For Immediate Release: February 12, 2016
Contact: Ben Gann, (202) 367-1169
EPA Improves Recertification Process for Lead Rule
NLBMDA Advocated for Increased Use of Online Training
[Washington DC] - The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) has announced revisions to refresher training requirements for renovators as part of the Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) program. The changes allow for online training every other recertification instead of every recertification. Renovators who take the online training will be certified for three years; renovators who take the hands-on training will be certified for five years.

The National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association (NLBMDA) is pleased by EPA's announcement for an online-only refreshing training option as part of the RRP rule. NLBMDA met with officials from EPA and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regarding an online-only option for remodelers seeking recertification, and has maintained that online recertification is sufficient for remodelers who regularly work on homes subject to the RRP rule.

As part of the revised rule, once a renovator takes the refresher course without the hands-on training component, which is optional, their next refresher training must include a hands-on component. Thus, a renovator will have to complete hands-on recertification at least once every eight years.

"NLBMDA is pleased with EPA's decision to simplify the recertification process and that the agency listened to our concerns with the RRP Rule," said Jonathan Paine, NLBMDA President and CEO. "Although NLBMDA preferred online-only training for recertification of all remodelers, the announcement is a welcome development in making compliance less burdensome for the home remodeling sector."

Certified renovators who were grandfathered under EPA lead-based paint courses, or any offered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) before the 2010 adoption of the RRP Rule, are required to attend a refresher course with a hands-on component.

To view a copy of the pre-publication revised rule, click here.
The National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association (NLBMDA) represents its members in the national public policy arena, with emphasis on efforts to 1) promote the industry and educate legislators and public policy personnel; and 2) assist legislative, regulatory, standard-setting and other government or private bodies in the development of laws, regulations and policies affecting lumber and building material dealers, its customers and suppliers. Founded in 1917, the association has over 6,000 members operating single or multiple lumber yards and component plants serving homebuilders, subcontractors, general contractors, and consumers in the new construction, repair and remodeling of residential and light commercial.