Thriving Communities, Thriving State survey  

Our team rolled out the Thriving Communities, Thriving State project (#ThriveIN @IUPublicPolicy) in late January. This was a good start to our multi-year initiative to examine and evaluate what's working in communities around Indiana and how we can lift up other areas, all with Indiana's future in mind. Thanks to our project co-chairs Kathy Davis (former Indiana Lieutenant Governor) and Randall T. Shepard (former Chief Justice of the Indiana Supreme Court), our 52 commission members, partners, Institute staff, and to you for sharing your communities with us.  

Part of how we plan to learn about Indiana communities is to hear from the people who live in them. I encourage you to fill out this brief survey to contribute to the Thriving Communities, Thriving State conversation.   


Another community effort involves our annual Point-In-Time Homeless Count. For the count, our team provides a snapshot of the Indianapolis homeless population for one night. Using our data, the Coalition for Homelessness Intervention and Prevention and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will get a better idea about resources needed to help homeless individuals and families.


We are pleased to once again partner with Dr. Virgina Caine and the Marion County Health Department. Sue Burow, senior policy analyst, is guiding efforts on the county's Community Health Improvement Plan. When completed, the plan will serve as a guide for developing recommendations that will tackle health issues across the board.


As always, thank you for your continued support of the IU Public Policy Institute.

R. Mark Lawrance
, Director

(317) 261-3010
Our Work
#ThriveIN to study what makes Indiana communities succeed
Indiana's future is taking center stage with a new Indiana University Public Policy Institute effort. The Institute recently unveiled its Thriving Communities, Thriving State project, the latest Policy Choices Initiative, to study what makes Indiana communities succeed. A launch event was held on January 23 at the Lumina Foundation.

Stay Connected: Follow #ThriveIN & @IUPublicPolicy on Twitter.


Using a place-based approach, the project will take a look at issues affecting rural, mid-sized and urban communities, each with its own study commission.


Health improvement plan
The Marion County Health Department (MCHD) and our research team are partnering on the Community Health Improvement Plan, a comprehensive effort to identify strategies to address the county's health issues. This spring, we will start the development stage as we facilitate public meetings and evaluate initial recommendations.

The starting point for this project is the Community Health Assessment Plan, which was recently completed by the MCHD.
Homelessness in Indianapolis
On Jan. 28, our team conducted the annual Point-in-Time Homeless Count in Marion County. The study's results will be available in early May 2015.

The Institute collaborates with the Coalition for Homeless Intervention and Prevention to assess the current needs of homeless individuals in the county and identify gaps in facilities that help homeless people. During last year's count, 1,897 individuals were experiencing homelessness in shelters and on the street.     

The No. 1 reason for lack of permanent housing is job loss.

Did you know?
Place plays an important part in Hoosiers' happiness -- that's why we're committed to helping Indiana's leaders make informed decisions for the future.

Indiana In Perspective is the first publication of the Thriving Communities, Thriving State project. This publication provides an overview of state demographics, health and well-being and economic data. 


Indiana In Perspective (PDF)

Indiana in Perspective

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The IU Public Policy Institute delivers unbiased research and data-driven, objective, expert analysis to help public, private and nonprofit sectors make important decisions that directly impact quality of life in Indiana and throughout the nation.





Indiana University Public Policy Institute

334 N. Senate Avenue, Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46204

(317) 261-3000 |

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The IU Public Policy Institute is a multidisciplinary research institute within the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs.