Co-op Updates
Looking Back and Moving Forward
I hope everyone has gotten off to a fun start to 2016.  Looking back to the end of 2015, all in all it was a successful holiday season for our Co-op.  We are grateful for all of your participation in our Co-op.  Sales continued to climb and two days before Christmas,  on Wednesday, we hit a new single-day store record hitting $50,000. Thank you!

Our Round Up program in December was also a huge success.  Thank you again for your generosity.  Collectively, you gave a total of $7,654 to the Community Kitchen.  This will be an incredible help to them in reducing their budget shortfall. 

Moving ahead into 2016, many great plans and initiatives are already underway -- most notably, our commercial composting project and our roof top solar project.  We expect to share more about these projects in the coming months. 

Thanks again for making 2015 such a great success.  I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together in 2016.

Michael Faber
General Manager, Monadnock Food Co-op

The Monadnock Food Co-op is now a collection site for the
a public awareness art project bringing attention to
plastic bag waste.

Eat Food 
By Mary Veerkamp, Co-op Outreach and Education Coordinator
We recently screened the Michael Pollan documentary "In Defense of Food" based on his bestselling book of the same title. Pollan distills his advice down to three simple tenets: "Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly Plants."  Eat Food: simple, yet profound advice, particularly in today's "food" landscape, dominated by industrial food producers and lots and lots of sugar in every imaginable form.

View 9 Fantastic Recipes to Inspire You to "Eat Food"

Upcoming Events
Delightfully Healthy! Cooking Demo
January 15, 4:30 - 6:30pm at the Co-op
Hope and Leanne, nutrition students from the Keene State College Dietetic Internship, present a healthy, delicious recipe based on seasonal produce. View event details.

Cultivating Worms
January 16, 11:00am - Noon at the Historical Society of Cheshire County, Keene
Learn what it takes to cultivate worms over the winter for use in your home gardens. Owners of Alstead's Cook Hill Farm will provide a hands-on workshop on Vermiculture to answer your questions about the use of worms in gardens. View event details.

Empty Bowls Fundraiser
January 23, 11:30am - 2:00pm at The Community Kitchen, Keene
Purchase a bowl, join the Community Kitchen for lunch, and help feed hungry area residents.  Hand-crafted bowls available at different prices. Purchase of bowl includes lunch and proceeds are donated to The Community Kitchen.  Lunch Only: $7 (ages 12 and up); $3 - ages 12 and under.  Take-home pints of soup also available while supplies last. View event details.

SOUPer Bowl Party III 
February 6, 1:30pm - 4:30pm at the Co-op
We're throwing a soup tasting party and you're invited to help us pick the winners. Co-op Departments and Vendors will share samples of their favorite soup recipes.  You taste them all and then vote for your favorites. We'll provide recipe cards for all the soups served, so you can grab all the ingredients needed to make your favorites for Super Bowl Sunday! View event details. 
Tastings/Samples at the Co-op
What's On Sale?   


Community Corner
Save the Date: February 13th
Seed Celebration & Sustainable Community Fair
Each year, The Sustainability Project hosts the Seed Celebration and Sustainable Community Fair. This event is a great opportunity to network and build skills to build a more resilient community. Stay tuned for more details.
Co-op Corner
Vancouver Co-op Knives & Forks Allows Investments in Local Food Producers
Originally Posted at CBC News
A new investment co-operative in Vancouver is giving foodies who like to eat local a way of investing local too. The Knives & Forks Community Investment Co-op enables people to invest in local food production and distribution firms.


Current Members: 2,485


Learn more about 



Join online today!

Board Meetings

3rd Monday of each month at 4:45pm in SCS Railroad Square Senior Housing Conference Room  

49 Community Way, Keene  

  If you are interested in attending, please  

contact the board. 

Monday - Saturday
7:00am - 9:00pm
9:00am - 9:00pm

View Directions