So much has happened at Chile Lindo over the past couple of years--so, so much, and I'm very happy to report that it's nothing but good news. Finally!
On January 2010 we reopened our doors at our local on 16th Street, and in spite of countless challenges... we got off to a great start.
I will soon update you on the latest developments, and of course--on my spectacular trip to Chile--but for now I simply want to inform you on a couple of cultural events taking place this week.
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En estos últimos años ha sucedido mucho, mucho con Chile Lindo, y me alegra reportar que no hay más que buenas noticias.
Por fin!
En Enero del 2010 volvimos a abrir el local de la calle 16, y a pesar de un sin fin de retos... vamos viento en popa.
Luego reportaré sobre los últimos avances, y por supuesto--mi espectacular viaje a Chile--pero por ahora sólo quisiera informarles acerca de un par de eventos culturales que van a suceder esta semana.
Rafael & Ingrid in Concert
We will share with you our traditional and contemporary songs from Chile and Latin America including those written byVioleta, Victor, Atahualpa and other great song writers of our continent.
We will also sing our own songs inspired in the traditions and culture of our people including some lyrics comming from the inmortal poetry of Neruda, Mistral, Vallejo, and others. We will sing duets acompanied with a variety of instruments such as guitars, piano, cuatro, charango, quena, zamponias, cajon peruano, maracas, etc. Where: Red Poppy Art House 2698 Folsom @ 23rd St. San Francisco Phone: 415 826 2402 When: Thursday. April 7th at 7PM Donation: $ 12.00
Vigésimo Festival Cultural Chileno
Armenian Cultural Center
825 Brotherhood Way
San Francisco, CA 94132
10 de Abril, 2011
Medio día - 6:00PM
Entrada General $10.00
Estudiantes con ID $5.00
G a le r í a V i r t u a l
Olivialaloca's Blog
Teresita Giacaman
Blog: Olivialaloca's ( click)
My lovely friend Teresita Giacaman, from Chile, and presently studying at University of Nevada, Reno, published one of my poems in her blog--I'm afraid it's in Spanish though. Mi hermosa amiga Teresita Giacaman, Chilena, que estudia en la Universidad de Nevada, Reno, publicó, en su blog, uno de mis poemas.
Gracias Ms. Teresita Giacaman! |
Sincerely,  Paula Tejeda Chile Lindo 2944 - 16th Street 415.368.3328 |
Chile Lindo
2944 16th Street
San Francisco, CA