Relief for Children Affected by Hurricane Sandy



In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, New York City officials estimate that more than 20,000 people are homeless, many of them children. As shelters across the New York region swell with occupants, the Brooke Jackman Foundation (BJF) is taking action to support children who were affected by the storm, delivering children's books as well as Brooke Packs - backpacks filled with books, pens, pencils, erasers, rulers and other school supplies - to shelters and schools across the area.


Just time for the Holidays, BJF sent Brooke Packs to some of the hardest hit areas of Long Island, delivering 1,000 packs to the Long Beach Catholic School, 1,000 more to the Lindell Elementary School, and 150 packs to children in Island Park. In addition, thanks to a partnership with "Rebound for Rockaway/Rebound for New York," recently founded by the New York Knicks' Tyson Chandler and his wife Kimberly, BJF has sent hundreds of books to children in the Rockaways


More deliveries to the Rockaways, Long Island and Brooklyn are being planned; we intend to ensure Sandy's child victims have access to reading materials and school supplies at a time when they need them most.


Also, be reminded that today is #GivingTuesday, a national day of giving at the start of the annual holiday season to celebrate and encourage charitable activities that support nonprofit organizations.


If you would like to support BJF's Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts or know of a school or shelter in need of books or school supplies, please visit or email us.




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