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  Est. 1973  

Chile Lindo Bilingual E-Newsletter

October, 2010  


Hello Everyone!

The early 21st century has seen the emergence of international movements that demand respect for the indigenous peoples of South America. This recent shift of social awareness does not merely arise from the sudden attainment of a higher consciousness, but rather, it is rooted in the realization that the struggles of tribes, that inhabit the Amazon, Bolivia, or Chile, are at the forefront of our global environmental movement--for the way of life of indigenous peoples is focused on honoring and protecting MOTHER EARTH.

For those of us that are horrified at the indiscriminate destruction of our environment, we do not consider further industrialization fitting of the 21st century, but rather, we see the way of life of the indigenous groups as the path to the future.

You might have heard that in Chile 34 Mapuches risked their own lives in an 82-day hunger strike. At the crux of the matter was their demand for reforms to the Anti-terrorist Laws that date back to the Pinochet dictatorship, and are indiscriminately applied to Mapuches that claim their ancestral land. Note: I've just learned that the Chilean government has taken action and the Mapuche political prisoners will not be tried as terrorists.  For further reading click here.

The Mapuches are semi-nomads, never set out to conquer other tribes, and their spiritual leader is the Machi--a woman! She interprets dreams, wards off evil, and cures illnesses, as she has thorough knowledge of healing herbs. The Mapuche symbology is extraordinary, for samples click here.

Much to my surprise, upon researching for this post, I discovered that the prestigious Italian pen manufacturer, Delta, added to its collection the "Mapuche Indigenous People" fountain pen. Check it out. It's beautiful. But, did Delta pay the Mapuche people royalties for the use of their symbols and name? Probably not! The gold fountain pen retails for 1K, yet the Mapuche people live in some of the harshest conditions imaginable. The Mapuches are far from interested in our way of life, ...our royalty laws, our fences, and so on... however, our way of life has, and is, infringing on theirs... for centuries.

For those of you not familiar with the Mapuche's extraordinary history, neither the Incas nor the Spanish conquered them. The war between Colonial Spaniards and Mapuches, the Arauco War, is said to have lasted three centuries and ended in treaties... that were never honored, and are now coming back to hunt the Chilean State. You could say this is an ongoing war...

However, an extraordinary turn of events that is quite telling is the national support the strikers got from all sectors of Chilean society... including congressmen, priests, artists, and of course poets, the renowned Nicanor Parra.

Viva Chile!

Paula Tejeda Rieloff


Saludos A Todos!

A inicios del siglo XXI an surgido numerosos movimientos internacionales que velan por los derechos de los pueblos originarios de Sudam�rica. Esta corriente no emana de un acierto de alta conciencia interior, sino m�s bien, est� arraigada en el entendimiento de que las luchas de las tribus, que habitan la Amazona, Bolivia, o Chile, est�n a la vanguardia de un movimiento medioambiental global, ya que el estilo de vida ind�gena se basa en proteger a la MADRE TIERRA.

A aquellos de nosotros que nos horroriza la destrucci�n indiscriminada de nuestro medioambiente, ...ya no consideramos la industrializaci�n como algo que corresponde al siglo XXI, sino m�s bien, vemos el modus vivendi de los grupos ind�genas como el camino al futuro.

En Chile 34 mapuches arriesgaron sus vidas al cumplir ochenta y dos d�as en huelga de hambre. La reformaci�n de la ley antiterrorista, que data de la �poca de la dictadura de Pinochet, y que es aplicada indiscriminadamente al pueblo mapuche por reclamar sus tierras ancestrales, es el quid de la cuesti�n. Nota: me acabo de enterar de que el gobierno chileno esta tomando medidas para modificar la Ley Antiterrorista. Para m�s informaci�n hacer click aqu�.

Los mapuches son semi-n�madas, nunca fueron conquistadores de otras tribus, y su l�der espiritual es la Machi--o sea una mujer! Ella interpreta los sue�os, protege contra el mal de ojo, y es la curandera, ya que tiene amplio conocimiento de las plantas medicinales. Adem�s, la simbolog�a mapuche es extraordinaria, para ver ejemplos hacer click aqu�.

Para mi asombro, navegando el internet para este reportaje, descubr� que la prestigiosa f�brica de lapiceras italianas Delta adhir�o a su colecci�n la lapicera fuente "Mapuche Indigenous People." Para verla hacer click aqu�. Es bell�sima. Pero, me pregunto... le pagaron "royalties," o sea derechos de autor, al pueblo mapuche por usar sus s�mbolos y su nombre? Lo dudo! Una lapicera fuente de oro cuesta $1000,00, sin embargo, los mapuches viven bajo condiciones de extrema pobreza. A los mapuches no les interesa para nada nuestro estilo de vida, nuestras leyes de derechos de autor, nuestros cercos con rejas, en fin... es nuestro estilo de vida el que ha infringido da�o, e infringe da�o a�n, sobre la vida de ellos... por los siglos de los siglos.

Para aquellos que no conocen la extraordinaria historia del pueblo mapuche, les cuento que ni los incas, ni los espa�oles, lograron conquistarlos. La guerra entre los conquistadores espa�oles y los mapuches, la Guerra de Arauco, dur� m�s de tres siglos, y termin� a trav�z de tratados... tratados que nunca fueron honorados y ahora vuelven a penar al Estado chileno. Se podr�a decir que esta guerra a�n contin�a...

A pesar de, no obstante pero, encuetro extraordinario y sumamente revelador el gran apoyo que han recibido los comuneros mapuches por parte de todos los sectores de la sociedad chilena, incluyendo a diputados, curas, artistas, y por supuesto poetas, el famoso Nicanor Parra.

Viva Chile!

Paula Tejeda Rieloff

   October Events


Invitados especiales:
~DJ con la mejor m�sica nacional...y m�s: SALSA-ONE

7588 Monterrey St. Gilroy, CA


For further information click here.

Mapuche flag

For further information click here.

Holly Near 

A benefit concert for  Fundaci�n EPES of Chile
Special guest performers: members of Grupo Raiz.

La Pe�a de Berkeley

Sunday, October 17, 2010

23 adv. / $25 dr. - 7pm 

Marina Lavalle   

  Afro-Peruvian Songstress

  Fundraiser for Instituto Familiar de la Raza, presented by:

  La Bohemia Productions & Instituto Familiar de la Raza

  Brava Theater, 2781 24th St. @ York, SF

  Friday, October 22, 2010

  $20 adv. / $22 dr. - 8pm