Chile Lindo
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von Appen #2
von Appen #4


There is so much I'd like to say regarding the participation of Chilean artist Germ�n von Appen in this year's Sausalito Art Festival, but my goal is to get this information to you by tonight, so I'll be brief.


I will say, however, that it all happened thanks to Sausalito Mayor Herb Weiner and his can-do attitude. While a group of us were in Vi�a del Mar, last March, at the home of the city's Cultural Director, Jos� Miguel Gil--then and there--Mayor Weiner paved the way for this great opportunity for one of Vi�a del Mar's illustrious artists.


You may recall that a Sausalito-Vi�a del Mar Sister Cities' delegation travelled to Vi�a last March, to prepare to receive the women entrepreneurs from Agep-V (Association of Women Entrepreneurs, Fifth Region). Seven Women, Seven Days, Seven Dreams, ring a bell? It is impressive how much was accomplished on that trip to Vi�a. I'm still trying to find the time to write about it and post the photographs on facebook.


By the way, this is not Germ�n von Appen's first Sausalito art show, as he had a solo exhibition on October 2012, at Studio 333. At the time he was part of a cultural exchange to strengthen the sister city relationship.


Of recent, I've learned that exhibiting at the Sausalito Art Festival is a noteworthy opportunity. The Sausalito Art Festival is considered the third most important art festival in the world.


Welcome back Germ�n. Wishing you a very successful exhibition, good luck!


Paula Tejeda







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von Appen #3





SSCC von Appen
From left-to-right, Lizzie Brown-Jeremy, Susan Roe, Karen Aiken, Paula Tejeda, 
Juany Mu�oz, Germ�n von Appen

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