Chile Lindo Newsletter JUNE 2014
Where do I begin? With everything going on between Chile and California, and everything going on in my 'hood, the Mission District, there's just too much to tell. I guess I'll start with ME. Yes, after a year and four months of a pending Ellis Act eviction, I'm still in my home. That is a good thing. However, I'm still in limbo. That's not so good. I've had some things packed for over a year. I packed when I first thought I had to be out in six weeks and was frantic, looking for a place. When I gave up looking, I simply didn't unpack. I'm still not sure what the owner wants to do. The new owner, that is. The house was sold with tenants, so now we are waiting to start new negotiations for a move out date. Fortunately, the new owner shows some scruples vs the shyster lawyer that got his hands on Mrs. Brooks' (my former landlady) trust. He basically squandered the Brooks' inheritance and sold the house way below its market value. After the first six months of dealing with the issue, I simply decided to let it GO. I also let go of my lawyer, saying, "Your bills stress me out more than the eviction". Meanwhile, I continue to be a spokesperson on the displacement issue and the press continues to gravitate towards Chile Lindo. Latest e-mail on the subject--the correspondent for a German magazine wrote to me saying that now she is getting evicted, and asked if I could give her some advice. The first thing I tell people is to take care of their health. It's not worth getting sick over it, 'cause sooner or later... something's gotta give! In this newsletter I'll touch on: the Mission community organizing so that our neighborhood does not get bulldozed over and lose its unique character; ULUV Music Day is coming up (known in France as La F�te de la Musique); the Chile-California Council networking event; Stanford Chilean Association Students' International BBQ; Calle 24th SF Historic Corridor proclamation; "Gringolandia," a web series out of New York, produced by Chileans (it's getting some traction in "Weblandia"); Urban Music Presents is back in full swing, the Sausalito-Vi�a Sister Cities welcome a new delegation of small business women from Vi�a--the Agep-v ladies; and the noteworthy work of filmmaker Francisco Campos-Lopez. Bonne lecture!
Protecting Planet Earth is a Global Task
Earth Day San Francisco 2014
Say Earth Day Everyday!
You may recall that this year I joined the production team of Earth Day. Well, don't be surprised if I end up an activist, living in Chile, working on nothing but environmental issues. Since I started attending seminars on the Chilean economic boom and its foreign investment potential 20 years ago, I've been asking why isn't eco-tourism part of the economic growth equation? Is it an oversight? Or is it that eco-tourism requires environmental laws that target the industrial complex already set in motion and creating ecological havoc in Chile? Dear leaders: may I introduce you to the most important word today in order to keep ourselves from self-extinction: sustainability.
"Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations." EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
! Patagonia Sin Represas !
Chile takes a flying leap towards the 21st century; cabinet overturns the dam project, HidroAys�n, in Patagonia.Douglas Tompkins, entrepreneur from Sausalito, CA, and sportswear pioneer founder of Esprit, sold his company and invested in Chile. He bought such a large piece of land that he nearly cut Chile in half (it's a very thin country, but still). His purpose: to turn his property into a national park and preserve its ecosystem. Tompkins is a very controversial figure in Chile because at first, no one believed that his mega investment was strictly a conservationist's dream. I've had plenty an argument with Chileans explaining that a California hiking devotee would do just that, and since he had the money and the contacts to support his vision, that's just what he's doing. In fact, his wife Kris Tompkins is CEO of Patagonia. The husband and wife team own Parque Pumal��n, which, once its operations are set in place, will be donated to Chile as a national park. Tompkins and his team lead the popular campaign ! Patagonia Sin Represas ! to stop HidroAys�n--to date one of the most invasive dam enterprises planned in Patagonia. Can you blame him? His lifelong work was under the threat of being seriously impacted by the dam as well as 1,200 miles of towers and power cables that would've forever scarred southern Chile. Protests, from the New York Times to the people of Chile taking to the streets, halted this travesty. Tuesday, June 10, 2014-- HidroAys�n was unanimously overturned by the Chilean Cabinet of Ministers. Whew! That was a very close one! Victory news on front page of website: Internationals River's NetworkCheck out Conservaci�n Patag�nica |
Environmental Filmmaker Francisco Campos-Lopez: a David and Goliath story
Copihue, Chile's national flower.
Photo credit: Francisco Campos-Lopez
Dam Project on Chile's Rio �uble,
A UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, 2011
Francisco Campos-Lopez is a Chilean film director and screenwriter, whose work I first encountered through Facebook. After admiring what he does, and exchanging some ideas and contacts over the web, we finally set up a time to Skype. We had a long conversation, as Campos-Lopez is directing his film career, in part, toward environmental documentaries. As you know, nothing makes me more upset than the destruction of Chile's ecosystems in the name of progress: shopping malls, highrise hotels, industrial farming, and dams. Sincerely, I couldn't think of a more critical issue facing us than the alarming threat to the delicate, natural balance of our beautiful planet.
One of Campos-Lopez' upcoming projects is establishing a non-profit/foundation/community website called #RealChile. The idea behind his vision is to have a platform that focuses on the environmental issues threatening one of the most pristine places left on Earth-southern Chile. The first film and website will debut worldwide in July. #RealChile intends to present sustainable alternatives to impending projects that threaten Chile's environment. #RealChile does not want to simply criticize without suggesting viable alternatives to controversial issues. For this reason, Campos-Lopez is building strong relationships with local researchers and investigators. |
One of Campos-Lopez' documentaries focuses on a valley presently under the threat of yet another invasive hydro-electric dam project called "Embalse Punilla". It's more or less a micro scale HidroAys�n, but instead of affecting the Baker River and it's surreal scenery in the heart of Patagonia, this dam completely destroys the beauty of the �uble River. The "Punilla" dam would dislocate over 130 families living in perfect harmony with nature in this valley for generations. One of the most problematic facts about this project is that it is located in the Nevados de Chillan-Laguna El Laja, granted a "Biosphere Reserve Area" special distinction by UNESCO and sponsored by the Chilean government, in 2011. Now it's under the threat of a dam! Campos-Lopez is working against the clock hoping to redirect this dam project, that unfortunately has the blessings of President Bachelet's administration. Campos-Lopez has researched extensively the environmental impact of this proposed dam, and he's made some headway with local authorities, by suggesting solutions that lessen its environmental impact. Campos-Lopez is looking for sponsors to finance his work, and for opportunities to show his documentaries in the San Francisco Bay area. No doubt the Bay area is a great platform to highlight his work and influence the powers that be in Chile, to not repeat the environmental calamities experienced in the United States in the name of "progress." If there is one thing that we can learn from the Chile-California collaborations, it is to create a sustainable society in Chile.
Lack of vision in protecting Chile's natural habitat is equivalent to matar la gallina de los huevos de oro--killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Sector Los Sauces
This beautiful valley (approximately 4,200 acres) is at the crux of the �uble River (the large river) and the Los Sauces River (to the right). In order to build the Embalse Punilla, the dam, first 130 families would be displaced, followed by clear-cutting a vast area (3,700 acres) of native forests. This valley is a micro-economic and agricultural haven of organic farming and goat raising for goat milk and cheese. The area enjoys small-scale tourism at a handful of campgrounds. The proponents of this dam are highlighting how the dam will be a tourist attraction to enjoy water sports. I'd like to know what tourists they are talking about, because I can assure you that most of the tourists that stop by Chile Lindo on their way to Chile, would be devastated to see a dam replace this enchanting valley! Good luck Francisco in getting the word out and stopping this calamity! The website promoting Embalse Punilla speaks for itself.
Francisco Campos-Lopez
FILMMAKER - SCREENWRITER - EDITOR - MUSIC VIDEO DIRECTORWon the "Best Thriller Award" at the New York International Independent Film Festival, 2007. The New York press proclaimed him as "one of the upcoming Latin directors to watch." To support this vision contact Campos-Lopez via e-mail: [email protected]Visit website: www.campos-lopez.comYou can follow Francisco's tweets and photos @camposlopez
Leila Salazar-Lopez and neighbors
at press conference
Cause to Celebrate Community Activism! Ellis Act Eviction Rescinded for Ten Families
On December 9, 2013 my friends Ariel and Leila, their two little girls, and Monica (Leila's sister) found out that their building was being Ellised. Ariel is a videographer, Leila is the program director at Amazon Watch, and Monica is the co-founder of Electronic Music Alliance. But get this! This developer wasn't just blasting one archetypal San Francisco home, no siree. His intention was to displace the entire building--ten units! When you consider that each of those flats houses extended family members (aunts and grandparents), low-wage workers, students, and artists, you could very well say that an entire ecosystem was going to be sacrificed. For what? For the $imple $ake of $peculation.
San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi and his wife Eliana Lopez joined the community celebration
The tenants organized. No one cashed the buy-out checks. The eviction was rescinded. Leila called a press conference followed by a backyard BBQ for neighbors, friends, and supporters. San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi stopped by with his wife Eliana and his son. Needless to say, spirits were high. [email protected] covered the event and you can see an interview with yours truly here. Major kudos to Steve Collier, staff attorney at the Tenderloin Housing Clinic [email protected]Tenants Celebrate Victory to Stay in Their Homes
Check out former Chile Lindo Newsletters and Photos
During the '80s Rock Latino made it's mark in Mexico, Argentina, and... Chile wasn't far behind. The New Wave band Los Prisioneros hit a nerve with an entire generation. Their lyrics challenged the status quo and made a statement--social critique--while Chile was still under a military regime. The group is no longer a band, however, Jorge Gonz�lez, continues performing, and will be playing a live concert at Yoshi's. Gonz�lez was the lead singer, songwriter, and composer. This upcoming concert, produced by MGD Productions, will highlight Jorge Gonz�lez's major hits! David Emil, Guillermo Barrenechea, and Mart�n Barrenechea, make up the dynamic team of MGD Productions. Yoshi's Wednesday, June 18 @ 6:00 PM Buy Tickets Here
Salsa lovers! The dynamic producer and powerhouse of Urban Music Presents, Stephanie Dalton, is launching Sabor Sundays! Every 1st and 3rd Sunday Urban Music Presents will feature some of the top Bay Area Salsa Bands at 50 Mason Social Hall San Francisco Doors Open 5:00 PM / Band 6:00 PM Cover: $10 July 20, August 17, September 21
Jesus Diaz y su QBAJuly 6
Fito Reinoso y Ritmo y Armonia
August 3rd
Christian Pepin y Orquesta Bembe
September 7th
alsoDJ's Carlito's Way and Jos� Ru�z in the HOUSE!For more information visit:
New Cesar's Latin Palace hosts benefit for
Chile Lindo is hosting ULUV Music Day
Chile Lindo Saturday, June 21st Noon to 5pm 2944 16th Street San Francisco, CA 94103
From Classical Revolution to Bebop Session
Michael Parsons
Photo credit: Patricia Mark
Noon - 4pm Bebop Session
Michael Parsons - Piano
Rick Brown - Trombone Ulf Bjorkbom - Drums Ollie Dudek - Bass Danny Brown - Sax
4pm - 5pm Classical Revolution Adam Scow and the Classical Revolution Players Remember "Making Waves"? La F�te de la Musique was brought to San Francisco by the Goethe-Institut, back in the day, and it was called "Making Waves." In fact, "Making Waves" had its office right above Chile Lindo, in the Redstone Building. I was part of the production team one year. La F�te, rooted in France of course, is celebrated in many countries these days. Musicians spill onto the streets to play music. For years, I've wanted to experience la F�te in la France! After talking to some very talented local musicians (and clearly some of the coolest cats in town), the Chile Lindo ULUV Music Day program started to come together. Lining up musicians is not easy, 'specially when, once again, we are expecting them to make-our-day for no pay. There will be empanadas and beer for them, but again, this is a labor of LUV for those involved. Join us for a fabulous program at Chile Lindo to celebrate ULUV Music Day:"FROM CLASSICAL REVOLUTION TO BEBOP SESSION"My first big challenge? How to get a piano to Chile Lindo. After some wheeling and dealing, a friend talked to a friend, and it turns out that there's an Argentinian, Mauro, who's passion is setting up pianos at outdoor locations throughout the city (This is why we love SF!) His enterprise is called Sunset Piano. Victoria S�nchez de Alba is a music aficionado that was happy to sponsor Chile Lindo's ULUV Music Day to help cover the costs of transporting the piano. MUCHAS GRACIAS De Alba Communications for your sponsorship. De Alba Communications is a Media Relations, PR and integrated communications consultancy of experienced multicultural professionals. De Alba Communications raises public awareness through strategic media outreach - in both mainstream and multicultural markets - for corporations, businesses and nonprofit organizations.
Thank you Rick Brown, Michael Parsons, Ulf Bjorkbom, Ollie Dudek, Danny Brown, Charith Premawardhana, Adam Scow, and the Classical Revolution players.
Classical Revolution
Chamber Music for the People
"Classical Revolution is an organization of musicians dedicated to performing high-quality chamber music in non-traditional settings.
Founded in November 2006 at Revolution Cafe in San Francisco's Mission District, we have two important objectives: to enrich the San Francisco Bay Area with accessible chamber music and to create a support network for local musicians."
Classical Revolution continues to meet regularly Monday Nights 8-11pm Chamber Jam @ Revolution Cafe SF
This is the flagship finale of ULUV Music Day to show we are a strong community of musicians that can join together for a common cause. An official from the city of San Francisco will present us with a proclamation declaring June 21st as ULUV Music Day after which we will all perform Bob Marley's 'One Love' together! Please arrive at the bottom of Dolores Park @ 5:50pm. The procession will march up the hill where the proclamation ceremony will begin. Once the jam is over, we will march down the hill to Dolores Park Cafe where the open mic after-party will commence from 6:30-10pm. SCHEDULE: /
Agep-v Sisters are coming to Sausalito
Once Again
Sausalito-Vi�a del Mar Sister Cities welcomes Agep-v business women delegation
7 Women for 7 Days
empowering workshops
serious networking
7 DAYS of FUNDRAISING PROGRAMS for Sausalito-Vi�a del Mar Sisters
Wednesday, June 18th l 5:00 - 7:00 PMMarine Mammal Center Reception & Tour
w/Dr. Mauricio Ulloa (vet-in-residence from Vi�a del Mar) Sausalito, CA Friday, June 20th l 6:30 PMJazz & Blues by the Bay
Gabrielson Park, Sausalito (Sponsored by Sister City Program) Saturday, June 21st l 6:30 PMMart�n Etcheverry & Ezequiel EtcheverryArgentinian Fusion Guitar Concert The Pines Mansion 33 Miller Avenue, Sausalito, CA "The Etcheverry brothers, a dynamic guitar duo originally from Buenos Aires, play flamenco to rock with incredible technique. Flashy, romantic, unpredictable, rhythmically rich, fresh." Concert @ 8 PM followed by dancing to tunes spun by Sausalito Radio DJ Jonathan Westerling
Martini, Margarita, Wine & Beer Bar Tickets:brownpapertickets/Argentinian Guitar Concert Come meet the delegation of Chilean business women from Sausalito's Sister City Vi�a del Mar These lovely, entrepreneurial ladies would love to meet you! Proceeds benefit Sausalito/Vi�a del Mar Sister City Program
"The Pines--a beautiful, historic mansion overlooking the bay."
Limited Parking: regular shuttle from Spencer Avenue parking lot starts at 6:00 PM
| 1880 stained glass skylight from Argentina |
The Pines Mansion
The Pines is a 14,000 square foot Queen Anne style home on Miller Avenue in Sausalito, California, built in 1888. Today, it is owned by Gil Purcell and Roxanne Sheridan who make it available as a venue for selected charitable fundraisers. The Sausalito-Vi�a del Mar Sister Cities' Council hosted their first fundraiser at The Pines. Purcell and Sheridan purchased the home over a decade ago after which they undertook a labor-intensive effort to restore its beauty.
Once again the former Chair of Sausalito-Vi�a del Mar, Roxanne Sheridan, is opening her home to raise funds for a great cause, the Sausalito-Vi�a del Mar Sister Cities program.
I posted the photos I took of this extraordinary mansion in Chile Lindo's Facebook page, when Roxanne hosted a fundraiser back on January, 2013.
check out Facebook photos
Coming up folks and this time we'll have the Agep-V ladies with us at:
Sausalito, CA : 2014 Jazz & Blues by the Bay
Gabrielson Park in downtown Sausalito Friday, June 20th 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM featuring the Ray Charles Project What'd I say... see ya' there!
Sponsored by: Sausalito Sister City Committee
Sausalito, CA : 2013 Jazz & Blues by the Bay
(Left to Right) Thomas Clark, Consul General of Colombia Ilse Bechara Castilla, Sister Cities President Susan Roe, Me, and Consul General of Chile Rolando Ortega
Sausalito, CA : 2012 Jazz & Blues by the Bay
(Left to Right) Mauricio Salinas, Me, Zoe Dee Matthews, and Daniel Almonacid
Award winning web series about a Chilean fresh off the boat in the Big Apple
The wonderful world of the web is a platform for aspiring script writers, directors, and actors. However, no matter how low budget this medium may seem, just like anything else, making your mark is not easy. Well, Crist�bal Ross, the writer, director, and producer of Gringolandia is getting quite a bit of attention from some pretty surprising sources. Here's an LA Weekly Blog review of Gringolandia. Let me just say that the characters in this web series are very well developed, and the usual suspects, stereotypes and cultural misconceptions, spice up the script. It's an old story. Guy follows girl to New York City. Girl's father disapproves of the guy. Guy wants to make it big--like so many before him that left their cozy homes, enticed by the American Dream. Guy chooses traditional food to make his mark (completos not empanadas!). American Dream is closer to a nightmare. How many immigrants from around the world followed in these very same footsteps? What makes Gringolandia good is the quality of the production. It's tight! There are a lot of areas to cover and get right for such a low budget production. Crist�bal Ross is in New York preparing for the second season. Did you know that there are awards festivals for web series? Well, Gringolandia is nominated for the Austin Webfest, taking place June 26-28, and the Baja Webfest in Tijuana, taking place June 27-29. � Suerte guys ! Last March, the first season of Gringolandia received the "Outstanding Supporting Actor" award at the LAWEBFEST 2014. The honor went to Armen Mazlumian, who plays the not-so-thrilled father of the girl friend. Peter, the main character, is played by Koke Santana, a Chilean actor that is a YouTube personality in Chile. I give you the first season of Gringolandia. It's bilingual, so you get to practice your Spanish. I think there's a way to get the Spanish cuts translated by YouTube.
Koke Santana plays Peter in Gringolandia
What do gringos think about Chile? (check out the cast)
What does a Brooklyn New Yorker think about Completos (Chilean Hot Dog)? (check out the cast)
Stanford Chilean Student Association
Chile Lindo empanadas were a hit at Stanford's multinational BBQ party. From Iranians to Germans... international students got to taste their first ever empanada and Chileans made their mark. Kudos to the Stanford Chilean Association for taking time from their busy schedule to organize and participate in this annual event hosted by the International Center. Thank you Daniel Vergara and Carolina Navarrete for thinking of Chile Lindo! It was wonderful to spend the day with the Stanford Chilean Student Association, to see their pride in representing Chile, and to see their dedication to their children (many students have families) undeterred by the rigorous academic challenges they undoubtedly face. Not to mention being surrounded by the friendly camaraderie and the distinct Chilean humor was refreshing. Keep up the good work!
Aztec Danzers
Calle 24 SF- The Heart of the Mission
It's official! Calle 24 SF stands for Latino identity of the 24th Street "Cultural Corridor," from Potrero Avenue to Mission Street. Calle 24 SF advocates for neighborhood services, local businesses, arts and cultural programs, and improved public spaces." On June 1st, the San Francisco Latino Historical Society held a press conference and speakers highlighted the importance of keeping the cultural essence of the Mission District. It was a great day, with the presence of Supervisor Campos, SF State Professor Carlos Cordoba, artist Ren� Ya�ez (founder of Galer�a La Raza and Day of the Dead in SF), SF Poet Laureate Alejandro Murgu�a, and so many with deep roots in our one-of-a-kind Mission District. Event Photos
Chile-California Council Networking Reception
A Collaboration for a Sustainable Future between Chile and California
The pages of history are never turned by one single factor, but rather the narrative pushes forward due to a varying number of serendipitous actions, prompted by parallel groups, toward change. As someone that has been observing very closely the political, business, and cultural interchange between Chile and California, I'd dare say that our Golden State may end up closer to Chile than the rest of our nation. After all, they're practically siblings. They're a mirror image of each other, and they share a common history that dates back to the Gold Rush--back to the days before the Panama Canal when Valpara�so was a vibrant port of call between the Atlantic and the Pacific en route to San Francisco. From the Chile California Council, to ChileGlobal, to Start-Up Chile, to Sausalito-Vi�a del Mar Sister Cities, to the Davis/Berkeley/Stanford Student Associations, to, of course,... Chile Lindo's Girl from Empanada--the tidal forces between the furthermost northern and southern coasts of the Western Hemisphere are worthy of attention, to say the least. The Chile-California Council is an alliance between the State of California and the Republic of Chile that dates back to the Kennedy administration. In 2008, then-(and present) President Michelle Bachelet and then-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger launched "Chile-California: A Parnership for the Twenty-First Century." In 2011, during former President Sebasti�n Pi�era's administration, the Chile-California Council was established as a non-profit. Chilean vintner (and the man responsible for launching Chilean wine internationally) Agust�n Huneeus became its first Chair, a position held as of September 2013, by Lovell (Tu) Jarvis, Professor at the University of California, Davis.
Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of California, Davis, where he also is Special Assistant to the Dean, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Director of the Richard Blum Center for Developing Economics at UC Davis; and Faculty Director of the UC Davis-Chile Partnership Program, which he initiated in 2008. CCC Fourth Annual Board Meeting Newsletter
With Susana Claro, PhD student at Stanford
and co-founder of Ense�a Chile
Photo credit: Timothy Mak
Courtesy of Chile California Council
The Chile California Council
From the time Michelle Bachelet dusted off this accord in 2008, I've been following its progression. As with any institution that is finding its way, there have been numerous shifts and adjustments. However, what makes the Chile California Council exceptional is first, the people invested, and second, the remarkable potential of its vision for Chile.
The mindset behind the creative team of CCC is that of scientists and academics, as well as entrepreneurs. That's a group of visionaries with political clout working together without a partisan agenda. Trust me, that's a good thing! Also, the Council is closely associated with Chilean students on government scholarships to some of the States most prestigious universities: Berkeley, Davis, and Stanford. That's the next generation. The successful Chilean business men and women working for CCC are the previous generation, now looking to give "something back."
Check out some of the agreements already in effect:
The Cocktail Networking Reception
Chile just had a shift in administration, thus the Chilean ambassador to the US, and the US ambassador to Chile, just took up their posts. With barely hours after meeting with the respective presidents of each country, both ambassadors made it to the CCC annual board meeting and reception. Chile's ambassador to the United States is Juan Gabriel Vald�s, and the US ambassador to Chile is Michael Hammer. Both addressed the crowd with a great sense of humor. Both commented on how they'd had a full three minutes to meet with the respective presidents, Vald�s with Obama and Hammer with Bachelet, before being sent off on their missions. I did not have the opportunity to meet Ambassador Vald�s, but I did have a word with his wife, Antonia Eche�ique. As you can imagine, she was quite in demand, so I barely got my "elevator pitch" on Chile Lindo before she was led away. She handed me, however, the ever so prized networking event gold--her business card. She is the executive director of Jard��n Bot�nico Chagual, a botanical garden project, focused on the plants native to central Chile, a region that enjoys a Mediterranean climate. I did get a word with US Ambassador Michael Hammer. I told him all about the Sister Cities program and he took immediate interest. Both ambassadors stressed the importance of the bilateral activities presently in effect. Beatr�z Manz, Ethnic Studies Department at UC Berkeley and Center for Latin American Studies at Berkeley, introduced me to Almudena Bernabeu. Bernabeu is a lawyer who works for The Center for Justice and Accountability. She has been working on singer-songwriter Victor Jara's case for many years. A film about Victor Jara's story (murdered days after the coup) has been in the works for a very long time. I asked Bernabeu about developments on that project and she said that Joan Jara, Victor's wife (British) and his two daughters were anxious to see the project take off. Oscar winning actress Emma Thompson bought the rights. Thompson started working on the script in the early '90s, and she was going to play Joan Jara. Antonio Banderas was supposed to play Victor Jara. Well Ms. Thompson, with all due respect, the projected cast is outgrowing the characters. As the Brits would say: "get on with it!" Finally, I met Dr. Erick Young, Astronomer and Director of SOFIA, Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy. As you may know, Chile has privileged skies for observatories, and if you follow my newsletter, you know all about ALMA. I asked Erick Young about SOFIA's mission, "Is this a plane for war, to detect mineral deposits, or to study potential weather disasters?" His response, "None of the above". Turns out this is a plane that flies over the atmosphere in order to look up into space, not down towards Earth. Dr. Young explained that once the plain is above the atmosphere, a window opens in mid-flight and it becomes an observatory for celestial exploration. Fascinating indeed! SOFIA's website explains: "Carrying a 2.5-metre telescope inside a modified Boeing 747SP, the airborne observatory performs astronomical observations in the infrared and submillimetre wavelengths, high above the disturbance of Earth's atmosphere. The scientific objective is to understand the development of galaxies and the formation and evolution of stars and planetary systems from interstellar clouds of gas and dust." Voil�.~
Are you looking for a place to watch Chile vs Australia in the World Cup? I'll be selling empanadas at SoMa StrEat Food Park during the games. Chile vs Australia, Friday, June 13, @ 3:00 PM. By the way, Paloma Muela has a truck that serves beer and wine! What's next for Chile Lindo? Stay tuned! Sincerely, Paula Tejeda
Owner and Founder
Chile Lindo Classic Empanada de Pino made with Niman Ranch Beef and Cage Free Eggs
Niman Ranch Beef: From Angus based breeds grown on pasture and finished on all-vegetarian feed, the taste is what beef should be. The quality of Niman Ranch beef, raised traditionally, humanely and sustainably with no hormones or antibiotics on family-owned ranches, ensures that the star of your next meal will be on the center of the plate.
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