Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc. 
Legislative Office 

P.O. Box 20102 | Towson, MD 21284-0102  
410-296-3947  |
February 6, 2016
United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
 Decision on Kolbe

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  John H. Josselyn
  Legislative Vice President
  P.O.  Box 20102
  Towson, MD  21284-0102
  Legislative Office:   

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has handed down its decision on "Kolbe", our lawsuit against the State of Maryland challenging the ban on semi-automatic rifles and standard capacity magazines. Case number 14-1945.

The short story is that we won. The Fourth Circuit has vacated the ruling of the District Court and remanded the case to that court for a review under the "strict scrutiny" standard.

Our legal team is still reviewing the ruling. Please refrain from unfounded speculation on  the final impact of this decision.

This is not over. Brian Frosh, Maryland's Attorney General, is already on record that he will appeal the decision of the Fourth Circuit. Given the nature of this case and the massive impact it will likely have on gun laws nationwide, we should anticipate a protracted legal battle which could ultimately reach the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). 

As a named plaintiff in this legal action we are limited in what we can say and/or write. However, we will provide additional details and information when and as appropriate.

Please note that case files are updated to name the person currently holding certain public offices. Governor Hogan and Colonel William Pallozzi are named due solely to the offices they currently hold. The inclusion of their names in no way indicates their official or personal position on this case.

We all owe a large debt of gratitude to our legal team for a job well done.

Best regards,

John H. Josselyn
Legislative Vice President 
February 6, 2016