Eliana L�pez in: What Is The Scandal? 
� Cu�l es el Esc�ndalo?

Written and directed by Alfonso L�pez

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Eliana L�pez makes SF Sheriff oh, so proud

You may have missed my previous write-up of Eliana L�pez', Sheriff Mirkarimi's wife, one-woman show "What is the Scandal? If you missed it, you can read it here.

At the time of my last write-up, San Francisco Sheriff Mirkarimi had not yet seen his wife's theater piece... so, naturally, upon running into Eliana again my first question was "what did he think?" Eliana lit up and said: "Ross loved it!" I thought, now that's the sign of an intelligent and brave man. Why would I think that? Because it's the sign of a man that will allow himself to walk the fine line between rigidity and flexibility--venturing into uncertain terrain. Something very rare in those whose careers depend on facing unforgiving voters.

I continued asking questions and congratulating Eliana on the success of her first run, when she told me an anecdote that enlightened me as to the level of abuse Sheriff Mirkarimi and his family have had to bare. Upon telling me how much the Sheriff had enjoyed the play, and how proud he was of her work, Eliana conveyed the following anecdote: a man under his breath insulted the Sheriff, alluding to domestic violence, and the Sheriff responded by turning around and handing the SOB a flier inviting him to the play--saying: "come see my wife's one-woman show." I had to stop Eliana and ask "how often does the Sheriff endure this sort of disrespect?" What surprised me was how blas� Eliana was when she mentioned the insult, clearly showing the signs of a thick skin towards this sort of insolence. But the moral of the story is that she gave her husband the ultimately opportunity to prove that he is a Sheriff that treats his wife, and women, as equals. He is supporting his wife career as an actress, and this one-woman show is just the beginning for what Eliana and her artistic family have in mind for the future.

Eliana's childhood was immersed in the theater. She comes from a family of artists. Her brother, Alfonso L�pez, co-wrote the script, and directed Eliana in, "What is the Scandal?". Alfonso is a theater director and together with his wife, Carolina Agudelo, they formed an audio-video production company. Carolina, also from Venezuela, is a professional television producer, and she wears many different hats in this production.

What is the Scandal? is Eliana's second theater production in San Francisco. Previously, she brought to the Brava Theater a Spanish language version of the Vagina Monologues. The team has ambitious projects ahead of them that include theater and video productions focused on the Latino/a community.

In Venezuela, where she is a well-known actor, Eliana L�pez has worked in film, telenovelas, and theater. A few of the telenovelas that feature her have been distributed throughout Latin America. Following is a glimpse of Eliana's various roles throughout her career.

AND, of course, do not miss one of the upcoming performances of this humorous and bold show that simply asks What is the Scandal?

Gracias y saludos,
Paula Tejeda

Romeo y Julieta

Eliana's first major part was in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Produced by the Compa�ia Nacional de Teatro de Venezuela. (1991)

Ni�a Mimada

In Eliana's first television part she interprets Manuela Mogoll�n, a popular telenovela character. (1996)

Las Troyanas de Euripides

In this theater piece, Eliana plays the part of Andromach. (2003)

Pechos de Seda

Eliana plays the character of Tet� in this monologue--a breast cancer awareness project. (2008)

La Mujer del Coronel

Eliana interprets Luisa C�ceres de Arismendi, a national film based on the life of this historical Venezuelan heroine. (2013)
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