FCT LogoFauquier Community Theatre's
Painting Stories for 35 Years
January, 2013
In This Issue
To Kill A Mockingbird
Variety Show
Comedy of Errors
College Scholarships
To Kill A Mockingbird
Picture by Hilary Tupper 


Still Relevant 'Mockingbird' Opens at FCT

By Dixie Walters


As the annual observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday nears, Fauquier Community Theatre will debut the powerful, racially charged drama, "To Kill a Mockingbird."


Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Harper Lee, the production highlights the clash between justice and racism as seen largely through the youthful eyes of Jem and Scout Finch, whose father, Atticus, is appointed to defend a black man accused of a crime he didn't commit. Although the play is set in a small Alabama town during the Great Depression, many of the subjects it deals with remain socially relevant.


"In some ways, it seems that not that much has changed since 1935, other than technology," says the play's director, Nancy Daugherty. Subtopics explored include violence against children, isolation from society and dysfunctional family relationships.


Daugherty, who has previously taken on a variety of stage and behind-the-scenes roles at FCT, says the searing drama has been gratifying to direct. "I really like to do a play with a message. And not only is there the racial issue, but there's a character who's capable of hurting children."


The character she refers to is Bob Ewell, played to disturbing perfection by Evan Jones. Ewell is abusive toward his daughter Mayella (an equally powerful performance from Isabella Cardine), who wrongly accuses Tom Robinson (played with subtlety by Jason Hudson) in an effort to hide her own transgression.


A Sense of Community

Despite the difficult subjects explored in the play, Daugherty says it also has a hopeful message about the meaning of community and its importance in good times and bad. "A community involves people of all colors and backgrounds and there's meaning and purpose to a community."


Likewise, a sense of community has been forged through the theatrical production, both on and off the stage. Daugherty noted that the cast members are a diverse group drawn from all walks of life who, nonetheless, have gelled as individuals and in their shared commitment to the story. "The cast has really replicated that 'slice of real life' feel," she says.


Some of the featured roles include Maria Luetkemeyer as Scout, Michael D'Arcangelis as Jem, Rhett Walters as Dill and Jim Constable as Atticus. Daugherty said she's delighted with the caliber of the cast members and how well they've come to embody the characters.


"I'm really fortunate that these people walked into auditions because they're perfect for their parts."


FCT's production of "To Kill a Mockingbird" is faithful to Lee's classic novel and contains language and themes that some may find offensive or disturbing. Parents should use their discretion as to whether it is appropriate for their children to attend.


Performances of "To Kill a Mockingbird" are scheduled for Jan. 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27 and Feb. 1, 2 and 3. Curtain time on Friday and Saturday nights is 8 p.m. and 2 p.m. on Sundays. Tickets are $15 (adults) and $13 (students and senior citizens 60 and above) and can be purchased and printed online at FCTstage.org or by calling 540-349-8760.


If you are not signed up to receive FCT audition notices, please sign up on the website under the tab "auditions".    


The King and I
Composer - Richard Rodgers
Lyricist and Librettist - Oscar Hammerstein II
Director - Susan Noe'
Music Director - Amy Baillargeon
Sponsored By McKinsey Development

Audition Dates
Friday, Feb 1 - 7:30pm Teens and adults 
Saturday, Feb 2 - 10am children up to 14 
Saturday, Feb 2 - 2pm Teens and adults 
Monday, Feb 4 call backs if needed

Performance Dates
May 3-5, 10-13, 17-19

Be prepared
Audition Requirements: Come on time, bring your audition form completely
filled out including conflicts, be prepared to sing your choice of 18 bars of a Broadway song with a pianist, bring your sheet music, be prepared to dance with the choreographer, be prepared for either some improv or other activity.

Location of Audition
Hope Christian Fellowship 4173 Bludau Dr., Warrenton (located in Vint Hill)

Cast Requirements
Character names, genders and ages (ranging from 4-65) are located on the audition tab on FCT's website www.FCTstage.org/auditions.


Please contact the director, Susan Noe at [email protected].  

Disney's Aladdin Jr 
For Ages 8-18
Co-Music Directed by Evelyn Rice and Ben Vest 
Choreographed by Courtney Rice

Audition Dates
Friday, Feb 22 6:30 to 9:30 
Saturday, Feb 23 10:00 to 2:00
Callbacks (By Invitation only) Sunday, Feb 24 from 2:00 to 4:00 

June 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30

Location of Audition
Hope Christian Fellowship 4173 Bludau Dr., Warrenton (located in Vint Hill) unless otherwise notified

Evelyn Rice at [email protected] 
You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown
For Ages 5-18
Directed by Christie Clark
Music Directed by Hilary Pierce



Friday, April 12

Saturday, April 13 

Callbacks (by invitation only) Monday, April15



August 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25


Location of Audition  

Hope Christian Fellowship 4173 Bludau Dr., Warrenton (located in Vint Hill) unless otherwise notified



Christie Clark at [email protected]  

Call for Directors
NVTA Contest 
If you are interested in entering a show in the NVTA, you will need to contact FCT by Feb. 15th so that we may submit all required documents.

Summer Youth Showcase
FCT is seeking directors, aged 16-23 to direct the 2013 Summer Youth Show. Please fill out this application to apply for directorship. 
College Scholarships

FCT coordinates financial scholarships for local high school seniors who desire to study theater in college. Due to patron's raffle donations at our shows, young aspiring actors and actresses are aided toward the cost of higher education as they seek to acquire further training in the arts.

If you are a senior in high school and would like to apply for an FCT college scholarship, please fill out and send in this application.

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