Chile Lindo Logo

    Est. 1973

Hello Everyone!
Finally, our beautiful awning is up, the sound system is installed, Pedro Troncoso's (Chilean) beautiful photographs grace our walls, and our website is up-and-running--Uff! Almost two years preparing to have the Caf� ready on this month, September 2010, which commemorates the Chilean Independence and marks the Bicentennial.

The website is looking great, and I am the proud owner of the denominational site:! (Ojo-we are still using

I would like to give special thanks to the remarkably talented Miguel Bl�zquez (Spanish from the Canary Islands) for his wonderful graphic designs, including the logo.... and for his dedication and faith, over the years, in this venture. The ups and downs of running a small business will never fade... however, the gratifying facet of this enterprise is knowing that Chile Lindo begins to award opportunities.

Chile Lindo's empanadas are already famous, and many San Franciscans have learned to enjoy empanadas at this "localcito," situated in the Mission District since 1973.

I look forward to staying in touch. I will start writing regularly, in both languages, in my blog. And, I will produce a monthly e-mail newsletter that will update you on various cultural events, anounce new menu items at the Caf�, and inform on the latest trouble I manage to get myself into.

I'm including in this e-newsletter a list of local events to celebrate this weekend's Fiestas Patrias.
Viva Chile!

Saludos y cari�os,

Event list on Chile Lindo's website click here.

Saludos A Todos!
Finalmente, nuestro hermoso toldo est� en su lugar, el equipo de sonido instalado, las hermosas fotos de Pedro Troncoso (chileno) ya adornan el local, y el sitio web est� funcionando--Uff! Casi dos a�os prepar�ndome para tener el local listo en este mes, Septiembre 2010, ya que es el mes de la Patria y este a�o se celebra el Bicentenario.

 El sitio web est� quedando excelente, y soy orgullosa due�a del sitio:! (Ojo-por ahora, continuamos usando

Deseo agradecer al talentoso Miguel Bl�zquez (espa�ol de Canarias) por su excelente trabajo de dise�o gr�fico, incluyendo el logotipo, ... y por su dedicaci�n y fe, a trav�s de los a�os, en este proyecto . Los altos y bajos de llevar un negocio nunca van a desaparecer... pero la faceta gratificante de esta empresa es el saber que Chile Lindo comienza a brindar oportunidades.

Las empanadas de Chile Lindo ya son famosas, y muchos San Franciscanos han probado por primera vez una empanada en este localcito, que existe en el barrio de la Misi�n desde 1973.

Me gustar�a mantenerme en contacto. Voy a comenzar a escribir en mi blog regularmente, en ambos idiomas, y luego, voy a comenzar a escribir un e-newsletter por mes, cuya funci�n ser� mantenerlos al tanto de diversos eventos culturales, nuevas adiciones al men� del Caf�, y de mis �ltimas haza�as....

Adjunto un listado de eventos a donde pueden ir a celebrar, este fin de semana, las Fiestas Patrias.
Viva Chile!

Saludos y cari�os,

Listado de eventos en el sitio web de Chile Lindo haga click aqu�.

Chile's Independence Day is celebrated on September 18th, and this year the commemoration marks Chile's Bicentennial!

Before moving on to some of the various commemorative events listed here, do stop by Chile Lindo for its renowned authentic Empanadas de Pino, and join us in commemorating Chilean Independence Day--this Saturday, September 18, from 10am to 8pm. Come and stay awhile, enjoy a casual gathering featuring folkloric music and dances, and mingle with Chile Lindo's friends and neighbors.

Felices Fiestas Patrias!

Following is a list of Bay Area events commemorating the Chilean Independence:

Friday, September 17, 2010

Cascada de Flores & Duo Amaranto

$12 adv. $15 dr. - 8pm
La Pe�a Cultural Center
3105 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley

Celebrate the Mexican and Chilean Independence! ...with Cascada de Flores, a Mexican duo featuring Jorge Liceaga and Arwen Lawrence, and with Duo Amaranto, a Chilean duo featuring Rafael Manriquez & Ingrid Rubis. Enjoy traditional and contemporary songs from Mexico, Chile, and Latin America.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Grupo Araucaria

Traditional music and dances from Chile
$12 gen. - 8:30pm
La Pe�a Cultural Center
3105 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley

Viva el 18! Celebrate the Chilean Independence Day with Grupo Araucaria and friends in an evening of traditional music and dances from Chile: "Sin cuecas no es 18". Araucaria Folk Dance Ensemble has  performed in the Bay Area for over twelve years, highlighting dances that represent Chile's diverse geography and culture.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fonda dieciochera en el Tilden!!

Tilden Park, Little Farm
Free -12:30am - 10:00pm
Host: Mar�a Jos� Baudrand

A "fonda" is a colorful, traditional stand often roofed with Eucalyptus branches that is at the center of patriotic activities. Here gatherers sing and dance the national dance of Chile, " la cueca." This flirtatious national dance is accompanied by guitars and poetically witty lirics. At a fonda you'll find competitive games, and plenty of wine and empanadas.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Siempre Septiembre

Tardeada Chilena
$25 donation. Noon - 6:00pm
Host: Mano a Mano con Chile - Earthquake relief benefit
397 Moraga Avenue, Oakland

Continue celebrating throughout the weekend, at a Chilean's private home, and support a good cause. Making a special appearance will be members of Grupo Araucaria, and local Chilean performers Lichi Fuentes, Rafael Manriquez, Fe�a Torres, plus special guests. Mano a Mano con Chile (Hand in Hand with Chile) is a non-profit organization that supports those still suffering from the aftermath of the earthquake.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Chilean Bicentennial Picnic

Asado y Vino
$17 adv. $20 dr. gen. Noon - 6pm
Host: Centro Chileno Lautaro
Twin Pines Park, Belmont

The "Centro Chileno Lautaro" was founded in 1957. Among it's distinguished founders were Fernando Alegr�a, internationally renowned poet and former chair of Spanish and Portuguese at Stanford University, and Dr. Carlos L�pez, author and past President Emeritus of Menlo College. This Northern California Chilean organization celebrates numerous Chilean cultural events throughout the year, and is responsible for awarding thousands of dollars to students of Chilean descent through its scholarship program.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Coaniquem Annual Benefit Fiesta

Luncheon Wente Vineyards
5050 Arroyo Road, Livermore
$75 per person 11 am - 3pm

Annual fundraiser benefiting the children supported by COANIQUEM, the Burned Children Foundation. Presenting Classical Guitar Concert by Dr. Jorge Rojas. Featuring an Art Show and Sale, plus a Live Auction

Multitasking at my computer while tending the shop!
Multitasking at my computer while tending the shop!

Chile Lindo Empanadas

La Masa!
Dough Tower
Copihues Californianos
Copihues Californianos