35th anniversary
You still have time!
More and more families in MetroWest are struggling with poverty...
but you can help!
mother_daughterWe're just one week away from the end of our fiscal year and we are asking for your help!

If you've been meaning to make a contribution, please do it now!

All it takes is one unresolved legal issue- domestic violence, wrongful eviction, medical debt- to create a downward spiral of costly social problems that can ruin lives and impact the whole community. 

If you can pay for a lawyer, you can get one; if you cannot, there is only 1 legal aid lawyer for every 4,000 people in the MetroWest area.

The number of poor people living in our communities continues to grow- an astonishing 8% over the past 10 years. Our budget is stretched to the absolute limit to meet the increased needs.


Families and children are hungry, hurting, and homeless - but your donation can help them!


Thanks to your generosity, last year we were able to help more than 2,000 families and individuals. That's still 15-20% fewer people than we assisted in 2011. 


We know we can do better. And with your help, we will do better.  


Please respond today and help us reach even more families.


 Your gift today means that you are making it possible for... 

    • more than 60 children with special needs to get educational services and placements so they can learn to their fullest potential


    • almost 400 tenants and homeowners to get legal assistance so they can stay in their homes or apartments and fight wrongful eviction or foreclosure


    • over 200 victims of domestic violence to receive legal help to ensure the safety and stability of their families so they can recover and thrive


    • dozens of immigrant victims of domestic violence to obtain the legal status to which they are entitled


    • 200 clients to get legal help in securing basic cash, nutritional, and health care benefits to which they are entitled but wrongfully denied by state and federal agencies


    • more than 550 elders to get legal help with housing, benefits, financial exploitation and elder abuse issues 

...you are helping even more families and individuals during this most difficult time.     


YOU can make the difference between shelter or homelessness, safety or abuse, food on the table or hunger, economic stability or bankruptcy, productive work or unemployment.  


Please don't let this opportunity pass you by. The needs of these families are too urgent. Send the most generous gift you can today! Thank you very much for your kindness and caring.  

Thank you!
We really can't say it enough - so we'll say it again here. Thank you. We have the best group of supporters that we could ask for, and it's because of you that we have been so successful this past year.
How far do we have to go?
We're just $10,000 away from hitting our goal and beating last year's mark by $1,500 - but why stop there? Let's see if we can beat our all time record. In addition to donations, we could use your help spreading the word to your colleagues, so please feel free to share this email.

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MetroWest Legal Services  63 Fountain Street, Suite 304  Framingham, MA  01702  508-620-1830  mwlegal.org