elisabeth Von Trapp Proceeds will benefit FCT's Sound System
For Elisabeth Von Trapp, "the sounds of music" are part of her earliest memories. Born and raised in Vermont, Elisabeth is the granddaughter of the legendary Maria and Baron Von Trapp, whose story inspired The Sound of Music. Singing professionally since childhood, Elisabeth has enthralled audiences from European cathedrals to Washington D.C.'s Kennedy Center.
Inspired by her father Werner Von Trapp's guitar playing and singing, Elisabeth has carried on the legacy of the internationally renowned Trapp Family Singers. She began taking piano lessons when she was eight and by the age of sixteen she was playing guitar and traveling the back roads of New England performing with her siblings at weddings, gospel meetings and town halls.
Building on her famed family's passion for music, Elisabeth has created her own artistic style, at once ethereal and earthy, delicate and powerful. Listeners have likened her to Judy Collins and Loreena McKennitt. Critics have called her voice ... "hauntingly clear", "joyfully expressive" and "simply beautiful." Boston Globe comments: Before the concert is over, she will have the crowd gasping with the sheer beauty of her voice.
Elisabeth's concert repertoire ranges from Bach to Broadway ... Schubert to Sting. With equal ease and eloquence she sings timeless wonders like Rodgers and Hammerstein's Favorite Things and Edelweiss, Lieder by Mozart, Puccini's o Mio Babbino Caro, soaring gospel tunes, pop classics like a Whiter Shade of Pale and her own stunning compositions.
Elisabeth has released five self-produced albums, and has performed across the United States, Austria and Russia. Her music has been featured on National Public Radio, BBC-Radio, Japanese national radio and CNN Spanish radio. She has appeared on CBS's Eye on People, ABC's Good Morning America and BBC-TV.
No one leaves an Elisabeth Von Trapp performance unchanged ... audiences of all ages are drawn by the promise of her famous name ... awed by the beauty of her voice and musical arrangements ... their hearts touched forever by the astonishing sound of her unique new music.
Join us at The Fauquier Community Theatre for an Evening with Elisabeth Von Trapp on Saturday, April 16 at 7:00 PM. Tickets are $16 for adults and $14 for Students and Seniors and are available at or 540-349-8760.
FCT wishes to thank GEICO agent Dave Stinson, Sr. for sponsoring this event!
RAAC in cooperation with FCT presents:

The Odd Couple is one of Neil Simon's funniest and most loved plays. Running on Broadway for 964 performances, it has spawned countless productions around the world, as well as film and TV adaptations. Simon even wrote a female version of the play.
The story revolves around the conflict when two best friends-neatnik Felix Ungar and the slovenly Oscar Madison-share an apartment. Their natural differences are aided and abetted by their trash-talking poker buddies and the giggly, lascivious Pigeon sisters from upstairs.
Despite the laugh-a-minute misunderstandings and bickering between Felix and Oscar, the play is an examination of the transformative power of friendship.
The cast features John Lesinski, Bob Hurley, Petrina Huston, Deverell Pederson, Scott McMurtray, and Andy Platt, as well as Fauquier County residents Larry Finkel and Bob Stockmaster. Patty Hardee directs
Dates Tickets Friday, April 8 at 8 pm Adults $16 Saturday, April 9 at 8 pm Seniors $14 Sunday, April 10 at 2 pm 540-349-8760 Students $14
Location: The Fauquier Community Theatre in Vint Hill (4225 Aiken Drive, Warrenton)

FCT is hosting a Summer Youth Musical Drama Camp this summer!!
2 Week Musical Drama Camp Culminating in a final production on July 1 at 7 pm Ages 8-15 Cost: $300 Directed By Ken Wayne June 20 - July 1, 2016 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM2016 Peter Pan Camp Registration Form
We will be accepting a certain number of camp registrations. Please get your registration forms in as soon as possible!!
About the Director:
Ken Wayne has been happily working with young people for most of his life. The third of six children, he began teaching piano lessons at the age of fifteen. He later earned his Bachelor's degree in Music Education and taught choir at the high school and middle school levels for thirteen years. He recently completed his Master's degree in Theatre Direction from Roosevelt University in Chicago, and currently teaches drama at Culpeper Middle School. Ken has directed thirty-nine productions over the years, including musicals, plays, madrigal dinners, cabaret shows, and children's camps. He most recently directed Wait Until Dark at Fauquier Community Theatre. Ken also regularly performs onstage with local community theatres and with the Chamber Chorale of Fredericksbug.
During the 2 weeks of camp, students will learn about acting, singing, dancing, auditioning, sets, props, costumes and staging, culminating in two live performances of Disney's Peter Pan Jr. Each student will both act on stage and help with backstage production, giving them a well-rounded experience of what it takes to put on a musical.
FCT sends a heartfelt THANK YOU to Fauquier Hearing Services for their work and compassion for the hearing impaired and for their commitment to community through their generous support to non profit organizations!
They have recently donated to FCT a new Sales Counter for our lobby!!!
Each year FCT gives scholarships to qualified high school seniors to further their education in the arts beyond high school. FCT is currently taking applications.
Click below to watch a 3 minute segment featuring The Fauquier Community Theatre!
FCT Work Day
Please join us as FCT will be organizing its costume storage area. We would like to hold a work day in March.
Please email Susan Noe if you are interested.

2015 - 2016 FCT Memberships
FCT is excited for its 2015-16 Season of Shows!
Your membership provides upfront donations that give FCT the ability to purchase royalties, buy set materials, improve the facility, and begin the season with a great jumpstart.
As a member of FCT you have the ability to be involved in any of our 2015-16 productions, vote on important matters, attend an annual member lunch banquet, attend opening night receptions for each show, all while providing funds for the non-profit FCT organization!
Visit the website now and click on the Donate Now button on any page of the website except the home page or click on membership under News and Updates on the home page. Membership
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FCT Apparel now for sale
Short Sleeved T-Shirts $16
Long Sleeved T-Shirts $20
Crew Neck Sweatshirt $25
Hoodie Sweatshirt $30
Your choice of colors:
Ash Grey or Black
Youth Sizes ~ Youth Small, Youth Medium, Youth Large, Youth XLarge
Adult Sizes ~ Small, Medium, Large, XLarge, 2XLarge
Order Yours today and Represent......
These make great gifts!
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