FCT LogoFauquier Community Theatre's
Painting Stories for 35 Years
May 2013
In This Issue
The King and I
Leaders Needed
Bylaws Review
New Trailer and Volunteer Work Needed
Summer Camp
2013-2014 Season of Shows
Annual FCT Member Banquet
Fauquier Community Theatre Presents
Rodgers and Hammerstein's
The King and I

'The King & I' Brings Musical Pageantry to FCT Stage 

By Dixie Walters


Fauquier Community Theatre will end its regular season in royal style with the staging of the classic Rodgers & Hammerstein musical, "The King and I."


The Tony Award-winning musical is a unique love story that defies the usual formulas. It revolves around a headstrong English governess who becomes a tutor to the royal children and numerous wives of the equally strong-willed and rather misogynistic King of Siam. Although he's in favor of bringing a Western perspective to his kingdom - or so he thinks - the king (played by Dan Purcell) and Anna (played by Chantal Campbell) clash when their respective cultures and values bump up against each other. The friction ultimately leads to a simmering chemistry between the two as the exotic and heartwarming story ensues.


"Anna is not afraid to push her agenda, and that was unusual for the time," says Susan No, the play's director. "Her character is also a single, widowed woman who has to support herself and her child, which was also highly unusual."


Pomp and Circumstance

As director, No oversees a cast of approximately 40 actors and dancers ranging in age from 5 to 60. The play is interspersed with musical and dance numbers, including "some that are very specific to Siamese dance, which we want to honor," says No, who credits the efforts of musical director Larke Pain and choreographer Sandy Steinmeyer.


Also noteworthy is the elaborate costuming required to make the court of King Mongkut come to life. No, who is adept with a sewing machine, also took on costuming duties, along with several assistants. She has served as costumer for numerous FCT productions, including "A Christmas Carol," which she also directed, "The Music Man," and "Into the Woods," which she also produced. Still, she says that the exotic and ornate costuming needed is a challenge on a community theater budget.


Another challenge is fitting the large cast on the relatively small FCT stage, along with several live musicians. Cast members have also worked hard to assimilate the mannerisms and speech patterns of the play's cultural environment.


No is hoping all the pomp and circumstance will pay off in mesmerized audiences. "We're hoping the audience feels as if they've traveled to a foreign country and are in the middle of the court of King Mongkut," says No�. "We just want to surround them with pageantry, music and dancing that's different than what they're used to seeing."


The play, which is suitable for all ages, will be presented May 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18 and 19. Curtain time is 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. on Sundays. An adult ticket is $17; senior citizen and student tickets are $15. Tickets can be purchased online at FCTstage.org. A combined ticket of $38 for seniors and students and $40 for adults to see the show and enjoy dinner at The Inn at Vint Hill is available for the May 19 performance.

Disney's Aladdin Jr.
Directed By Evelyn Rice and Jeremy Vest
June 14, 15, 21, 22, 29 at 7:30 pm
June 16, 23, 29, 30 at 2:00 pm
Tickets $10/$12
Meet, Greet & Eat with the Characters after the June 23rd matinee! Combined dinner & show tickets $32/$20.

Summer Youth Showcase
House of Blue Leaves
Directed by Sean Trapani
The youth (16-23 yrs of age) of Fauquier Community Theatre put on an entire production from beginning to end while in the roles of director, producer, stage and tech crew, and actors and actresses. Come support the youth and be entertained!
July 26, 27, 28, Aug. 2, 3, 4
Tickets $12/$14

You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown
Directed by Christie Clark
Music Directed by Hilary Pierce

Aug. 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25
Tickets $10/$12
Friday and Saturday 7:30 PM
Sunday 2 PM


The Board of Directors of Fauquier Community Theatre is seeking talented, committed people to apply for the position of Artistic Director.This individual will be responsible for leading FCT's volunteer staff in all of the group's artistic endeavors.The Artistic Director must have a strong background of knowledge and experience in the theatre and related performing arts, must have a vision for the future direction of FCT, and must be able to tactfully and positively lead a diverse group of people.

While the position will initially be unpaid, the Board will consider making it a paid position if a funding source can be found. The detailed Artistic Director Position Description, which includes instructions for how to apply is linked here and also can be found on the FCT website.The deadline for applications is May 31st, and the Board plans to interview candidates in June. If you have any questions, please contact FCT's Chairman, Don Richardson, at chairman@fctstage.org.           


FCT is governed by a Board of Directors whose members are elected to three-year terms at the Annual Membership Meeting in June.The Board's Nominating Committee is seeking people to create a slate of candidates to propose to the Membership at the Annual Meeting. Board members need not be performers, but they do need to have a strong commitment to the goals of our Community Theatre and a background that enables them to lead a non-profit organization effectively and plan strategically for its future health and growth. If you are willing to serve FCT, please send your resume to the Nominating Committee (Laurie Bersack and Tim Kirk) at laurie@fctstage.org and tim@fctstage.org. Please submit your resume no later than May 19th.



This year the Board of Directors has worked on a review and update of FCT's Bylaws.We would like to receive comments from the membership before producing a final document to present at the Annual Meeting, June 2. Please view the current working draft here, or view it on the website, and send your comments or questions before May 19th to Chairman@fctstage.org



FCT has received a generous donation from the William A. Hazel Company - a used trailer that will provide an improved dressing room space for our performers.  We are hoping to install it in June, assuming we get final planning approval from the County in the near future.  We will need assistance from the membership in cleaning out the old trailer, moving into the new one, and completing some "beautification" jobs on the exterior in order to present a better appearance to anyone passing by on the street. Watch your Spotlight for future announcements about scheduled work parties!


Speaking of work parties... Parks and Recreation has allocated more rooms for FCT's storage needs.  We need willing workers to clean out the existing rooms and organize our prop and set holdings to take advantage of the additional space.  Please come and help on either May 11 or May 18 (both, if you can) between the hours of 9 AM and 2 PM.  Pizza will be provided at lunchtime!   The Dispensary is at the other end of the open field from the theatre; our entrance is around back.  Work gloves and solid, closed shoes are recommended. If you have cordless screwdrivers, hand trucks or dollies, or a pickup truck to help haul junk to the landfill, please bring them!  Please RSVP to Don Richardson at don@fctstage.org to let him know you are coming and what you can bring.  Many hands make light work, so please help us get this done!

Summer Musical Theatre   Drama Camp!!
Thoroughly Marvelous Maddie
Written and Directed by Jen Faulconer
Valerie & Josh Chinn
Angelica Walters

July 15-19, 2013 10 am - 2 pm
20 Hours plus Performance $285
Rising 3rd-8th Graders
  Registration Form

Placement Auditions will be Sat., July 13 - 1 - 3 pm
Performance 7pm on Friday, July 19

Kids: Do you dream of standing in the spotlight on opening night listening to the roar of applause from the audience? Then you'll love sharing your dreams with kids just like you who love the performing arts during FCT's Summer Musical Theatre Camp!

About the Week
Students work together to put on the entire production. They will be leaning choreography and music, backstage techniques, as well as set building, and scenery design. Week intensive includes acting technique, musical theatre, team building, backstage etiquette, musical theatre history, sight reading, acting for the song, theatre history all while building confidence and encouraging self-discovery. Vocally they will explore diaphragm control, enunciation and diction, and breathing. Memorization and home study required.

About the Play
Maddie moves to a new school and clashes hard with all the different cliques. After a rough first day, Duncan, who happens to the SGA President, takes her under his wing and asks her to sit with him at lunch. Arriving home broken and on the edge of giving up, her mother encourages her to find a club to join to meet new friends. She tries out for cheerleading, the Academic Club, and the Future Farmer's of America... all of which prove to be a HUGE flop. The Art History teacher, Mrs. Preston, encourages her to look for a sign, reminding her that nothing is "Impossible". Later on the afternoon announcements, Maddie, who has always loved singing, hears about the Thespian Society's auditions for Thoroughly Modern Millie and decides to give it one more go. She nails the audition, landing the part, an extra dose of confidence, and approval from the kids at school when she finally shows where her true talents lie.

Maximum singing opportunities for all campers. Solos for Maddie, Mom, Duncan, Mrs. Preston, Chelsea, Heather, Kimberly, Liz, Sam, Melissa, Academic Club and FFA members, etc.

Headshot and resum� should be brought on day of audition. Do not email information in advance.

Required placement Auditions Saturday, July 13 from 1-3pm. Children should prepare a 16 bar song from a Broadway show and bring their audition form with them. Everyone who signs up for camp is guaranteed a part -this audition is for placement in the show only. Directors will be looking for ability to move and overall performance aspect of audition. Cast list will be announced on Monday morning.


Announcing 2013-2014 Season
Get your Season Subscription Now! 
(All five shows for the price of 4!)

Fiddler on the Roof
Oct. 4-6, 11-13, 18-20

White Christmas
Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 6-8, 13-15

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Jan. 24-26, Jan. 31-Feb. 2, Feb. 7-9

Black Coffee
Mar. 21-23, 28-30, Apr. 4-6

Little Women
May 2-4, 9-11, 16-18

NON SEASON Production:

Smoke on the Mountain
Feb. 14-16, 21-23  
Annual Member Banquet and Meeting

FCT invites all members from 2012-2013 to attend the complimentary luncheon at Airlie Center in Warrenton, VA on Sunday, June 2nd at 1pm. The afternoon will consist of a delicious display of food and desserts, cash bar, FCT entertainment and Awards as well as a brief meeting with informative information of where FCT has been and where FCT is going.

If you are not a member of FCT and would like to attend the entertainment and awards, this will begin at 2:30pm. Also, please consider becoming a member of FCT. Membership has several benefits including this complimentary annual banquet and complimentary tickets to our shows. For more information visit the member page of our website.

If you are a 2012-2013 member you may RSVP to Christie@FCTstage.org.

Fauquier Community Theatre has joined the social media! By joining FCT's Business Page you won't miss anything happening at the theatre. And most importantly, you can share FCT and your love of theater with all of you "friends"!


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Thank you for being part of Fauquier Community Theatre.  Whether you are a patron, member, subscriber, actor, usher, or any of the other numerous volunteers, you put the "Community" in our theater.