Essential Beauty would like to introduce a new FDA APPROVED skin tightening, fat melting and cellulite reduction treatment!
Skin Tightening
Radio frequency energy heats the skin, causing collagen to contract (and stimulating new production of this firming fiber) and saggy skin to tighten. Firming becomes more apparent over six months. This pain free treatment has no down time, and patients will notice an improvement after first session. However, 4-6 sessions are recommended to achieve lasting results up to 2 years.

Neck Tightening
Facial Tightening
Décolletage (chest) Tightening
Summertime Promo:
Per area: FACE, NECK or CHEST
$199 per session
Buy 4 get 1 FREE ($159.20 per session)
(Reg $299 per session)
Cellulite Reduction
 If you've been worrying about a bit of dimpling on your backside, at least you know you're not alone-90 percent of women have cellulite somewhere on their bodies. If knowledge is power, here are a few things about cellulite to help you feel empowered about that puckering skin.
Things to know:
1. Cellulite is more prominent in women than in men due to the structural differences of stored fat between the sexes. The connective tissues that create these storage units in men works on diagonals, whereas we lucky ladies store our fat in a large vertical honeycomb-like structure. This structural form unfortunately enhances the appearance of the dimples.
2. Genes also play a role. If your mother has cellulite or you tend to gain weight in certain areas, you may be more susceptible to that familiar cottage cheese-type texture.
3. Lifestyle choices can also affect how your skin looks. Smoking, a poor diet, eating too much fat, yo-yo dieting, not drinking enough water, not exercising, and not getting enough sleep are all factors.
Now, you can reduce cellulite! Radio frequency treatments are FDA approved to get rid of that stubborn hard to lose skin texture .
RF treatments also aid in inch loss. Treatments are done every 2 weeks for about about 15- 20 minutes. A series of 4-6 is recommended.
Summer Bikini RF Promotion:
Per area: Upper or Lower abdomen
$150 per session
Buy 4 get 1 FREE ($120 per session)
(Reg $299 per session)
Upper or Back of thighs
$199 per session
Buy 4 get 1 FREE ($159.20 per session)
(Reg $399 per session)