Chile Lindo Vegan Empanadas
Very Vegan Sunday is Back!

SoMa StrEat Food Park,  

428 11th Street

San Francisco, CA     

SoMa StrEat Food Park�


Did you know that Chile Lindo's Vegan Empanada has fooled many into thinking I served them a beef empanada by accident? Yes, it's that close to our Classic Chile Lindo Beef Empanada. I created the recipe keeping vegans and vegetarians in mind.  I wanted non-meat eaters to experience the Classic Chilean Empanada. To my surprise, many meat eaters love it and often order it as well when watching their cholesterol. 




Chile Lindo's Vegan Empanada is almost like the Classic Pino*
In order to create Chile Lindo's Vegan Empanada I researched for the best meat-like consistency product in the market. At Rainbow Grocery I discovered Yves Meatless Ground Round. This non-GMO soy and wheat product is combined with most of the traditional Chilean empanada ingredients, leaving out the hard-boiled egg, and substituting the egg-wash with a brush of olive oil. Voil�.~

Check out Chile Lindo's empanada recipies:

*Pino: stuffing
With a couple of clicks
YOU can help ME
get a 10K interest free loan
for Chile Lindo through

About Kiva: Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world.

Dear Readers:


It took some convincing, but I finally agreed to join Kiva's crowdfunding micro-finance loan program. I say it took some convincing, because I do not like to put you through the headaches of having to create passwords and such... Your time is valuable and we are asked to do this sort of thing too much lately. However, I was enticed to go ahead, because I was given the opportunity to set my sights on a 10K loan, rather than the usual beginner's 5K opportunity. Also, making this an even more attractive deal is the matching funds available, for up to $300, per lender.* Thus your $25 loan will raise $50 for Chile Lindo. Finally, Kiva loans are 100% interest free!   


Running Chile Lindo on a shoe string budget has meant slow growth. In spite of how challenging it is to run and grow a business without working capital, it has its advantages. Slow growth is solid, and the Chile Lindo brand is well established. The funds will go primarily to hiring staff and to improving our equipment. 


The minimum loan is $25. All loans will be fully refunded, and your support will go a very long way!


*Kiva matching funds are available thanks to Reid Hoffman. 


Personal Story
Photo: Timothy Mak

My name is Paula Tejeda, I am the sole proprietor of Chile Lindo. Chile Lindo is an empanada shop in the Mission district that serves as a cultural hub for the Mission district community and for people interested in Chile and South America.


I was born in New York City to Chilean parents and grew up between Chile and NYC. I first came to the San Francisco Bay Area during my teens, in the early 1980s. I studied production at Laney College in Oakland, and was accepted to San Francisco State University in the highly competitive media communications program. I completed two internships at this time, one at KTVU, Channel 2 and the second at KPIX, Channel 5. However, due to my perfectionist nature I did not feel worthy of my degree and abandoned my studies before graduating. I left California and went back to live in Chile from 1986 to 1988, and then back to New York City from '88 to '94. I returned to San Francisco in 1994.


I bought Chile Lindo in 1995. Read more... 

Coach Pedro Ordenes, beloved founder of Water World Swim, is known worldwide for his record-breaking swims. Pedro holds the world record for Alcatraz swim crossings - over 900. He is also the only person to complete a round trip crossing of the Beagle Channel between Chile and Argentina, in water temperatures averaging 39F and without a wet suit.
And in 1999, Pedro swam across the Strait of Magellan in 39.7F waters just to celebrate the new millennium.

Water World Swim