
When Celinha Moreira stopped by Chile Lindo and mentioned that she was leasing a brick-and-mortar to open a juice bar, I must have seemed like the envious ringmaster that refuses to share the stage. Every time I get word that someone is joining this city's small business circus, my heart sinks for the enthusiastic entrepreneur. It's just that from experience, I know only too well that establishing a small business in San Francisco is very tough. However, if anyone has what it takes to make her mark in our glorious city by the bay, it's Celinha and her lovely daughter Lya. After barely a few months open this Brazilian/Mission District mother & daughter team is making headlines for BebeBar. Check out the reviews on Eater SF and SF Weekly Blogs.

As it's often the case with the entrepreneurial temperament, running a small business is only part of what's at stake. Without fail, the vision entails building community and creating a space for artists. Celinha has done just that at BebeBar. The wall space makes up Ella Gallery--which brings me to my next point. I'm happy to announce that my pal Rafael (Rafa) U Daly is having a long overdue solo photography exhibition at Ella Gallery at BebeBar. Let me just say that because of the years that I've known Rafa, and the many times I've been his confidant since he arrived from Chile to San Francisco, this show is particularly close to my heart.

The show is titled Series. In Rafa's own words: "For this, my first solo show, I wanted to show a variety of photos from some of my series that reflect my personal style and view of the world, ... I like to reflect my vision of a world always in movement, with blur matices and focus objects, combining the many elements that conform our busy daily lives."

It's important to highlight that Rafael U Daly has developed a technique employing "movement and a focal point." He never uses Photoshop. Following are details about the show and the opening reception.

Paula Tejeda
Chile Lindo  

Rafael U Daly Presents
a compilation
Rafael U Daly
Series--a compilation
Ella Gallery at BebeBar
3809 18th Street
San Francisco, CA 94114

Opening Reception
Thursday, May 1st
6:00 pm to 9 pm

Open to Public
Mon to Sun
10am to 6pm

 Facebook Event
Rafael U Daly

Artist Bio

Rafael Unzueta Daly
was born in Santiago, Chile. In 1997 he moved to the United States; first to New York City, and soon after to San Francisco. He attended the Photojournalism program at San Francisco State University, graduating in 2008.

During his school days and shortly after graduation he worked as a freelancer in the San Francisco Bay Area covering various local news and sports events. He worked for the Chilean consulate and Chile California Council. However, soon his passion took him on many trips around the world, specifically Central and South America, and Asia.

Rafael says: "My camera has been the key that has opened so many doors in which I have met fascinating people and immersed myself in many different cultures and for that I will always be grateful."



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