Dividend Refunds:
The Cooperative Way of Sharing Profits  

We just completed our second full fiscal year at the Co-op -- another successful year of building value for our Member-Owners and our community at large.  We greatly appreciate your support along this journey and want to update you on our process for distributing patronage refunds to Member-Owners, the cooperative way of sharing our profits.

We certainly made great strides in achieving our mission over the past year.  Sales for the year totaled $8.5 million and we generated a healthy profit for the year.   Our formal annual audit process is underway and we expect to share another good financial report at the annual meeting in October. 

In order to distribute patronage refunds, we must follow strict criteria dictated by the statutes of incorporation in the State of New Hampshire.  One such criteria is that we must consider our cumulative profitability since incorporating as a business before we can consider distributing refunds.  The graph below shows our yearly progress towards this goal.  While we generated a strong profit this past fiscal year, we did not quite reach breakeven.
We are confident, however, that we will pass this critical milestone this fiscal year.  When we do, the flow chart below outlines the process we must follow to determine if and how much of the profit (net income) we can distribute as patronage and the method by which each Member-Owner's patronage refund is determined.  Key points in reviewing this flow chart are:
  • We may only distribute the net income 'sourced' or generated by Member-Owners (income generated from general shoppers is not included).  A benchmark for this is that Member-Owners generated 47% of our sales for last fiscal year.
  • The Board determines the portion of Member-Owner sourced net income allocated for distribution to members as a patronage refund and what is unallocated equity retained as capital.
  • The Board also determines the percentage distributed to Member-Owners as a cash refund and what portion is deferred to further capitalize the business, within the minimum and maximums as dictated by IRS guidelines.

Patronage refunds can vary widely based on the decision tree above, but we expect if and when they are distributed, roughly 0.5% - 1.0% of Member-Owner purchases will be distributed in cash to Member-Owners.  If you have any questions about this process, please contact me at gm@monadnockfood.coop.

Yours cooperatively,
Michael Faber
Board Updates
Feedback Period Open: Bylaw Changes
By Joe Marks, Co-op Board of Directors Nominating Committee

The Monadnock Food Co-op Board of Directors consists of nine members serving three-year terms. Each year three terms end, and three seats are up for election -- so the Nominating Committee never rests! It is our job to make sure Member-Owners have a slate of worthy candidates to choose from
REMINDER: Bylaw Changes Feedback Period OpenMember-Owners, please remember to give us your feedback on the proposed Bylaw changes by September 3, 2015.  You can offer feedback: 
The Board of Directors will incorporate your feedback into a revised set of bylaws that all Member-Owners will be able to vote on at the Annual Meeting on October 24, 2015. 
Preserving the Harvest: Canning  
By Mary Veerkamp, Marketing Department
It's August in New Hampshire, which means peak season for our growers. What better time to learn about local farmers and growers than during August when the crops are bountiful (it's no accident that NH Eat Local month is in August!). The abundance flowing from our farms and backyard gardens can be overwhelming. What shall you do with that bumper crop of zucchini? (Please, do not leave it in your neighbor's unlocked car!)
Monadnock Food Co-op Named Local Food Champion
By Sara Lovitz, Monadnock Menus
Over the past year, the Monadnock Food Co-op has purchased from nine local food producers through Monadnock Menus, representing over one third of all its sales.  By purchasing these and other local products, Co-op shoppers are supporting Monadnock Menus' efforts to scale up and deliver fresh, local, affordable food to all the schools in the Monadnock Region. This "anchor-tenant" relationship has allowed Monadnock Menus to grow to reach twenty-four other buyers, who purchase products from twenty-eight local food producers
What's On Sale?


Upcoming Events
Walpole Valley Farm Tour
August 13, 5 - 6pm at Walpole Valley Farms, Walpole 
Join us and the Caserta Family for a tour of their award-winning farm. Learn about pasturing beef, pork and poultry, as well as the logistics of this multi-faceted business.  After the tour, a dinner of grass fed burgers and hotdogs are available for purchase at 6pm, then their usual family-friendly Thursday Movie Night at the Barn will happen at 7pm (Box Trolls!). Cost: Free.  Register today
NOFA Summer Conference 
August 14 - 16 at UMass Amherst in Massachusetts
The Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) Summer Conference features 144 individual sessions with 27 different topic areas. Workshops address organic farming, gardening, land care, draft animals, homesteading, sustainability, nutrition, food politics, activism, and more. The theme for this year's Conference is "Healing the Climate, Healing Ourselves: Regeneration through Microbiology." Cost: Varies.  View conference details.

Nourishing Plate Series: How to Make Refreshing Summer Soups
August 17, 6:30 - 8pm at Neighbor Made, Keene
Learn to take advantage of the summer's bounty of wonderful vegetables and fruits to create nourishing and delicious soups -- cold and hot -- with ease. Is your garden overflowing with cucumbers or zucchinis? Do you wish you knew what to do with produce from the farmer's market? Soups are a wonderful way to use many great vegetables and fruits -- and the possibilities are endless. View more event details. Cost: $10 donation (collected at door).  Register today!

Canning and Food Preservation
August 18, 6:30 - 8pm at Railroad Square Senior Housing (next to the Co-op)
Billie Stark and Sandy Hamm will present a free workshop on preserving your own garden produce.  The workshop will include recipes, samples for tasting/testing, tips and suggestions, and a question and answer period.   They'll explain how to use tools and touch upon various techniques used in the process of canning.  Between the two of them, Sandy and Billie have over 70 years of experience in growing, canning, and preserving food to feed their families. Cost: Free. Register today!
Local Food BBQ
August 21, 5 - 7pm at the Co-op
You're invited to our next Local Foods BBQ of the SUMMER! Our Local Food BBQs celebrate what's fresh, local and in season in our region -- and brings our community together to enjoy the harvest.  Also, enjoy local music during the BBQ. Cost: $9/Plate includes two side dishes. Bring a blanket or chair to enjoy his whole performance on the lawn in the amphitheater next to our patio.  View event details.

Free Tastings at the Co-op
- Moat Mountain Brewing:  August 18, 3 - 5pm
- Aqua Vitea Kombucha: August 20, 11am - 2pm
- True North Granola: August 20, 3 - 6pm
- Maplebrook Farm Cheese: August 22, 11am - 1pm

Community Corner
Bring the Bus to the Y! 
Since moving to Summit Road, the number of people served by the Keene Family YMCA has increased six-fold.  Men, women, seniors, teens, children, and families of all ages, backgrounds, and physical abilities are finding their way to the Y!  The Y is proud of their new facility and its accessibility, and would like to make the it even more accessible to all by adding a public bus stop
Go Co-op! 
New Worker Co-op Could Shift Queens Gentrification Story
Originally Posted at Next City
Popularized in Europe during the 1970s and '80s, there are more than 300 (worker) co-ops in the United States. They've received recent attention for supporting equitable wages and business practices, thanks to successful examples like Cleveland's Evergreen Cooperatives. Though other cities have tried to replicate the Cleveland model with varying degrees of success, Rochester, New York's mayor recently eyed Evergreen as a poverty-fighting solution. Last year, New York's city council allocated $1.2 million to encourage more co-ops -- a first for a U.S. city.

Current Members: 2,384


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Board Meetings

3rd Monday of each month at 4:45pm in SCS Railroad Square Senior Housing Conference Room  

49 Community Way, Keene  

  If you are interested in attending, please  

contact the board. 

Monday - Saturday
7:00am - 9:00pm
9:00am - 9:00pm

View Directions